The Beating of Our Hearts

The Beating of Our Hearts - 25

“Awww, look how sweet they are.” I heard from what seemed like very far away.
“Dude, what are you doing?” Another voice whispered.
“Taking photos, obviously. This is a Kodak moment if ever I saw one.” The other replied.

I moved my head away from the noise and snuggled deeper into the warmth that was enveloping me.
“Look look, she’s snuggling!” The first voice said excitedly.
“Shan, really, how can you get so excited over two people sleeping?”
“Because they were made for each other, and they just look too fucking cute!”

“Quiet, need sleep.” I heard a voice rumble from underneath me, the vibrations from the chest running through me.
“Agreed.” I mumbled.
“Fine, ruin my fun.” I heard footsteps leavings before I drifted gently off again.

It didn’t feel like long, but it must have been about two hours later when my eyes opened slowly to meet with a pair of equally bleary blue ones.
“Morning.” Jared croaked.
“Morning back.” I yawned.
“Sleep well?”
“I guess I make a good pillow then?”

I looked down and saw that we were snuggled extremely close on the sofa; our legs intertwined and my torso laying half on top of his, and his arms were wrapped around my waist.
“Very good indeed.” I nodded, placing my head back on his chest.
“You’re not moving are ya?” Jared asked.
I shook my head in response.
“That’s what you get for being so comfy.”

“Well then I guess that serves me right.” He laughed, reaching for the remote and switching on the TV. We lay in that same position for at least an hour, watching cartoons and random snippets of shows. I had never felt so relaxed in my life; I could have stayed in that position forever.

Unfortunately, my bodily function had other plans.
“I need the bathroom.” I announced for no particular reason, before hauling myself off Jared and down the hallway to where I knew the bathroom was located.
After finishing up, I made my way to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

“Morning sunshine.” Shannon greeted me from the table.
“Back at ya Shanimal.”
“How’d you sleep?” He asked cheekily. I threw a glance at him and he winked knowingly at me.
“Fine thanks.” I turned my head away so that he couldn’t see my blush.
“Admit it, you loved it.”
“Shut up Shan.” I poured a coffee, refusing to turn and face him.
“I’ll get it out of you one of these days.” He said in a sing song voice.
“Get what out of her?” Jared asked, wandering into the kitchen.
“An orgasm.” I said without missing a beat.

They both stopped and turned to look at me with disbelief. I kept my face completely deadpan, and after a few seconds we were all laughing loudly.
“Well that was unexpected.” Shannon giggled, yes, the man giggled.
“I’ll say.” Jared added.
“You’re faces were priceless, I wish I had gotten a picture.” I wiped my eyes from the laughter tears.

After having breakfast with the boys I went back to my apartment and cleaned up a bit, went out a bought food, did my laundry. Basically everything you usually do after coming back off a trip. All day, all I could think about was how comfortable and safe I had felt that morning while lying in Jared’s arms. There were no awkward silences or uncomfortable shifts in mood, we were content in each other’s company and it was nice not to have to be on guard or anything.
I just wanted to be back in his arms.

After getting everything done and sitting in my living room for the better part of the afternoon, I decided that a bit of late afternoon shopping was in order to try and get Jared out of my head. It couldn’t be healthy to think about one person so much.

As I was walking down the street, doing a bit of window shopping, I noticed the most beautiful dress in a window. It was just above the knee, silk and a deep purple colour. I made my way into the store to find this dress. When I came to the right rack, I found they also had it in turquoise and black, but it was the purple one that I had fallen in love with. I rifled through for one my size and immediately grabbed it, taking it off to the fitting rooms to try it on.
It was stunning. I couldn’t say more, it felt beautiful and floated lightly around my legs. I stepped out of my cubicle to look at it in the full length mirror.

“Wow.” I heard an unfamiliar voice say.
I turned around to a very handsome man sitting in the corner.
“You make that dress look amazing.” He complimented, smiling at me.

I blushed, though not quite sure why.
“Thank you.” I said, averting my eyes and looking back into the mirror at the dress.
“You should get it. If you don’t, you’ll regret it.” He continued.
“You’re probably right. I’d never find one that was as good.” I agreed.

I went back into my cubicle to put on my regular clothes and stepped back out only to find the mystery guy still sat in his chair. I looked over questioningly.

“My sister is trying on about ten different dresses.” He explained.
“Ah, OK.” I smiled.
“I’m Jacob, by the way.” He stood up and extended a hand.
“Riley.” I told him, shaking his hand.
“You busy later Riley?” He asked, looking genuinely interested.
“Nope.” I informed him.
“Well I’d like to take you out to dinner. Maybe not somewhere fancy enough to wear that dress, but maybe a pizza or something.” He said quickly.

I smiled, caught slightly off guard by his asking me out so quickly, we had known each other five minutes.
“Sure, that sounds good.” I pulled myself together.
“Cool. Here’s my number. Give me a call and I’ll come pick you up around 8.” He told me.

“OK.” I smiled and walked out of the fitting rooms, hands held around the purple dress as I took it to the till.
This dress was lucky; it was getting me guys before I even bought it.
But what about Jared, the thought suddenly struck me. Jared would want me to be happy. But what if I was ruining whatever small slim chance there might have been with him by going out with Jacob? Well, it was only one date. I just won’t tell the guys about it, and then if it turns out to be a bust then no one’s the wiser.