When Life Doesn't Give You Enough Cards to Play the Game, You Deal

Chapter 20

Kat's POV

I was walking down a dark, gloomy hallway. One that I have never seen before. Not even the slightest memory. The walls kept going, as if it would never end. The never ending rows of candle lit wall lanterns made the light so dim I could barely see. Plus the air was so musty it was hard to breath.

Where the hell am I? No doors, no windows, no way out. The only option was to keep going, to find the way out. Suddenly, the the walls met and a small door was the only thing at the end of this horrible place. i slowly opened it. A man was standing with his back turned to me, it looked like Chance!

I slammed the door open and ran to him, only to have the figure turn around and face me. It was not Chance, it was my father! His arms raised and grew large enough to trap me. Engulfing me into darkness.

My eyes flickered open. I was sitting in my bed at my aunts house. I let out a shaky breath. It was all a dream. What happened to me? I use to be so strong willed, so independent. Now even a simple dream scared me? I've been fucking kidnapped and almost killed! and I was scared of something that never happened.

I slowly turned my head to look at the clock. In bright, neon green numbers it read: 3:27 am. I groaned. I still have until noon to sleep!

No job, no friends to attend to. I can sleep the day away if i want to. No Jared, no Jack, no Chance... No. I have to get them out of my head. That was a different time. a different life. I fell back and felt my head sink into the pillow and closed my eyes. I gladly let sleep take over.


I sulked downstairs at 1:02. Happy that no dreams had disturbed the rest of my sleep. Opening cabinets i scavenged for food. At this time anything would do. I settled down with a frozen toaster waffle and a cup of apple juice. While i was eating i noticed a rusty pickup truck tn the driveway. My aunt doesn't drive that. unless in the time i was unconscious she decided to trade a nice car for a rusty truck.

Once i finished i decided to investigate the mysterious truck. However, before i even got to the door, and man in the living room caught my attention. MY DAD!

"What the fuck are you doing here?" i said half surprised and half infuriated. He stood up calmly at first and said,

"Come with me, you're going home." I was shacked. I ran away from home. From him. I ran with all my positions and he dare come here and bring me back to that hell hole?

"No. i will not go back." I replied trying not to scream. He looked at me with such hatred i could see flames in his eyes.

"Now you listen bitch. You are going to forget what happened while you were on your 'adventure' and return home. or i will force you. pack your things. we leave in a hour." He turned and sat on the couch again. Glaring fiercely.

"No. i am going to stay here. and if i did go back, how would you make sure i didn't leave again?" i smirked. feeling i won.

"Pack. Your. Bag."He growled through bared teeth.

"NO!" I shouted. he got up and lunged for me.

Chance's POV

I looked you the widow. Thinking about how i could get Kat back into my life. I needed her. with all my being.

I flicked my phone open.

"Jared. what do you want?" i sighed

"My Bro back. you've never been the same since coming out of the hospital."

"Sorry, its just Kat..."

"Kat Kat Kat. all you ever do anymore is mope about her. Get over with it. she is gone. I'm only trying to help you."

"I'm sorry i haven't been a good friend. but, could you help me find her. to set things strait?"

"Sure. i know a guy who could help."

He ended the call.most likely coming over. We had a plan forming. and i cant wait to see the result.
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Hey its me. sorry for not posting for a while. but me and Kylie have been... overwhelmed. and I'm going to be posting for a bit while Kylie takes a break. well enjoy! and take a cookie on the way out.