Status: Active. :D

Your Way With Words Is Through Silence

Chapter One

I woke up to the sound of someone yelling my name then a pillow to my face seconds later since I kept my eyes closed. I groaned and turned over on my stomach, burying my face in the last pillow that was on my bed.
“Nicole!” she yelled my name louder but I didn’t respond, I tried to go back to sleep instead. Not even a second later I felt a hand grab my ankle, yanking me out of my comfortable bed. I yelped in pain as my head came in contact with the wood floor. I opened my eyes expecting to see my white ceiling but I saw my best friend Marissa’s face instead.
“Good! You’re awake now” she said with a smirk. I mimicked her while I got up and stretched.
“What the hell do you want?” I snapped, she knew that I wasn’t a morning person.
“Our flight is today, duh! We have to leave in a half hour so get your ass in the shower and do something with the birds nest on your head!”she gestured to my extremely knotty long, brown hair.
“Alright, alright, I’m going. Stay here and watch videos on my laptop or something, just don’t burn my apartment down.” she laughed at my statement while grabbing my laptop off my desk and turning it on.
I met Marissa in 7th grade when I moved to a new town. We were neighbors and she was one of my first friends since I was quiet and shy back then. I didn’t think she liked me at first because she didn’t talk to me much, but we came best friends pretty quickly and now I consider her the sister I never had.
I walked over to my closet and grabbed a white Drop Dead tank top and a pair of black shorts before walking across the hall to my bathroom. I turned the water on and got undressed then stepped into the shower, letting the warm water hit me and wake me up. I washed my body and my hair then got out, blow drying my hair and brushing my teeth. I got dressed then walked back into my room, only to see that my laptop was still on my bed but Marissa was gone.
“Marissa?” I called out, expecting her to be in the kitchen but there was no answer. I ignored the fact that she’s missing and walked over to my dresser and turned my straightener on. I heard my front door close and I saw Marissa walk into my room from my mirror as I started to straighten my hair, two iced coffees from Dunkin Donuts in her hand. She put my iced coffee on my dresser before sitting on my bed drinking hers.
“I love the fact that you have a Dunkin Donuts right down the street from your apartment building.” She said while going back on my laptop.
“I love the fact that you just leave my apartment and I think that someone kidnapped you so I would have to go on vacation alone.” I replied before taking a sip of my drink.
“I understand why you would have thought that, I’m awesome!”
“Thank you!” I finished straightening my hair then put hairspray in it and brushed it. I quickly put on mascara and eyeliner then packed my makeup in one of my two suitcases. I ran back to my bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and shoved it in the same pocket as my makeup. Marissa turned my laptop off and put it in my laptop bag with my charger.
“Are you ready now?” she asked and I nodded my head while grabbing one of my suitcases and my iced coffee. She did the same and we went downstairs to see a taxi sitting outside of my apartment building. I put my suitcases in the trunk while she ran to her car and grabbed hers.
About a half hour later we got to an airport in Lagrangeville, not far from the town of Poughkeepsie that we live in. We paid the driver and took our suitcases out of the trunk then headed into the airport. Fortunately check out was easy and went smoothly and it wasn’t long before we were in our seats on the plane. For twenty minutes before the plane was going to take off we watched people get on and take their seats. We were lucky that the seat between us was empty because with our luck some creepy old man could have sat there.
“I’m bored.” Marissa stated while looking out the window.
"If you’re bored now and the plane just took off how are you going to survive this two hour plane ride to Ocala?”
“Hm…I’ll just annoy you!” she said while reaching over and grabbing my iPhone from my pocket. I sighed and shook my head then laughed.
“You are definitely like a five year old who always needs to be entertained.”
“Whatever you want to believe…” I mumbled under my breath and she shot me an evil glare before looking at my phone again.
“Why do you have over two hundred pictures of A Day to Remember on your phone?” she asked while sliding her finger across the screen a few times, passing a few more pictures of the band. She sighed and shook her head while I grabbed my phone from her hand and shoved it back in my shorts pocket.
“Why not? They’re my favorite band. Besides, I’m sure you have the same amount of pictures of the Maine or There for Tomorrow on your phone!”
“….Yeah….” she replied then we laughed.
We spent the rest of the flight talking about books, movies, music, and playing games on my phone. An hour later we were finally dragging ourselves into the hotel suite we were staying in.
“This place is awesome!” I said while walking around the room. I don’t know if I can even call it a room, it reminded me of an apartment. There were two bedrooms with their own bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room. We each grabbed our own bags and put our stuff away. I finished before Marissa so I sat on my bed watching Pawn Stars until she was done.
“Are you done yet!?” I yelled from my room, hoping she was because I was bored of just sitting inside since we’re in Florida.
“Yeah! There’s this boardwalk down the street.” she said while walking into my room and turning my tv off.
“Let’s go!”
I got up and slipped my black vans on then grabbed my iPhone off my dresser. It literally took us five minutes to get to the boardwalk and on the way we checked out as many attractive guys as we could, there were a lot of them.
“I love Florida!” I said as we walked around the boardwalk. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out; smiling when I saw it was from my mom.
R u enjoying Florida?
I chuckled, my mom types like people my age while I don’t abbreviate anything and I use proper grammar.
Yeah mom, it’s great! We’re walking around the boardwalk now.
Right when I sent the message someone slammed right into me, causing me to drop my phone and they dropped theirs.
“What the hell is your problem?” I asked the man who walked into me while picking my phone up. Marissa was a few steps ahead, stopping when she noticed that I stopped.
“Me? You walked into me!” he responded while picking his up.
“Can we just say that we walked into each other?”
“Fine. I’m Tyler, by the way.”
“I’m Nicole.” he reached out his hand and I gripped it, shaking his hand for a second before pulling my hand back.
“Do you mind if I walk with you?” he asked and I looked at him, noticing his features. He had shiny brown hair, deep green eyes and I noticed that he had a lip ring.
“Well you don’t look like a murderer to me, so sure, you can walk with my friend and I.” I smirked when he chuckled and we walked over to Marissa who was tapping her foot impatiently.
“Why did it take you forever to pick up your phone and who is this stranger?” she asked.
“Sorry mom!” I responded and Tyler laughed when Marissa rolled her eyes. “This is Tyler, he made me drop my phone and he wants to walk around with us.” They shook hands and we walked around the boardwalk for two hours, getting to know each other and playing a few games that we all lost.
“You guys are pretty cool, how long are you in town for?” he asked us as we sat down in a small pizza shop.
“The whole summer” Marissa and I answered at the same time, laughing when Tyler looked at us like we had two heads.
“How do you guys do that?” he asked and we both shrugged.
“What about you?” I asked him.
“I’ve been here for two weeks, I leave tomorrow.” he said and pouted his lips out.
“Really? That sucks, and I thought we would actually have a friend here while we’re staying.”
“Yeah, it sucks because I’m awesome.” he said with a smirk on his face.
“Riiiiight…” I replied with a smirk of my own and he chuckled again.
“I hope you don’t mind that a few of my friends want to hang out with me before I leave, you should meet them.”
“When are they coming?” Marissa asked.
“They’re outside right now” he grabbed my arm from across the table while he got up and pulled me with him, I grabbed Marissa’s arm, doing the same thing, laughing because we almost fell multiple times while he dragged us outside.
We stopped laughing when we saw who his friends were.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello! I would love your opinions on this story so far, so please leave me comments! I'll have a character page up soon, probably tomorrow!

By the way, if anyone that's reading this has read my story about the Maine, I took it down because I got bored with it. Sorry! :(

I like A Day to Remember a lot more though. :D