Status: Complete

A Lost Soul Found

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As I walk I hear the yells of the street merchants trying to lure people to their darken stalls. You see this is one of weirdest markets in the 12th century it's a hot spot for supernatural beings. It's an unusual atmosphere, with the aroma of the various wares on display, combined with the smell of the meat dripping with blood and the revolting stench of open sewers.

I'm a ghost, doomed to wander for all enternity in the same clothes I died in. It's not that bad really, wandering for the rest of your existence it could be worse. I don't know how long I've 'lived' this way, how far I have travelled or the many things I have seen. I've met millions of people and supernatural creatures - vampires, werewolves, witches, demons and others. Humans, as a rule, do not believe in supernatural beings, if they meet one of us and realize what we are they are more inclined to kill us then talk to us, get to know us. Not that I worry about that 'cos I'm already dead. Hello Ghost! As I turn to look at the next stall. It is no longer there. Instead there is a door. My door.

I have waited centuries for my door to appear but it never did. A door is supposed to appear right after you die unless you have unfinished business.

My door didn't appear, but if I did have unfinished business I didn't know then and don't know now what it was. I had no choice but to wander the world-waiting, a ghost. Why it is here now? I do not how but I know it is my door. I remember this door from before. That is before I died. It is from the viking castle where I lived as a princess. The ornate door handle is huge, bearing the head of a wolf . The spikes around the frame are as daunting to me now as they were whan I was a child.

Suddenly I'm thrown to the floor I pull myself to my feet and turn to see who pushed me but there is no one there, there is only darkness. The market is gone and it is blistering cold with snow flurries impeading my vision. The sun rises and the castle of my childhood stands before me my door shimmering between us. The castle is pulsing as though it is alive, the heat I feel is lovely tempting me to step through the door.

The scene in front of me changes suddenly with shadowy figures appearing in the grounds surrounding the castle. I hear voices and laughter as the shapes I see become people I remember the time before I died. The wild boar on a spit over a fire makes my mouth water imagining if it tastes the same as before. The smells of fresh fruit and mead, it looks like they are getting ready for a banquet. As I see my brothers aproaching a huge, long table I look for the smallest my youngest brother, I remember this day. It was the day I died.

I was walking in the woods not that far from my home where everyone was prepearing for a banquet in honor of mine and my twins return from our triumph in the distant lands. Hearing a rustling I turn to see only what made the noise only to feel a sudden flash of pain in my neck then I was engulfed in darkness.

Tears flooded down my face he had killed me my own brother. But why?
"Freya are you alright?" came my twins childlike voice as he pulled me into a hug.
"Yes I'm fine Ivan," I whisper into his chest hiding my tears "But how can you be here? It's been centuries this place is dead."
"What are you talking about we just returned from our voyage to the distant lands." he replied in a hushed tone.

He dragged me to the table pushing me into a seat as I rub away my remaining tears he address the rest of the people at the table "I found her but," as he took in a breath his expression turned sad as he looked around "I found the baby of the family is dead, he was mauled by a wolf from the look of it."

Strangely no one looked sad as if it didn't matter as if me being alive was all that mattered to them. As I look around at the faces of my family, my people. Noticing my door was closing, I caught a glimpse of a black shaggy tail. Does this mean I get a second chance at living to save my people?

Then the door slammed shut, never to opened again.
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