Status: in progress

Past, Present, and Future

Going into Hiding

I awoke to a shrill scream of our mother downstairs. I rushed out of my room and ran downstairs. My brother was already down there, comforting my mother.
"Chicago" My mother cried pointing at the TV where the news was on. I turned up the volume.
"Breaking news, a murder has been comitted in Chicago. We do not know how and when the crime was comitted, but we know who. Sara is at the scene with information. Sara?'
'Thanks Clara. Like you said, the body was just found, and no information is known at the moment, but that it was comitted by no other than our infamous murderer, Jolie." That was enough for me to hear, including the fact that mother started to cry louder. I turned off the TV.
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not complete. comment though, i'd like to hear opinions! =)