Status: Work In Progress

Adopted By The Cullens

The Cullen's adopt sixteen year old Analeigh she's not your average human though there's something about her that can even warm the coldest of hearts.
When a dark force comes to make Analeigh his own what will Jacob do?
  1. Leaving The Orphanage
  2. Spending Time With The Cullen's
  3. Remembering The Past
  4. Meeting The La Push Guys
    Okay it says meeting the La Push guys but Leah there too. It means guys as in come on you guys for all of you perfectionists out there >.>
  5. Journey To The Beach
  6. Awkward Memories At The Beach
  7. There's Something About Them...
  8. Day at the Beach
    Analeigh begins to trust Jacoba little more when disater strikes at the beach.
  9. Heartfelt Moments
    Analeigh's feelings towards Jacob grows.
  10. In the Days After the Breakdown the Sun Still Shined
  11. The Start of a Femme Fatale
  12. Old Relationships and New Conundrums
  13. Welcome to Mystery