When Life Doesn't Give You Enough Cards to Play the Game, You Deal

Chapter 13

Chance’s POV

When Kat got home she threw a little recording chip at me. It was of her and Melonie fighting. Melonie admitted she was trying to get rid of her, how she was using me. I sighed. I actually liked Melonie, I never believed any of the stories people told me of how she cheated on me. I always thought she wasn’t a bitch, at least to me. She was always the sweet, sexy girl I knew. What happened? Was I fucking blind?!

I heard my dad and Kat argue about her leaving. He convinced her to stay another week. I was secretly happy. I didn’t want her to leave. I have an open window to try and get her now. I smiled. I fell asleep in my bed that night thinking of ways to impress her.

I woke up and started attempt one. I decided to go downstairs without a shirt on and only some soft plaid pj pants. I jogged down the steps and saw Kat sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal in front of her. She was just moving the spoon in circles.

"Hey," I said. Her head shot up and then she saw me, and sighed.

"Oh, Hi," She replied. She was distracted.

"I'm moving out next week," She mumbled.

"Oh, you are?" I asked.

"Don't act like you didn't hear me and Jack last night, I saw your head out your door," She said angrily. I surrendered by putting my hands up.

"Sorry, I was curious, My dad just cares about you, that's why he doesn't want you to leave just yet," I explained. She huffed.

"Yeah I know, just I've been here long enough mooching off of you guys, I've got a job, I've settled things out. My dad stopped looking, everyone thinks I'm gone, Isn't now a good time to make my move?" She said. I scratched the back of my head.

"Well, yes and no," I said. She quirked on eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"How can you trust your..erm, aunt right?" I said. She nodded.

"What if she's just going to bring you back to your father," I explained.

"My aunt would never do that!" She said loudly.

"You. don't. know. that." I said.

"I know my aunt, you don't" She sobbed. She got up and stormed upstairs. I heard a door slam and figured she went into her room. Fuck, I screwed that one up. I sighed and ruffed up my hair with my hand. I dialed Jared for some help and making her stay. I didn't want her to leave ever.

Kat's POV

What the hell was his problem? It's my life! He never did care, he was always a jerk to me and now he's acting like he wants me here and still is a JERK about it! Ugh, sometimes I hate him, other times. . . I want him more than anything. I texted Jared.

Kat: Hey, do you want to come over?

Jared: Sure babe, be there soon.

Kat: Kayy.

I decided to change out of my ripped up sweats. I dug through my suitcase and found a normal black t-shirt and some denim skinny jeans. I slipped on some colorful socks, and a pair of fuzzed boots. Then I was off.

I was sitting on the front steps when Jared pulled in. I sprung up and started to make my way to his truck. I slipped into the passenger seat. The song “Forget You” was playing. I started humming along when he backed out of the driveway. Jared looked at me with this soft twinkle in his eyes.

“If I WAS RICHER! I‘d STILL be WITH YA!” He screeched. I flinched, but then we burst out in laughter.

“So, forget you, and for-get them too,” I sang. He looked at me and smiled.

“Your voice, I never thought you’d have a voice like that,” I was offended.

“Why thank you, but your voice is no pearl.” I taunted. He pushed my shoulder.

“So where to?” He asked. I shrugged, I really didn’t want to go anywhere at the moment.

“Weren’t we suppose to stay at Chance’s?” I questioned.

“I guess, but now were off and can go anywhere we want, your choice.” He replied. I smiled, only to be followed by a big pink flood of blushing. Then the twinkle in his eyes came back.

“How about just a drive around the block. I need some peace and quiet, I have way to much on my mind and fell like I just might explode.” I said simply. I made my seat go back into a lounging position. I felt the calming of a soundless drive. The chirping of birds and the wind in my hair. I peered into the mirror that showed the back seats without needing to turn your head.

“What is that!?!” I chocked. He slammed on the breaks and swerved to the side. The truck let out a squeal and shuddered to a halt. Steam poured from the engine. Was I saw was neatly thrown over the back of the middle seat, with pink straps and purple polka-dots. I flew into the back seat after locking the doors.

Written on the tag, “Malonie”. So after Chance’s break-up with Malonie, which she believe was my fault, she came my boyfriend, and was fucking him behind mine and Chance’s backs?!?

I grabbed Malonie’s bra and quickly pinched one of the straps, for this large bra was soaked with white splotches on it, clearly Jared missed with his aiming. Her bra looked two sizes bigger than it should be, and where the pads should be was stuffed to the breaking point with squishy foam.

He was jiggling the door-knob to make a break for it but I was already right next to him giving him the death glare. I thought I saw his soul fly away but the I remembered he has no soul.

“What’s this?” I asked, my eyes narrowing to slits. He tried to turn his head away from me but I grabbed his chin and turned him to face me.

“Uh, nothing…” He said.

“Don’t you dare bullshit me.” I seethed. He cringed.

“Okay, fine it’s Melonie’s,” He admitted. I was so pissed right now. I threw it in his face.

“Babe, please look at me, let me explain.” He said. I looked at him and he pressed his lips to mine fiercely. I shoved him away from me and slapped him. I jumped out his truck and started running back to Chance’s house. I didn’t want to see anybody right now. So this is how Melonie was going to get to me about Chance showing “interest” in me. Ugh, god kill me now. I stopped running after a while and walked. The house was in view.

Some van that had followed me before came up behind me. I walked a little faster. The car disappeared eventually. I sat down on the curb and laid my head in my hands. I shed some tears. I felt bad about myself. Why was I crying over this dead beat cheater?

The van pulled up and stopped in front of me. A man in all black jumped out and grabbed me. He threw me in the back. I cried out in my pain as I hit the floor of the van. It was cold and hard. I felt even more alone.

“Give me your phone,” Said a raspy voice.

“What,” I sobbed.

“I want your phone,” The voice said this time. Scared I scrabbled around in my pocket and found nothing. My phone must have fallen out at the curb when he grabbed me.

“I, I don’t have it,” I stuttered. The man gave a nod and two more men appeared. The two of them silently argued to each other. Than the first of them pulled the two apart. They did a round of rock paper scissors. Through this commotion I frantically looked around for anything I could use to defend myself to escape.

One of the men lifted my broken body and the other searched me. Feeling down my side, my boot, than when he got to my bra, I could not let him get any where close to feeling my boobs! I lifted my arm out of the mans grasp and punched him square in the jaw as hard as I possibly could. Damn that hurt!

The man who I had slapped said “clear” and then they threw me back into the hard, heatless van. They covered my eyes with a blind-fold and tied my hands. They closed the back of the van so it was pitch back. It would even help if t wasn’t blind-folded. The way how the tied my hands behind my back hurts after a while, so I moved my arms from my back sliding them down the backs of my legs and around to the front. Better, now, HOW THE FUCK DO I GET OUT OF THIS?!?!!??!!

Chance’s POV

I walked up to Kat’s room to apologize but she wasn’t here. No one was home but me. Did she leave to go to her aunts house? Did her dad find her? Where was Jared he was supposed to be here an hour ago. I heard a car pull up in our gravel driveway. The frantic knocking at the door made me worry. I scrambled to answer the door to Jared. His eyes were red and puffy, then shot Kat’s phone in my face.

“Dude, what the fuck is going on?!” I asked. Jared walked in and sulked down on the couch with his head in his hands.

“I fucked up man, now she’s gone.” Jared mumbled.

“What do you mean gone!” I shouted.

“She, she, she found Melonie’s bra in the back of my car, we had a fight and I told her Melonie and I had, had sex she slapped me and ran out of the car I tried to follow her, but I couldn’t find her. My engine was stalled.” He rambled.

“YOU FUCKED MELONIE!” I screamed. He cringed.

“Yes! I fucked Melonie! Let’s get past that because Kat was fucking kidnapped!” Jared shouted at me.

“She was what?” I said dumbfounded.

“Kidnapped, I found her phone on the side of the road, dirt was all scuffed up, and her boot was there.” He stuttered. A chill ran down my spine, how was I going to explain that our house guest, who was going to leave in one week, has been kidnapped? God, this is Fucked up!
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yes! another chapter!
I'm sorry I took so long with my chapter, I just started school, and everything has been hectic.
too much, so i made this super long and it has a twist to it:D
yes its a surprisee!'hehe!'