Status: Active

Never Take Us Alive

Welcome to Altadena Hills, California, where everyone has a past that they want to forget.

No one understood why they were drawn to this sleepy little town however, fate brought them all here for a reason. Their lives just seemed to be falling into place like a puzzle almost completed, but when one of their own disappears, it flips this perfect world upside-down.

The town of Altadena Hills may be small and in the middle of nowhere by a river and a creepy and dark old forest but most citizens are very technologically advanced.

The younger generations seem to have more responsibilities than the adults who reside in town.

The most popular girl in school goes missing, and some pretty sketchy characters start showing up in town. It's up to a group of high school students to save the town...and everyone's lives.

Cross-Over of Madina Lake, Avenged Sevenfold, Panic! At The Disco, You Me At Six, Staff's Original Ideas, and Madina Lake's original story (It's our spinoff sort of thing.)

Anything famous in this story is not ours. We are borrowing it for entertainment's sake. However, we do own the plot and original characters.

(c) Sadie Haner and Lottie Torelli
  1. So Predictable
    Enter Sadie Smith.