Status: Active. :D

Your Way With Words Is Through Silence

Chapter Thirteen

The sound of pans clashing loudly jolted me awake. I looked around to see myself in my room alone. I heard screaming coming from the kitchen.

“Alex you moron you’re going to wake her up!!”

“Like your yelling isn’t?!” he shot back.

“Both of you shut up!!” I heard Marissa snap at Neil and Alex. I just noticed that the power went back on. Sweet. I stood up and fixed my shorts before walking into the kitchen to see everyone making breakfast, Jeremy was setting the table.

“I should invite you guys over more often if you’re going to cook breakfast.” They all turned around, Neil was smiling at me.

“I suggested that we do it, I just wanted to say thanks for letting us stay here”

“Aw well thank you Neil” I went over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, Jeremy was staring at me, the reaction I wanted. Neil smiled and wrapped his arms around me in a hug, which I gladly returned. A few minutes later we sat down at the table, Neil was on my left, Alex was on my right, Kevin was on one end of the table, Jeremy, Marissa, then Josh. Neil kept whispering jokes into my ear, causing me to laugh.

“Look how pissed Jeremy is getting..I don’t get why. We’re just having fun.” I nodded.

“I’m having a lot of fun.”


He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. Jeremy slammed his fork and knife down. He quickly got up from the table and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him. Everyone just stared at each other as we finished our breakfast in peace. Marissa went into my room to Oovoo with Chris while the guys and I watched tv, waiting for Jeremy to come back. Neil’s arm was around my shoulders and I felt comfortable as we watched a That 70’s Show marathon all day. At around ten o’clock at night, Marissa was still on Oovoo with Chris, which I’m not surprised about. Josh and Alex went in my room to get some sleep while Neil, Kevin, and I stayed awake to finish the marathon. I was half asleep with my head on Neil’s shoulder when the door opened and Jeremy came into the living room, he stopped and looked at Neil and I and he looked hurt, the way I wanted to see him.

“I’m glad you’re finally back Jeremy.”

“Whatever.” He sat on the other side of the couch and kept his eyes glued to his phone.

“I’m bored” Kevin whined. “We should go to a club tonight.”

“Hm…there’s one twenty minutes from here. Let’s do it!” we all got up and went into my room, waking up Josh and Alex and completely scaring Marissa.

“What the fuck?”

“Hi Chris, bye Chris. We’re going to a club tonight. Everyone get up and get ready!”

Josh and Alex groaned as they slowly got up. Marissa said goodbye to Chris and I dragged her to my closet, handing her a dress and a pair of heels to change into. She went into the bathroom and I stepped into my closet, changing into a tight fitting black dress with matching black heels. Marissa and I both walked into my room at the same time and the guy’s mouths dropped. They wolf whistled.

“You guys look good” Alex commented. Neil came over to me.

“I’m sorry to be so open but you look hot” I giggled.

“Thanks.” Marissa and I left the room to let the guys, including Jeremy get ready. At first he refused to go but everyone basically forced him. The guys exited my room and they all looked good.

“Looking good guys”

I smiled at them and they smiled back, except for Jeremy who just stared at me. I called for a cab and thirty minutes later we were in the club. An hour into the night and I could barely see straight, I loved this feeling. I was giggling and stumbling around before dancing with Neil and Josh on the dance floor. I looked over at the bar to see Jeremy sitting there, watching my every move. Neil wrapped his arms around my waist and soon I was just dancing with him. Our noses were touching; the alcohol was seriously clouding my thoughts. I missed having affection; I wanted to kiss Neil so badly…so I did. He kissed me back and suddenly I felt wanted again.

“What the fuck Neil!” Jeremy was standing in front of us.

“I-I’m sorry.” He stammered “I honestly had no idea w-what I was doing..” I leaned against Jeremy, feeling so drunk that I could barely stand. He picked me up and brought me outside to an empty patio and sat me down in a chair. I couldn’t stop giggling.

“I need you to try and talk to me, okay?” I nodded, before Jeremy could say anything I started crying and I couldn’t control it.

“I-I’m sorry..I shouldn’t be treating you like this..I really like you” he wrapped his arms around me, I’m surprised he understood a word I said. I was a drunken mess and he cared enough to pick up the pieces. We made eye contact and none of us broke it. I leaned up and kissed him, he wasted no time kissing me back. Our lips were in sync and his arms were wrapped around my waist.

I woke up the next morning with the worst headache, luckily on my end table there was a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water. I took the pills and before I could try to go back to sleep I noticed that there was a pair of arms around my waist. I turned to see Jeremy there, a peaceful expression on his face. I sat up quickly, ignoring the pounding in my head. I looked down and noticed that I was in my pajamas, how did this happen? I coughed and he woke up.

“What are you doing in my bed?”

“We should probably talk…” I glanced around the room, everyone was passed out on the floor.

“You poured your heart out to me last night.”

“So that means you’re in my bed? Because I don’t want to be near you.”

“That’s not what you said last night. You told me you want to be with me. You know what they say, a drunken mind speaks a sober heart.” Dammit.

“Oh, and you kissed me last night. We made out actually.” How is he saying this like it isn’t a big deal?

“And you didn’t stop it?” he shook his head.

“I’m single and you know I have feelings for you, why would I turn you down?” he chuckled to lighten the situation. I just shrugged my shoulders.

“I would just really like one more chance. Please?” he took my hands in his and stared at me, waiting for an answer. I honestly didn’t have an answer yet so I pulled my hands away from his.

“What else happened last night?” he sighed, I know he wants an answer but I just can’t give him one right now.


“Just tell me”

“You kissed Neil…”

“I-I what? I did?” he nodded.


“You were drunk? Or maybe you have feelings for him, I don’t know.” I could hear the jealousy in his voice, it was obvious.

“I don’t have feelings for him"

“Are you sure?” I nodded.

“I’m positive. Can you forgive me?”

“I was never mad at you” then he mumbled something.

“What did you say?”

“I said I was jealous….”

“Jeremy McKinnon was….jealous?” he had a small smile on his face.

“Stop it” he playfully shoved my shoulder and I let out a laugh. I missed hanging out with Jeremy. “Can I ask you something?”

“Mhm.” He took my hands in his.

“Will you be my girlfriend?"

“Yes” I smiled and he practically tackled me down on the bed.

“Yes!” he leaned down and kissed me, I was happy that I gave him another chance.

“You have no idea how happy I am that you gave me another chance.” He leaned his forehead against mine.

“Oh but I do, I’m happy too. I missed you…a lot."

“I missed you too” I leaned in and kissed him, his beard tickling my skin. He pulled me on him, causing a giggle to escape my lips. Before anything else happened, Kevin groaned on the floor.

“Fucking hangovers” he covered his face with a pillow. I pulled away from Jeremy, forgetting about the five people asleep on my floor. He sighed; I didn’t want it to end either. He sat up and I sat on his lap as everyone slowly woke up and nursed their hangovers with aspirin and water.

“Um…what’s going on here?” Marissa gave Jeremy the most evil glare I have ever seen.

“Oh nothing really…just letting my girlfriend sit on my lap” Everyone looked at us confused.
“Yes everyone, my girlfriend” he smiled and squeezed me, making me jump. They cheered.

“Congrats you two!”

“Thanks Neil!”

“I wonder if he has any idea..” Jeremy whispered in my ear, all I could do was shrug. I had no idea. The doorbell rang and before I could get up Neil ran to the door. All we heard from my room was yelling.

“Are you serious?!”
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HELLO! I'm back! I'm sorry that I haven't updated since December, I just wasn't motivated to write. I'll be updating again though! A very...interesting chapter.

Last time I updated I said I was seeing ADTR and I did, it was amazing. I was front row and my friend caught Alex's drumstick. I caught Neil's pick but some girl stole it. -___-

Basically it was one of the best days of my life.

Okay, comment and subscribe please! :D