Been To Hell

Cedar Point

“I wanna go on the Corkscrew!” I yelled as soon as we got into the entrance.

I grabbed Danny and Johnny’s hands and ran all the way to the ride, quickly getting in line.

“Babe, it says that this thing has an hour long wait.”
“Oh, I know.”
“Great, an hour with my baby sister.”

I turned around to see Brian, Lisa and Travis making their way over to me with smiles on their face.


I hugged him and Lisa and then picked Travis up and gave him a hug to.

“Hey little sis’. How are you doing?”
“Good. I’m good. Oh, hey. Brian this is my boyfriend, Danny. Danny this is my brother Brian.”
“Hey, I think we met once like about ten years ago.” Danny said, shaking hands with my brother.
“Yeah, you went to school with Andy didn’t you.”
“Well you screw her around and you’ll pay for it but other then that, good luck keeping her in check, God knows nobody else can.”

I glared at my oldest brother and he glared right back until it turned into a staring contest.

“This place SUCKS!” Amy whined as her and Aaron joined us in the queue. “Ooh, hello handsome.”

I rolled my eyes as she tried to flirt with my brother in front of his wife and her own boyfriend.

“Amy, that’s m brother, that’s his wife, that’s his son and right next to you is your boyfriend.”
She immediately shut up and then Danny pulled me up to him and kissed me.

“Guess what I’m thinking about.”
“What are you thinking about babe?”
“One; you. Two; the song by Three Days Grace called Animal I Have Become.” He said, knowing full well that it was the song playing last night at his apartment.
“Ooh, I think I know where this is going.”
“Where do you think this is going?”
“It’s going nowhere, you are adults and we’re out in public. Plus, my son is seven. So please keep the PDAs to a minimum.”

I quickly put my hand over Travis’ eyes and flipped Brian off.

“Lisa, she’s being mean to me.”
“Oh, you poor baby, do you want Mommy to be mean to her?”

I laughed as Brian pouted down at her and then nodded.

“Well, you’re a big boy, you can do it yourself.”
“Well not right now but you should watch your back Andy.”
“Shut up Bri.”

He was immediately quiet and I laughed then made whipping sounds.

Danny just laughed at me and then kissed me again.

“Did you not just hear him? Brian said no PDAs!”

I turned around in shock at Aaron’s little outburst as did the rest of the guys who were on the other side of the barrier.

I turned back around shaking my head but smiling at Danny, leaning into his arms.

“What do you care? She’s moved on.” Amy whispered, pulling at Aaron’s jacket.

I strained my ears to try and listen to their conversation and what I heard next was so quiet that I might have just imagined it but it still shocked me.

“Yeah well maybe I haven’t.” Aaron said under his breath.

My suspicions were confirmed when Amy shoved him away and stormed off, before he ran after her, calling her name.

The hour wait went by quicker than I thought it would and soon I was stumbling off of the ride and looking for a trash can.

“Danny a little help please.” I managed to say before throwing up into the bin.
“Some people just can’t handle the rides here.”
“Fuck you Amy.”
“Babe, that was Lucy.”
“Oh, sorry Lucy.”
“It’s cool Andy.”

As soon as I was done I stood up, washed my mouth out with some water and then grinned at everybody.

“Where to next?”

In the end we went on Blue Streak, Gemini, Magnum XL-200, Maverick and Mean Streak. Just before we left the guys decided to go on a ride called Millennium Force and so everybody went on it except for me and Amy, Brian, Lisa and Travis had left a little bit before.

“Look, I don’t want to talk to you.” She said.
“Amy, can I just say one thing?”
“Whatever, go ahead I guess.”
“I don’t want to try and take Aaron from you.”

I winced slightly as I blatantly lied to her face. Of course I WANT to but I’m not GOING to.

“He’s with you now, I’m with Danny. I don’t want to fight, can we please at least TRY to get on. You’re becoming a pretty permanent member to the group and it would really help if we all got on. You don’t even WANT to know what happened the last time one of us was out-of-line.”

She was quiet for a minute or two and then she turned to look at me with tears in her eyes.

“It’s not that I don’t want to get on with you guys, it’s just that… Aaron isn’t over you and the only reason that he’s still with me is because he didn’t manage to break it off with me before you got home. I like you, I really do but I can’t help but feel jealous that you obviously have something that I don’t. Something that makes him want you.”

My mouth hung open in shock.

“He probably doesn’t realize this but… in bed… he’s always saying YOUR name. For a while I was confused but then I mentioned your name to him and he turned and walked away from me so I asked Bianca and she explained. I’m sorry if I’ve hurt your feelings. That was never my intention.”

I then stepped forward and hugged her.

“Hey, it’s okay, I can tell that you really care about Aaron and honestly I want you to have him. I’ll even try and help you get his full attention you just need to give it time.”

She sniffled and then nodded.

“Thanks Andy, like I said, I really like you and I’m sorry that I was so mean to you before.”
“S’okay Amy. Oh, look they’re coming.”

I started to walk towards everyone at a leisurely pace, my eyes scanning our group for Danny. Hang on a minute, where was he? Where was Aaron?

They came out a minute later, Danny storming away from him before Aaron grabbed his arm and then punched him in the face.

“Oh shit!” I yelled before rushing over towards them. “Aaron! WHAT THE HELL?”
He ignored me and carried on beating the shit out of Danny.

“Aaron, get off of him!”

I grabbed his arms and tried to restrain him but he managed to shake me off and in the process, elbowed me in the stomach and my face.

At that, Danny’s nostrils flared and he pushed himself off of the ground and rolled the two of them over so that Aaron was on the ground and then he stood up.

“I’m not gonna hurt you but I swear to God if you ever hurt Andy like that again, I will do MORE than hurt you, you understand?”

Aaron nodded, his eyes wide and then looked at me with a worried expression.

“Andy, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…”
“Go to hell.” I wheezed out.

Danny picked me up off the ground and gently took my face in his hands.

“We better get you home and put some ice on that. How’s your stomach?”
“It hurts.”

He chuckled a little and then lifted up the hem of my shirt. Right where Aaron’s elbow had made contact with my stomach, it was already going a weird purple color. Well that doesn’t look good.

“Let’s go home.”

Danny draped his arm around my shoulders and we started to walk towards the exit, Aaron lagging towards the back while Amy glared at him. Maybe she did have some sense after all.

As soon as we got home, the guys set up Rock Band while Danny got me two ice packs, one for my stomach and one for my nose.

So while I sat there and put ice on my injuries, to say that everybody was surprised when Amy sat down next to me and I put my arm around her shoulder would be a major understatement.
♠ ♠ ♠
Listening to: Emergency - Paramore

Haley, foREVer xoxo