When Life Doesn't Give You Enough Cards to Play the Game, You Deal

Chapter 7

Kat’s POV

I woke up as Jack walked in and opened up the curtains in the guest room. I blinked and covered my eyes

“Ahhhh! It burns!” I said weakly. My voice was slightly raspy and my throat was dry. He chuckled as he came over and sat down at the edge of the bed. He smiled warmly and said,

“Breakfast?” I nodded and started to sit up. My body automatically protested. I managed to sit up against the headboard. He nodded his head and left. I managed to get out of bed. I straightened my free hugs tee and shuffled down the hall to the kitchen. I had to lean against the wall till Chance came out of room to help me. He got me to a chair at the kitchen table. I sat there with my hand being the only thing keeping my head up. I was really tired. I declared I was going back to bed after I ate some food for my overly hungry stomach. Jack set a big plate of pancakes and some juice in front of me. I dug in immediately, adding syrup. I had eaten 3 whole pancakes when I noticed Jack and Chance staring at me in disbelief.

“What? I eat?” I mumbled shoveling another mouthful of pancake in my mouth. Jack cleared his throat and continued to eat his breakfast. Chance kept peeking looks at me while eating. It kind of bugged me but I ignored it. I went to go wash my dishes but Jack stopped me,

“No you don’t you’re a guest.” I sighed.

“I’m not, I’m living here temporarily, I can do something to help around here,” I pouted. Chance was frozen sitting there at the table staring at us.

“No, you need to go rest, go now,” Jack said.

“Is that your way of telling me to go to my room or something?” I scoffed. Chance then shot up pushing me out the room calling back to Jack,

“It’s okay Dad I’ll make sure she rests!” I tried to stop him but he picked me up instead of pushing me down the hall. He glared at me when he dropped me on the bed.

“What?!” I said exasperated. He frowned at me. He paced in front of my bed mumbling to himself. He exclaimed “Aha!” and said,

“I got it! I’ll tell him you went to bed and that I’ll check on you so he won’t make sure you’re okay so it’ll all work out.” I was completely lost, what the hell was he talking about?

“ What are you talking about,” I said. He looked at me funny.

“I’m taking you out of the house to get some air, meet some people I know, I’m sure you’ll make some new friends,” He said simply. I was surprised, Chance, taking me out of the house, to meet his friends? God I’d rather stay in bed all day! He rummaged through my suitcase and pulled out my purple long-sleeved shirt and some light-wash skinny jeans. He then grabbed a my plain black sweatshirt.

“Get dressed, I’ll be back in 10,” he said leaving my room. I slipped the clothes on. I looked at myself in the mirror on the back of the door. I looked nice, but I would’ve never paired this together. I put some diamond studs in my ears. My converse found their way to my feet. I had applied some eyeliner and brushed some foundation to my face to get rid of my pale looking skin. Chance came back and grunted trying to avoid my gaze. He opened the window. It faced the back of the house. There was roofing for me to stand on. He explained if I slid to the edge of the roof and pushed off he could catch me on the ground. I trusted what he was saying since he was getting me out of this house. I was sitting on the edge waiting for Chance to show up to I could get off this roof that was very uncomfortable to sit on. He appeared below me minutes later. I saw him nod and held his arms out. I slid off the edge and I fell on top of him. He collapsed to the ground with me on top of him. His face tinted red and I got off of him and helped him up.

“I parked my car down the street and walked through the woods…” He trailed off. We began to walk on the dirt path that led through the woods in silence.

“So where are we going?” I asked to kill the silence. He cleared his throat and said,

“Oh..um we’re going to the park.” I didn’t ask anymore questions and we just walked in silence the rest of the time. We finally made it to his car. He opened the passenger car door for me and let me inside. He then got in on his side. We drove for what felt like forever till we reached some park I’ve never seen before. I was shaking when Chance said,

“Kat, it’s fine, no one comes here anymore.” I sighed and got out of the car. We walked over to these picnic tables where two girls and another guy sat. Chance sat next to a girl who looked gross. Sure, she was pretty, but she looked like a slut. She wore a crap load of makeup and revealing clothing. She and the other girl scrunched up their noses at me while the other guy gave me a look over. Chance cleared his throat saying,

“Uh, guys this is Kat, my dad brought her in. Kat this is Jared,” He said while pointed to the guy who was checking me out. “This is Gabriella,” pointing to the other girl. “And this, is my girlfriend, Melonie.” I swallowed and mumbled hi.

“Come sit next to me Kat,” Jared said. I sat down on the bench next to him and he placed his arm around me. I cringed when he touched me. Chance grunted and widened his eyes. He knew I didn’t like to be touched. Jared took his arm off of me and I was grateful. I saw a bathroom a little ways away. I excused myself and walked to it. I went in a stall and sat there on my toilet putting my head in my hands, what was I thinking? Chances friends are big-headed snobs, just like him. I already didn’t like his girlfriend. I heard the door open and I heard two voices chattering. I realized it was Melonie and Gabriella. I crossed my fingers hoping they didn’t know I was in here. I then heard Melonie say,

“Ugh, did you see that Kat girl, She’s so grungy, and did you see how she was dressed? Converse? I mean really?” I heard Gabriella start laughing and Melonie joined in.

“I bet she thinks Chance actually likes her! His kind of people and her don’t mix,” Gabriella scoffed. Melonie laughed lightly. I couldn’t do anything to say to her.

“Exactly, which is why we need to make them hate each other, have them fighting for each others heads, God I know how Chance can get really mad, and well Kat, I’m sure a girl from the streets can fight,” Melonie cackled.

“Oh.My.Gawd. This is going to be fucking perfect,” said Gabriella. I swear I heard Melonie’s brain over-working itself from thinking.

“Ohhh, you need to become best friends with, ugh, that bitch Kat for this to work, either me or you!” Melonie exclaimed. Sure, try being friends with me bitch. I inhaled sharply and found they were leaving. I sighed. I came out of the stall and stood in front of the sink, looking into the mirror. My hair was frizzy but presentable. I looked tired and worn down. Sure I have muscles, but I don’t think I would ever hit Chance.

I came back to the picnic table where they were all sitting. They were all chatting and hardly noticed me. When Chance looked me in the eye I mouthed “I’ll be in the car” he just nodded and went on enjoying his girlfriend through herself at him. I was nearing the parking lot when I heard someone following me. I turned and saw Gabriella. I groaned silently to myself.

“Hi, Kat is it?” She said. I nodded and turned to face her. A moment of silence passed and she broke it.

“Don’t worry about them, their just stuck up and don’t like them,” I heard her whisper. I looked her in the eye and pretended to be surprised.

“Really? I never noticed!” I exclaimed. That earned a laugh from her.

“You rebel!” she said with sarcasm. I chuckled.

“Whatya say? We hit the shops?” Gabriella asked. I panicked. I couldn’t if my dad was looking for me.

“I-I can’t,” I stammered. She looked confused and gasped remembering Chance said his dad brought me into his home.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Maybe we could go to some place where not a lot of people go,” She suggested. I shrugged and said,

“I just can’t, look that’s nice of you and everything but I’m just gonna go wait in the car and you go back to your friends,” I pleaded. She huffed and said bye, but giving me her number first since I still had my phone somewhere in my bag. But she said she can just call me from Chance’s phone too. I waved and hurried off. I cranked up the heat and hugged my legs close to my chest. I turned on the radio but found no comfort. I let it play silently. I sat there for a long time alone. Chance finally showed up with Melonie hanging on his arm. He glared at me to get in the back seat while Melonie had a smug satisfaction. We drove in silence, well I was quiet, those two up front couldn’t keep their mouths shut for a second.

When we got to the house Chance made sure he got me back on the roof so I could get back before Jack noticed anything. Melonie waited outside while Chance asked if she could stop by. Jack seemed unhappy to hear she was coming over. He must not like her, I thought. He eventually said yes and saved Melonie from the cold.

I changed out of this stupid outfit and put on a grey pair of sweatpants and a black tank top, while slipping on some neon socks to keep my feet warm. I brushed my hair, taking out all the tangles. I heard a knock on my door.

“Come in!” I yelled. Jack appeared in my doorway. He looked stressed and worn out. I sat down on the bed and patted a spot next to me. He sank into my bed. His head met his hands and he took deep breaths.

“Jack is everything okay?” I asked quietly. He grunted rubbing his eyes and said,

“Yeah, just Chance’s girlfriend is here again, I just don’t know how to tell him she doesn’t like him the way he thinks.” I was confused, the way he thinks she likes him?

“Huh?” I said.

“She wants him for the way he looks, she hopes he’ll be stupid enough to get in bed with her,” he explained. I mentally smacked myself, obviously! She’s a greedy whore! Jack said his goodbyes and left my room leaving the door semi open. Chance popped his head saying hi and asked if I had a good time.

“Absolutely,” I said with sarcasm dripping from my words. His eyebrows furrowed and he said,

“What do you mean?” I grunted.

“I’m not talking about this now, go play with your girlfriend,” I sneered. Now he looked really confused, but he left my room anyways. I was finally to myself and it was quiet. I put my headphones in my ears and cranked up the music. I left the room and headed for the kitchen. When I passed Chance and Melonie, I heard her giggle and make a joke to Chance about my clothes. Chance didn’t say anything and just ignored her. I grunted and opened the fridge in search of something to put in my stomach. I finally grabbed a water bottle and an apple. I was on my way upstairs when I heard Melonie say,

“Wow, I’m shocked she can eat healthy considering how fat she is.” That was it I turned around and said,
“You have something to say to me? Say it to my face.” She scoffed.

“Ugh, I don’t talk to trash off the streets,” She seethed. I charged at her and grabbed her shirt pulling her up to look at me.

“Too bad, I’m talking to you bitch,” I said. She struggled but I held my grip. The next thing I knew we were rolling on the floor pulling each others hair and clawing each other. She ripped herself away from me and came back at me. When she drew close enough I punched her square in the face. She screamed and fell to the floor. I remember Jack pulling me away and Chance rushing over to the “poor” hurt Melonie.
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Hai I'm Jackie :)
the new writer on this story
i hope you enjoy!