Status: Active. :D

Your Way With Words Is Through Silence

Chapter Three

When we walked back into the living room I noticed that Kevin and Alex were gone.

“Where are Kevin and Alex?” I guess I asked too soon, when I walked towards the couch I saw Alex laying on the floor with Kevin sitting on him.

“Do we even want to know?” Jeremy asked out loud and Marissa shook her head.

“I got bored so I beat Alex up, as usual.” Kevin replied nonchalantly while Alex was trying to push him off, but he failed miserably.

“Where were you guys?” I walked around the other side of the couch and sat next to Marissa while Jeremy sat next to Josh. I whispered everything to her and she got up from the couch, pulling me with her into the kitchen.
“He asked you on a date!” she half-whispered.

“No he didn’t! We just met; I don’t think he’d do something like that.”

“I think he did!”

“I’m just going to think it’s just us hanging out unless something happens.”

“Not unless, when” she winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

“What are you going to do to while I’m not here?”

“Probably hang out with the guys who are left behind. We need to think of some crazy story of how you two ended up doing it!”

“We’re not going to!”

“You never know!”

“I do know!”


I rolled my eyes again, shoving her back into the living room. Right when I was about to sit next to her she shoves me so I stumble and basically land on Jeremy.

“Uh, sorry..” I mumbled while moving to sit next to him.

“Mhm.” he mumbled.

“I’m bored!” Neil whined while lying on Josh who was sitting on the couch. Josh shoved him, causing him to fall off. I laughed and Neil shot me a fake death glare.

“I’m hungry.” Jeremy commented and stood up. He walked to the door, opened it and walked out then shut it before anyone could say anything.

I got up and followed him; he was half way down the hallway by the time I even got out the door. I quickly jogged to where he was and walked next to him.

“Where are you going?”

“To go get food.”

“Thanks for asking me and everyone else if we wanted to go.”

“No problem.”

I sighed and turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm gently and spun me back around so I was facing him again.

“Do you want to come?”

“Oh now you ask.”

“Yeah. So do you want to go or not?”

“Let me go ask everyone else.” I turned to walk back to the hotel room and I bumped into Neil, everyone else was standing around him.

“Hey, watch where you’re going, punk.” he looked down at me and smirked and I smiled.

We all got in the elevator and walked to the lobby where they had a dining hall that looked like a cafeteria.

“Are we back in high school again?” Alex asked out loud while we walked into the dining hall.

“Oh God, I hope not.” Kevin replied as we walked to where a few tables were set up with different kinds of food.

We each grabbed a plate and filled it with spaghetti, mashed potatoes, and chicken with plastic containers of various dipping sauces. Everyone stopped and grabbed a can of soda before we sat down at a table.

We all started eating our large amounts of food and we talked, but of course Jeremy was quiet. He was sitting across the table from me, not talking to anyone and not even looking at anyone.

“Are you okay?” of course I didn’t get an answer.


“Huh?” he looked up at me, kind of like he was in a day dream.

“Are you okay? You’re quiet.”



He turned his attention back to his day dream, or whatever he was thinking.

“Hey, Nicole.” I looked over at Marissa who was next to me holding a forkful of spaghetti

“Wha-“ I was cut off by the spaghetti hitting me in the face and sticking to it, followed by a chorus of laughter.

“Okay, I see how it is.” I picked up a spoonful of mashed potatoes and hit her in the head with it. I laughed as she yelled ow and rubbed her head. I didn’t realize that Neil was behind me, until I looked up and saw him holding an open container of BBQ sauce.

“Neil what are gonna d-“

I didn’t even get to finish my sentence before he dumped the sauce on me. Josh yelled the two words that I was thinking in my head the whole time: food fight. We were the only ones in the dining hall besides the people who worked there and they looked horrified when they looked up to see us throwing sauces, ketchup, mashed potatoes, and other messy foods at each other. I was surprised that Jeremy actually joined in on this.

Our food fight didn’t last long when we saw the workers in the dining hall call security. We all looked each other at the same time and took off running. We ran up the stairs to the hotel room and after I closed the door we all took a good look at each other covered in the food we threw, causing us to laugh.

“Amazing first day in Florida, huh?”

“Yeah, you guys are amazing. Thank you!” I practically tackled Alex. He chuckled and hugged me back; when we pulled away our arms are sticking to each other from the food.

“How are you guys going to get home if you’re covered in food?”

“We walked here because we were at Jeremy’s house, he doesn’t live too far from here.”

“We should probably go, it’s almost 2 am.”
What a way with words, Jeremy. I need to find out why he doesn’t talk much when we hang out tomorrow. Marissa and I hugged everyone goodbye, except for Jeremy who just waved. We both went back to our rooms and showered; I had a hard time getting the knots out of my hair from the BBQ sauce and ketchup.

I sat on my bed after I brushed my hair and turned on the tv, Pawn Stars was on again.

“You always watch that show.”

I looked away from the tv and saw Marissa standing there, shaking her head. I wasn’t even watching the show; I was too focused on my thoughts.

My thoughts about Jeremy.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever!”

“Are you excited for tomorrow?”

“Nah. I just realized…how am I supposed to find him? We never exchanged numbers or anything.”

“I guess he planned it out!”


“Okay well I’m going to bed, the best day of your life is happening tomorrow!”


I turned my tv and light off after she left, I laid in the dark looking at the ceiling. My thoughts were keeping my mind racing.

Why did he invite me?

What if he doesn’t show up?

Why is he always so quiet?

I guess we’ll have to see what happens.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been reading this chapter over and over deciding if it was good or not, but I'm still not happy with it. :c

Hopefully you guys like it!

Thank you to the two people who have commented and subscribed so far, but I would like it if more people told me their opinions! I want to know if this story is going in the right direction or not.