When Life Doesn't Give You Enough Cards to Play the Game, You Deal

Chapter 12

I didn’t care that Chance broke up with Melonie, probably breaking her heart. I wanted revenge. Ice cold revenge.

After my shift was over at the diner, I hastened toward the grocery store down the street. I traveled into the card section, picking out one that allowed you to record your own message. It could be up to a minute long. I smirked.

After I bought it, I headed over to Melonie’s house. I ripped the recorder out, throwing away the card itself.

It was almost a plus that it was 1 in the morning. She’d be super cranky. I was also lucky that she lived near the diner I worked at.

I hurried to her house, eager for revenge. Ringing the doorbell, I stepped back and waited.

Moment’s later the door was ripped open by a bed-headed Melonie, looking pissed.

“What do you want?” She growled, stepping on the porch to get closer to my face. The door swung shut behind her.

“I just wanted to talk.” I replied, pressing the record button. I knew some yelling was about to occur. And lots of it.

“I don’t want to talk to you!” She yelled. Perfect. “You tried to take Chance away from me. I tried to trick you, but if I wanted to keep Chance, I knew I couldn’t. But it doesn’t matter anyway. I was just using him.” She huffed in one breath.

There was no way they were getting back together again. I pressed the button again, making sure that recording had stopped.

“That’s just great.” I laughed. I couldn’t control myself. It was hilarious how she thought I cared. “Because I got it all on tape.” I told her, holding up the recorder.

She reached for it, but I held it out of reach. I sprinted away after that. I made it back to the diner, sitting on the sidewalk. I dialed Jared’s number knowing he’d pick me up if I asked. I didn’t mean to take his kindness for granted, but it was almost hard not to.

His car rolled up only 10 minutes later. I hopped in, hugging him gratefully. I pulled back and noticed he was in pajama’s, his hair disheveled to perfection.

“Sorry.” I said, giving a sheepish smile.

“It’s okay.” He shrugged, smiling through a yawn. “Any reason to drive is good enough for me.”

The rest of the trip was silent. But it was comfortable. Once in the driveway, I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and got out.

“I’ll text you tomorrow.” I told him before shutting the door.

I entered the house as quietly as I could. I sighed in relief when I realized no one was up. That was, until the lights flicked on and Chance came into view.

“Where have you been?” He whisper-yelled.

I threw the recorder at him before running up to my adopted room.


With each ring of the phone, my heart beat sped up. When I heard a click, I nearly panicked and hung up.

“Hello?” My aunt’s voice rand through the phone.

“Aunt Olive!” I breathed. “Can I ask you a really, really big favor?”

“Anything honey!” She exclaimed.

“Can I… crash at your place for a while?”

“Of course!”

“But you can’t tell my dad. Please!” I begged.

“I-I won’t.” She promised, sounding taken aback.

“Thanks so much.” I gushed before hanging up.

I skipped down the stair happily, catching Jack’s eye.

“What are you so happy about?” He asked, a smile slipping onto his tan face.

“I’m moving out tomorrow!” I squealed.

“No you’re not.” He told me, his eyebrows scrunching together.

“But I called my aunt. She said-,”

“I don’t care.” He said, shaking his head. “You’re going to wait a week to make sure the plans are final.”

“But you’re not my parent.” I protested.

“Would you deny me, the man who’s sheltered you for almost a month now, piece of mind?” He asked, crossing his arms.

“I guess not.” I said, my head dropping.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo....this chapter was mostly dialogue. But anywhoozles....
Team Chance or Team Jared?
How about going back to school, eh? I've got my first day of 8th grade on the 6th. Dx
