"It's like that board game, isn't it?"

The end.

The two women sit in the living room.
“I’m going out for groceries, you need anything? I won’t be too long, all right?”
“That’s fine. Think you can get some more milk? We’re running out.”
“Oh, right. I meant to add that to the list and completely forgot.”
The woman exits the room, but as she passes the light, she runs into it, breaking the bulb. The other woman winces and clenches her jaw, and the first woman rushes for a new bulb and replaces it. “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, I keep telling you that. You’re doing more than enough staying here. I feel so guilty. I don’t think I should keep you here longer. I could try being alone, maybe I could deal with it now. And I’m keeping you from having a life of your own.”
“I told you, it’s not a problem. I’m not married, not dating, and it’s nice to have someone else who will help with looking over the house. It’s not a burden. I’m going to the store now, and I’ll be back.”
She leaves, and the other woman sits there, twisting her hands together.