When Life Doesn't Give You Enough Cards to Play the Game, You Deal

Chapter 6

“You want some breakfast?” Jack asked after waking me up.

“Not hungry.” I answered honestly.

“You sure?” He asked doubtfully, offering me a plate of waffles.

“Positive.” I said. Just looking at those waffles made me want to vomit again.

My head throbbed painfully, my throat was extremely dry as well.

“Poor thing.” Jack said, turning to Chance as he entered the room. “Must be the flu.”

“Maybe you should take a shower.” Chance suggested, kneeling in front of the couch. “That usually helps.”

“And you can use one of those soothing tablet things.” Jack added. “You know, the ones that open up your nasal passages as it dissolves?”

“I suppose it’s worth a try.” I croaked.

I pushed myself up, swaying on my feet as soon as I stood. I grasped the couch for support and grabbed my suitcase to take into the bathroom with me.

“I’ll get the shower chair.” Chance volunteered.

“I’ll help you Kat.” Jack said. “And leave the suitcase. I’ll bring it to the guest room for you. I’ve finally got it cleaned out.”

My heart was fluttering about in my chest at their actions. Why did they care about me so much?

Jack picked me up like I weighed nothing and I let him. I was too weak to protest. He carried me into the bathroom and Chance came in moments later with a white, plastic chair in his hands.

Chance POV

I was getting worried about Kat. Even though I had only known her for a few days, she’d already made an impact on me. I think I might be a bit sad when she leaves, not that I’d tell anyone that.

I carried her suitcase into the guest room and placed it on her bed even though dad promised he would do it. But he was too busy with other things.

My curiosity got the best of me and before I knew what I was doing, I was unzipping her suitcase. I opened it up and peered in. Mostly clothes. But once I dug deeper, I found a picture. It was a school picture of a girl that looked to be in high school. But it looked like it was from the 80’s. I decided not to question it and put the picture back where I found it.

I exited the room, leaving the door cracked.

Kat’s POV

After Jack left, I undressed with the support of the bathroom sink. I turned the water on and sat in the shower chair. I let the water wash away the grease in my hair and tried to relax in the chair. My body ached though, which made it difficult.

I grabbed a random shampoo bottle and slathered my hair with it, rubbing it in. The smell wafted all around me. It just smelt like cologne, but did I care? Nope. I just wanted to get clean and stop feeling like crap. And I was able to accomplish one of those things.

I started feeling weaker as the hot water starting to really seep into me. I decided to get out, afraid that I might fall asleep in the shower. That would be a disaster.

I turned the water off after having had only a five minute shower. I stepped out, grabbing the sink again for support, and weakly wrapped myself in a towel. I stumbled out of the bathroom and across the hall to the guest bedroom where my suitcase lay on the bed.

I quickly hobbled over to the bed and sat down before I fell. I got dressed slowly in my free hugs t-shirt and a pair of black sweats. I rubbed my hair with my towel so it wasn’t drippy and then laid it on the pillow so I wouldn‘t get it soaked in my sleep. I pushed the suitcase to the floor and laid my head down on the extremely soft pillow. As soon as my eyes were closed, I was out like a light.


“Kat?” I heard Chance whisper.

I cracked an eye open to see him kneeling beside the bed with a glass of milk in one hand a plate of toast in the other.

“What time is it?” I asked. Chance glanced at the clock on the nightstand right next to me, making me feel like a complete idiot.

“Six p.m.” He answered.

I sat up so that I was at eye level with him. I stretched my legs and relaxed back into the pillows.

“You should eat something.” Chance said. “You need to get something in your stomach.”

“I’m not hungry though.” I complained.

“Well I’m going to give you some medicine, but you need to eat something first.”

“I hate taking medicine.” I groaned.

“If you don’t take it you’re going to get worse.” He warned. “And then you’ll have to go to the doctor.”

“Fine.” I sighed in defeat. Chance placed the plate of toast in my lap and set the milk on the nightstand. I took a small bite of the toast. Once I tasted it’s buttery goodness, I started to actually feel hungry. I took a bigger bite this time and Chance came back into the room with a white pill in his hand.

“I thought you weren’t hungry.” He questioned.

“I wasn’t.” I said. “But now I am.” I smiled weakly.

“Well here’s your medicine.” He said, placing it next to my milk. “Just take it when you’re done eating.”

He sat on the bed and leaned toward me. He gave me a hug and I jerked away, accidentally slamming my head on the headboard.

He stepped away fast and awkwardly, hands up in the air in a surrendering gesture.

“What was that for?” I asked, stunned.

“Y-your shirt s-says free hugs.” He stammered.

“Oh.” I said with a sigh. Oops.

“I was just trying to collect mine.” He said, gaining back his confidence.

“Sorry.” I said. “I just…,” I trailed off.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized. “I get what you’re trying to say.”

“You do?” I asked.

“Well…yeah. You’re dad never really hugged you. And you he…,” he swallowed hard, “abused you. So you probably don’t like being touched.” His confidence was gone as soon as it came back. “It was really rude of me to just hug you.”

“Well it’s not your fault. But you’re right about the other part.” I said, a few flashbacks trying to make their way back into my mind. I pushed them back, focusing on Chance. I took a deep breath and continued. “Don’t worry. You’ll get a hug before I leave here.” I smiled weakly.

“How are you going to leave when people are searching for you?” He questioned.

“Not sure.” I answered honestly. “But I’ll find a way.”