Status: (:

With You, I Have the Best Days of My Life


Dear Katelyn,
We just found out today that your leukemia has spread throughout your body, and still, you keep smiling. There’s nothing in this world, no amount of pain or sadness that can wipe that beautiful smile off your face. You are a light of happiness that refuses to stop shining, no matter how hard things get. I just want you to know how much you mean to me. You are the bravest, strongest, most beautiful person I know, inside and out, and I love you so much. I pray for you every single night to get better, and I’m hoping that God will show us a miracle.

I set my laptop down to my left and lean my head against my pillow, as more tears began escaping my eyes. Today had been one of the most emotionally stressful days of my life, and I knew that more were to come.

“Kailee?” I immediately sat up and walked over to Katelyn’s bedside, trying my hardest to smile. She looked so sick from all the chemotherapy; hairless and pale, dark circles sitting beneath her bright blue eyes. “Are you still crying?” She said, tilting her head slightly to the left as she looked at me.

I shook my head and held her hand tightly. “Please, stop worrying about me. I’m perfectly fine. How’re you? Do you want me to get you some more ice chips? Another pillow?” I asked, trying to sound a little more cheerful to reassure her.

She shook her head and smiled. “No, I’m fine. Go get some sleep; you’ve been here all day and it’s nearly 3 a.m.” I smiled softly, crossing my arms over my chest. “Well, why aren’t you sleeping?” She laughed. “Well, let’s see; I’ve been in this hospital for about 3 months now and I’m in this bed for, let’s say, about 18 hours of the day? So, I’m not exactly tired at the moment.”

My smile slowly began to fade. “Katelyn?” I whispered as I began to kneel down, resting my head on the edge of her bedside. “Yeah?” She replied, slowly closing her eyes. “Are you scared?”

I watched her carefully. She didn’t flinch, didn’t open her eyes; nothing. “No, I’m not at all.” I sighed. “How come?” She turned on her side, not facing me. “Because,” she said in a quiet whisper, “because I know that God has a plan for me and I know that he knows what’s best for me...” Her voice trailed off as she fell asleep.

I stood up and quietly cried as I watched over her peaceful body. Why God? I thought to myself. Why Katelyn? Why not me? I sat back down on the chair and curled up into a ball, slowly crying myself to sleep.