Status: Something New

Thnks Fr Th Mmrs

One Moment I Don't Exist & The Next You Need Me To Live

“We have a show at 3 today; don’t be late,” I brushed Trick off and rushed outside.

Lexi’s attitude the other night bothered me to no end. She just ignored me the whole time. Also I didn’t get Chuck’s deal either; saying it was better that way? How was it better?

Did I do something wrong? Did I piss her off? I decided then to confront her. I made a B-line towards Toxic Love’s bus and knocked on the metal door. After a moment Randy opens the door. Not saying a word he moves aside for me to come in.

The bus was dark and dull; the opposite of what I expected of Lexi’s home for months at a time to look like. I don’t know what I expected but it wasn’t this dark closed of small living space that it was.

A small TV sat on the wall, opposite a pale colored couch, a small dining table where Chuck sat smoking a cigarette and staring out the small window by his head where the dark red curtains were pulled up so he could see outside.

“Lexi’s looking for you out there somewhere,” Chuck answered without so much as sending me a glance.

I went to question her motives but Randy sat down across from him and it gave me a clue they wished not to be bothered right now.

Turning around I left the bus as fast as I could to find the 5’4 girl that turned 5’6 in her stilettos. Why was she looking for me? She ignored me yesterday.

Lost in thought I passed the cater line and noticed a short black haired, red lips, beautiful girl sitting alone. Even though there was no one around her she still sat with her head held high like the world was admiring her as she ate. It didn’t matter whether Lexi had an audience she was still putting on a show.

I made my way towards her and she didn’t look up from her salad as I stood in front of her.

“Took you long enough.”


“Come on,” she took her food and tossed it before grabbing my hand and pulling me with her.

My breath caught in my throat at the contact but I didn’t mention it as she pulled me to the side stage to watch a band preform. From First To Last finished their set and I grew slightly insecure as they made their way over. I was close to these guys but I also knew Lexi liked to flirt.

Just as I thought I’d puked from the nerves Lexi grabs my arm by the elbow and leans on her head on mine. My breath gets caught again as I wonder what’s going on.

Yesterday I didn’t exist to this girl yet here we were today; we looked like an actually couple.

She greeted the band as they came offstage and chatted politely; Matt looked at our positions with a raised eyebrow but no one brought anything up.

“You guys wanna join us for a drink?” Sonny asked.

Knowing Lexi we would go. Well she’d go and I’d follow.

“Can’t; Pete and I are going to hang out for a bit,” she smiled and all of us stared at her shocked.

“Okay; catch you guys later.”
Lexi and I were at a bench in a secluded area with a bottle of Jack Daniels shared between us. Lex laid on the picnic table staring at the cloudless sky with a cigarette perched between her bright red lips and black ray bans on her face.

Unexpectedly she turned to me and propped herself up on her elbows.

“Pete; kiss me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know she’s weird and unreadable but that’s her as a character. Tell me what you’re thinking.

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-Neche Narcissist