The Beating of Our Hearts

The Beating of Our Hearts - 9

“This is your super secret coffee place?” I laughed, as I got out of the car, looking up at the sign over the shop.

“Yeah! I can’t get enough of it.” Jared defended.

“There’s a Starbucks around the corner from my apartment.” I continued. “We could’ve walked there.”

“But this one’s special. It not that busy and this is the first Starbucks I ever came to.”

“Well in that case, let’s get us some coffee.” I smiled, leading the way into a branch of the most internationally famous coffee house.

“What would you like?” Jared asked from my side.

“Um, a Caffe Mocha.” I answered.

“A Grande Hot Chocolate, a Grande Caffe Mocha, a giant chocolate chip cookie and a poppy seed muffin please.” Jared asked the barista, who nodded and started getting it all together.

“It comes to $13.59.” The barista informed us.

I pulled out my purse to get out the money for my half of the order.

“Don’t worry. This is on me.” Jared stopped me, placing $15 on the counter.


“No honestly, I dragged you here. It’s the least I can do.” Jared smiled.

I reluctantly put away my purse, thinking of how I could repay him without him realising.
We picked up our tray of food and drink and went to sit in the squishy chairs in the corner. When we were settled on the couch Jared passed me my drink before grabbing his own and sitting back and twisting his body to face me.

“So when’s your birthday?” He asked out of the blue.

“Pardon?” I was thrown slightly off guard by such a random question.

“Your birthday, when is it?” He pressed.

“October 8th 1985.” I answered.

“So that makes you.....25?” He said after a moment of trying to figure out my age.

“Yes indeed.” I smiled.

“Wow, and you’ve already got an amazing job and a nice home. You’ve done well for yourself.”
Jared said, appraising me carefully, making me blush.

“Not as much as you have though. Internationally famous.” I countered.

“Psh that was all luck. You actually worked and went to university and stuff.” He tried to be modest.

It was well known that he and his band mates worked their asses off to get to where they were, but I didn’t press the subject further.

We continued talking in much the same fashion. Asking each other random questions about the other, and then branching a conversation from those answers. I’d never had so much fun before. It took no time at all for me to forget that I was sat next to a famous person. He became just a man who was intelligent, engaging and hilarious.

Much too soon, I looked outside and saw that it had gotten dark while we were talking.

“Shit, looks like we’ve been here a while.” I noted, not at all guilty about the fact.

“Fuck, we have. They’re probably going to close up soon. We should go.” Jared added, not getting up.

“Come on then.” I stood up, holding my hand out for him to stand up.

He took it and in a burst of speed, passed me and started to drag me out of the coffee shop.

“Jared, what are you doing?” I laughed.

“I don’t know.” Came the reply.

I just laughed some more and opened the door to his car.

“So I guess I better take you home.” Jared said. Did I note a hint of regret when he said that?

“Guess so, I haven’t finished marking all the kids work.” I agreed, although I did not want to leave at all.

We drove to my place in comfortable silence. I reflected on the whole day I had spent with Jared. He was an absolutely lovely guy, really down to earth. He was just a normal guy who did normal stuff.

By the time we made it back to mine, in my mind he was just man. I no longer thought of him as a rock star or a movie star. He was just a guy with a pretty cool job. Who was also completely gorgeous and had been flirting with me all afternoon; my heart skipped a beat as I thought about that last fact.

“Well I had a great time today.” I said as we reached the main doors to my apartment block.

“I did as well.” He took a step toward me.

“I’m glad I agreed to coffee.”

“I’m glad I asked you.” His eyes bored into mine.

I was starting to forget how to breathe.

“So, um. Goodnight.” I managed.

“Goodnight.” He whispered, less than a foot away from me.

And then it seemed like he lost his nerve. His eyes flitted away from mine, his breath started to quicken.

“Uh, I’ll uh.” He tried. Clearing his throat he had another go. “I’ll give you a call tomorrow. If, that is, if you want.”

I smiled gently; glad I wasn’t the only nervous one in this situation.

“I’d like that.”

“OK then. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” My comment must’ve enabled his confidence to re-appear.

He smiled at me then did something that was completely unexpected, he took a sudden step forward and placed a sweet, soft kiss on my cheek.
My cheeks flushed bright red, which made him smile. And then he turned and walked back to his car. Giving me one last smile and wave before driving off.

In a daze, I opened the main door, wandered up the stairs and unlocked my door and sank into my couch. My cheek still had a tingling sensation from where Jared had placed his lips. I made my way to bed, hoping against hope that today hadn’t been one big dream. As I was falling asleep, all I could think about when Jared would call me the next day.