One of the Boys


It was early Sunday morning, a day I usually designate for sleeping in, and sleeping in real late at that. I looked like a mess, my hair in a high bun, sweats tucked into my uggs, a huge v-neck t-shirt, sunglasses and a very large cup of Starbucks hot chocolate in hand. We had already thrown our bags and equipment in the bottom of the bus. It was one of those luxury buses, it was going to be a long trip.

"Looking good Tanner," a few of the guys snickered as I got on the bus. I stuck my tongue out at them and then moved to the very back, I had brought my blanket and pillow and I was claiming two seats for myself. At first glance everyone was there so I was fine and no one complained. It was a nearly full bus, but I was special.

"Rea, move your feet," someone demanded. I didn't bother checking, I just pulled the blanket over my ears and turned to face the back of the seat. "Alright," he said and then started lifting my legs.

I threw out a kick and then sat up, "get your own seat."

Chris sitting there with his hand on his cheek and I could hardly contain my laughter. "There's no where else to sit princess," he mocked as I moved my feet and he sat down.

I crossed my arms, "can't you sit by someone else."

"Nope," he grinned and I rolled my eyes reluctantly letting him take the seat beside me. After giving him a second of comfort I put my legs up on his lap. He looked at me eyebrows raised, "what are you doing?"

"I am getting my beauty rest," I gave an innocent look, "you don't want me to be uncomfortable do you?" He glared at me for a second, but reluctantly gave in. I love being the only girl, my girlish charms always win me my way. Though De would totally argue I have no real girlish charm or charm at all.

Yes I slept the whole way there, it only makes sense since I was up till about four the night before and we left at eight in the morning. This bus ride gave me my opportunity to sleep into the afternoon like I would normally do on a Sunday. Don't judge, Sundays are lazy days.
We didn't even have to be there today, we weren't scheduled to even play till Monday evening. I didn't see the point, we could have traveled on Monday.

We walked into the hotel, it was actually pretty nice, it was provided by the tournament hosts and it was nice. Breakfast buffet every morning, here I come! Tonight though, tonight we had team bonding. "Alright," our coach said, "I've picked one person to be in charge of each room, they are responsible for everyone in their room." He started holding up keys and then calling out who was in each room. "Chris Mills, Hayden Kent, Francis Scott, Sam Gray and Reagan Tanner." Plus side, Hayden, down side no Tyler. Those were my two besties on the team. And then there was Chris, something just told me I'd end up in his room.

Room 318. You would think the whole team would be near each other, but we were spread sporadically throughout the hotel. It was kind of bizarre. And then there would be other teams all around us, this weekend would be paradise. Surrounded by cute boys the entire time.

We walked into our room, five of us, two beds and a small couch. Ideal sleeping arrangements right? I was first one in the room and I examined it and jumped on one of the beds, "I call this one."

"Alright," Hayden said jumping on the bed, "we can be bed buddies." He had a puppy dog face on.

"No," Chris said and both Hayden and I sent him little puppy dog pouts. "I think it'd be best if Rea got the couch."

"Aww, but why," both Hayden and I said at the same time.

He gave us an unsure look, "for obvious reasons." He pointed at me as if it was making the point, "we don't want any incidents."

I rolled my eyes, "oh lighten up, it's my choice and I'm perfectly fine with sharing a bed with any one of you." I put my hands on my hips and he gave an unsure look and I continued more in a whining voice, "are you really going to make me sleep on that lumpy couch, I'll never get any sleep on that."

I gave my best puppy dog face and he sighed, "fine."

"Yes," Hayden and I high fived and Hayden continued, "I mean it's not like any of us wanted to share a bed with Franky anyways." They all agreed while Franky gave a slight glare and I gave a confused look. "He roles around a lot."

"Trust me," I said looking at Hayden seriously, "I'll be the best bed buddy you ever had."

"That's for sure," Sam said in a derogatory sense.

I turned over to give him a glare and then said, "who asked you?" He shrugged and then we all got situated with our stuff and I changed. I was not going anywhere in these clothes. I could look good for team bonding, and I would. I was the first to claim the shower and so therefore the first one done. I've honestly never seen a pre-Madonna guy like Hayden before, it was crazy.

I just sat on our bed texting Brayden, yeah the date went well and I cannot wait for the next one. I couldn't help, but smile at the messages. "What are you smiling at," Chris said, "you look like an idiot."

"Well aren't you the charmer," I said giving him a nasty look.

"Oh it's Brayden," Hayden said in a romantic girly voice. I sent him a stern look that he ignored, "she always gets that goofy look when they text."

"You're still texting that guy," Chris said.

"Yup," I smiled, "you jealous." I waved the phone around and he just let out a slight laugh, I ignored it and responded to the last message.

"Hurry up Hayden," Franky said, "we have to be in the lobby at six."

"Where are we going," I looked over at Chris.

"Why are you looking at me," he said giving me a questioning look.

I shrugged, "just thought the room leader would know." I mocked the title he was given and he just shook it off. We walked down to the lobby, guess who the first room down there was, ours. There was a team checking in at the moment and I don't know where my roommates went, but I just sat on a couch waiting for everyone.

"Excuse me," some boy said, "he had a sort of accent, but not heavy."

"Yeah," I looked up and then pushed my sunglasses to the top of my head. I didn't want to look like that idiot who wears sunglasses inside.

"I just came over here to say you look like a movie star," he said and then pointed back to a few of his teammates, "a few of the other guys thought they recognized you too, but we can't put our finger on it."

"I'm not an actress," I smiled.

"Well,"he smiled, "then I got a chance with you." He took the seat next to me and then smiled, "I'm Cory, I'm from Nebraska."

"Reagan, California," I smiled as I took his hand, "teams really come from all over for this tournament don't they?"

He gave me a shocked look, "you're here for the tournament."

"Yeah," I nodded my head and bit my lip.

"Your brother," he said and I looked at him blankly and he put his hand behind his head. "Or is it your boyfriend?"

"No," I said, "I'm on the team, girl football player, I know it's kind of weird."

"No," he said defensively, "some of the best kickers in the country are girls, I think there's a few more in this tournament."

I laughed a bit, "I'm not a kicker, I'm a receiver." He didn't say anything, but his facial expression said enough, "I'm a damn good receiver at that, and if I were you I'd walk away before any of my teammates come and kick your ass."

"I'm sorry," he said nervously, "I didn't mean to offend you, it's just I guess we do things a bit differently in Nebraska."

I nodded, "yeah, I know it sounds bizarre, but you better be ready to play because I will run circles around you guys on the field."

"I'll take that challenge," he said getting up and heading back towards his team. I smiled, but wiped it off when he turned around, "oh I'll also take your number." I gave him a look and then he said, "please." I am such a player.

"Yeah su..."

"I'm sorry can I help you," Chris said from behind Cory. Cory mumbled a bit before Chris began again, "you do know she has a boyfriend right?"

"Stop it," I got up and pushed Chris back and Cory looked at me, "here," I grabbed his phone and typed in my number, "I don't have a boyfriend." He nodded and walked away and I turned my attention towards Chris. "What's wrong with you, do you have to try and ruin every encounter I have with guys."

"I...uh," he stuttered.

"And what was that boyfriend bs," I pushed his shoulder.

"I thought you and Brayden," he said.

I shook my head in irritation, "I went on one date, that doesn't make it a relationship and you are not the one to be defining my dating life. I have a boyfriend when I say I do, have you heard me say I have a boyfriend, no. So stay out of my personal life." I turned on my heels and walked over to where the whole team was now gathered.