Status: Something New

Thnks Fr Th Mmrs

I Wish I Could Say I Forgot You Too But I Don't Have The Time, You're Always On My Mind

Things were going great between us. We were an item "a thing" around tour and I couldn’t help but grin at that. We weren’t official though which bothered me.

I had tried to ask Lexi about that but she always found a clever way to dance around the question.

She fascinated me. She was like a rubric cube and I wanted nothing more than to solve her in the hopes it’d open and there would be a heart at her core. Everyone always said to stay away but I always wanted more.

I wanted to be the one to prove them wrong... to get her. I will be that one.

We were currently sitting in the grass with a bottle of Jack. I had just finished a show and hers was about 2 hours ago. We laid on our backs looking up at the clouds with her head on my shoulder and an arm around my waist.

I loved this.

She took a swing of the drink before offering me some but I shook my head.

"What are you thinking?" She whispered.

I looked down at her. Her big brown eyes stared at me innocently through her lashes and I froze before just blurting out the truth.

"How much I love being her with you."

She smiled softly before looking back up at the sky.

"I like it too Pete..."

That was it.

My heart pounded a bit at this piece of information and I smiled.
My heart pounded quickly in my chest.

I couldn’t find her anywhere. We were supposed to meet up after our busses got to the next venue; she promised we would.

She wasn’t answering my texts or calls either. I paced my bus as I thought of all the places I already checked. Finally I went to leave again when Andy stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He asked genially curious.

What I loved about Andy is he was the least judgmental. He never said anything about Lexi and mine’s relationship and so I found no reason to lie to him.

"Gonna find Lexi. We were supposed to meet up." he nodded and let me go uninterrupted.

I rushed off of the bus and walked with my hands in my pockets before I heard it; her laugh. I walked around a bus and seen her leaning up against it with a cigarette to her lips and her hands on Matt Good's chest.

I paused not knowing what to do or think. I clenched my teeth at the pain in my chest.

What were they doing? What were they saying? Why couldn’t I move or talk.

I wasn’t sure if I had moved or made a noise or maybe Lexi just felt my eyes burning holes into her perfect face because her eyes flickered to mine and she gave a tight smile.

Unlike the one she had just given Matt; no this one was this was a sincerely excited smile, for what I did not know, and Matt’s smile had been a flirty one.

I made my way over and he looked over at me. He bit his bottom lip in a nervous gesture but smiled nonetheless. It made my stomach knot.

"Pete. What’s up?" Lexi asked pulling away from Matt.

"Nothing much just looking for you."

"Me? Why?" She honestly seemed confused.

"We said we were supposed to meet up remember?"

"Oh ya..." she giggled. “I must have forgotten."

Forgot? Forgot?!

That should have bothered me more but I could never stay mad at her. She gave Matt a look I couldn’t read and he waved.

"Well Imma get going. See you later, Pete, Lex."

"Bye Matt." she said.

She finally looked over at me and bit her lip.

"So what do you wanna do?" I shrug.

"Whatever you wanna do."

She smiled a small smile before grabbing my hand and pulling me to her bus.

I was nervous and excited. Although I had been on it a few times before, to look for her, she had never brought me on it herself.

We walked up the small steps and I was surprised. It seemed brighter than the other times I was here; however I had never been on when Lexi was here.

The curtains were opened letting sunshine in. The TV was on to fill the silence and it wasn’t messy just cozy.

"I think Randy went to take down his drums or something and Chuck is out hanging with A7X," I nodded.

I honestly didn’t care. No I only cared about Lexi.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wrote this in 20 minutes on my phone… took longer to edit it this morning then write it xD. Hope you like it. What do you think about the chapter titles?

They are an important part.
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-Neche Narcissist