Blame It On The Boys Who Keep Hitting On You

School days

First day of school always sucked for high schoolers. We all hated it. Even me, though this was a new school for me, I still hated it. Having to leave the people I was used to, the hallways I was bound to miss some day sucked. I didn't want to leave but I was one of those things where the parents found better work out of town and could now afford a bigger house. Or the fact that after the "problem" my insane asylum school had with me returning to school, was something I concerned a reason. But in the fact of the matter it was better to move, instead of seeing their faces and knowing they got away for what they have done.

My mom woke me up that morning with the biggest smile on her face I have ever seen. She had toast in one hand and my backpack in the other. She kept rambling about what my classes were, what my bus number was, locker combo, shit like that.

"Are you listening to me, Andrew." she said with the same grin on her face.
"Mom, what have I told you it's drew!"
"I'm sorry if I'm used to the name I gave you at birth."
"Well, get used to it, I'm no longer Andrew, I was never meant to be Andrew in the first place."
"Whatever, just get ready and get to you're bus, if you miss it I'm not driving you, you'll walk."
"Ok, just get out so I can get ready, thanks."

She walked out of the room and slammed the door behind her. I got ready shaved my so called peach fuzz and put on my clothes. I combed my light ash brown hair and added some hair gel. I soon walked out the door with the soggy toast my mom made and made my way towards the bus. Getting on the bus was no problem for me, it was a bus, how hard could it be. Until some boys walk onto the bus and looked at me. My heart just dropped, I hoped and prayed they didn't notice me. One sat behind me and started asking the one next to him if I was new or not. As I was about to turn around and introduce my self he tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey, sorry if I’m bugging you, but I wanted to know if your new or not?"

When I turned his way, I was stunned. He had a tent of blond hair and golden brown and orange highlights enhancing the blond. He had eyes that complimented his beautiful face. They were a deep green surrounded by blue with a pinch of brown spots. He stood out like a yellow-orange orchid in a field of dark red roses. I couldn't believe my eyes have ever set hold on anything as beautiful as this delicate being.

"Umm, yea I am." I stubble with many other words but then came out a perfect sentence.
"I was just wondering, but my names Michael, if you were wondering."
"Hi Michael, I'm drew."
"Well hello Drew, nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too."
He looked at me for a moment and then looked back down pulling something out of his back pack.

"This is my school day, what classes I take and when I go to my locker."
"Ohh, do you need mine?'
"No, just remember mine and the locker number and if fate is right you'll remember and meet me their sometime." He said as he gently blushed that only the sun rising could catch in it's light.

I quickly studied it before he could snatch it out of my hands. I needed to seem like I wasn't interested into remembering his locker number, but indeed I wanted to remember it by heart. He then took the paper out of my hand and folded it back up and put it into his bag.

"I hope you remembered it."
"Ya, enough to some what remember, if I forget I forget, it's whatever."
"ohm, ya it's whatever." he said with the darkest look on his face.

The somewhat blush that was on his face quickly disappeared and he got real pale. I felt like a huge fucken jerk. I wanted a redo button so bad. But I need to stay low and didn't want anyone to know that I'm gay. After what happen to me, I didn't want to people to know I was alive, let alone know I'm gay.

Though the bus ride went by pretty fast concerding that their are like no kids that live in these kind of neighborhoods. We quickly entered in then left for the school. We soon pulled into the school parking lot then sat for a moment. As she opened up the doors kids rushed up. As Michael got up some boys shoved him down into his seat.

"faggot, queer, homo, assmucnh." they yelled as they each passed.

Though as they walked away, he just got up and dusted his self off. I felt bad because I knew what he was going through.

"Are you o'kay."
"Yeah don’t worry I get this all the time."
"Well, they can say what they think but it's not like their right." I said kind of praying he actually was.
"Ohh. Yeah about that, I'm really gay, that’s why they say those things, I came out last year."
"Ohh, well I don’t care if you are or not, you seem cool in my book."

The blushing he had earlier came back as fast as a roller coaster coming down a hill. I had a some what party inside my head. Maybe this is fate, finally some one that could be their for me. Then it happened. he asked me.

"Yeah, umm if you don't mind me asking, are you."
"are what?"
"you know, gay?"
I panicked. I didn't want to tell him and waste my new start, but he gave me this hope that if would be worth me telling him.

"Can we talk about this another time?"
"Yeah, how 'bout after school, my house."
"Yeah sure."
"Ok, great, just meet me at my locker."
"Ok, great." I could feel my self blushing so hard, I was probably reder than a cherry at the time.

Wait, what was the locker number? I ran through every thought I have had in the past few days. I skipped a couple thoughts and moved on to the ones for today. Fuck!! What was that god damn locker number!

As I walked into the school, I looked down and was trying to remember his locker number. So may numbers ran through my mind. So may possibilities to me either seeing him after school or not. So may boys and girls staring at me. I felt dizzy. So much is going on all at once. I could take it, and I ran into the nearest bathroom. Some boys were in there talking about who got laid over spring break and who they were after next. I stood their for awhile then finally went into a stall. They walked out whispering to one another about how weird I was. I could care less at the moment, they weren't my type anyways.

After pulling myself together I walked out. The first bell rang. Shit, I was late. I didn't really run down the hallways. Why would it matter, I was late no matter what I did. It would also be pointless, just running down the hallways like a freak. So therefore I just walked. I found myself at room 169. I giggled a bit and then walked in. I scanned the room to see if there was anyone willing to let me sit by them. Then this fat ass of a teacher walked up to me. I was for sure he would eat me for being late, but I hoped for the best.

"And you are...?"
"Hi, I'm Drew."
"Well Drew would you care to sit and join the class?"
"Ya sure teach."
He mumbled to himself. "freaks these days."
"What did you say."
"Umm, your seat its over there by...."
A boy raised his hand as volunteering to have me take a seat by him.
"Teach, he can sit by me, we know one another."
I took time to remember the voice coming from the back of them room, then he popped into my head. As I turned I saw him. He was surrounded by no one but a couple of girls, of course.

"I'll just sit over there."
As I took a seat right next to him, the other boys and girls laughed.

"hey." I said as I kept my voice low. I didn't want to ruin my new shot of making new friends by just talking to this one boy.

"So, how is your school day going?"
"It's the first period of the day, nothing has really happened."
"Ohh." he turned towards the bored and starting writing. His paleness was no longer just a tone in his face. he was all pale after what I had said to him. After that I felt really bad and tried to make up for it by inviting myself to have lunch with him.

"hey, you know I'm new and everything and really don’t have anywhere to sit at lunch, would...."
He cut me off in a spilt second.

"I would love to have you sit with me at lunch!"
"Oh, okk good so.."
"At my locker, after 5th, ok?"
"Sounds good to me."

He turned to the side and continued his work. I had a simple smile on my face while doing my work. It was somewhat quiet for awhile until notes started being passed around and boys started to make girls giggle. I didn't focus on that, but more on what am I going to do when I go to Michael's house? Questions like, what will happen if he trys to make a move on me, or what if people see us walk to his house? This ran through my head all class period. then the came to a halt when the bell rang. Michael got up put on his backpack and stood there for awhile.

"What are you doing just standing there, your going to be late to your next class."
"Well I have to help the new kid get to his classes first."

I giggle very softly and rushed to pick my things up.

"O'kay I'm ready to go."
"Okie dokie, lets be one are way."
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Any comments?
Things I should change or add?
But for now enjoy ^^