Status: Active. :D

Your Way With Words Is Through Silence

Chapter Four

I woke up to the sound of blinds being pulled up, sunlight blinding my vision instantly when I opened my eyes. I went to grab my pillow to shade my eyes but someone pulled it away.

“Nope. You have to get up."

My eyes flew open again when I heard his voice. He was sitting on my bed, holding the pillow that I had tried to grab.

“Good morning.”

“How did you get in here?”

I sat up and saw Marissa standing in the doorway, waving like crazy.

“It was me!” I rolled my eyes and smiled. She went back in the living room when we heard men’s voices coming from the living room.

“The rest of the guys are here too?” Jeremy nodded then stood up, grabbing my arm gently trying to pull me out of bed.

“Where are we even going today?”

“Get up and I’ll show you.”

I sighed, following his orders.

“You might want to wear your bathing suit too.”

“Alright.” I walked over to my closet, grabbing a gray Jonny Cupcakes tank top and black shorts before walking over to my dresser, grabbing my black bikini. I walked into my bathroom and changed then I straightened my hair and applied some make up. I looked in the mirror when I was done and sighed, I suddenly felt really self-conscious again. Why do I suddenly feel this way? I walked back into my room to see Jeremy standing by the window, looking out at the beach. I slipped on my black Old Navy flip flops before I walked over to him.

“Is there anything I should bring?”

He jumped, almost as if I scared him. He turned to me and shook his head.

“I brought what we need, it’s in my car. Are you ready?” I nodded, grabbing my phone, camera, and some money, shoving it in my shorts pockets before grabbing my black sunglasses and sliding them on my head. We walked out into the living room, a chorus of greetings erupted from the guys. I smiled and said hello back before walking into the kitchen, grabbing a banana nut muffin and a bottle of orange juice before heading back into the living room.


“Why are you in such a rush? What do you have planned?”

“You’ll see.” He said with a smirk on his face. I have no idea what I’m getting myself into. I smiled and shook my head, saying goodbye to everyone before we walked out of the hotel room. We walked in silence until we got in his car.

“Are you ready for some fun today?”

“It depends on what your idea of fun is.”

“Well I think it’ll be fun, I heard you never did this before and I’m shocked.” He started his car and started driving, the radio on low in the background.

“Why are you shocked?”

“I’ve never heard anyone who hasn’t been to this place before.”

“How do you know if I’ve been here or not?”

“Well I do talk to people.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“Really? Why is that?”

“Because you always seem quiet.” He shrugged, keeping his eyes on the road the whole time. I turned my attention to the window after I ate my breakfast, watching the Florida scenery go by. I looked at my phone, seeing that an hour has passed.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

“As of now it sounds like you’re kidnapping me.”

“Maybe I am.” He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

“How much longer do we have to go?”

“About a half an hour.” I sighed, taking my glasses off my head and running a hand through my hair.

“Why are you taking me this far away from Ocala?”

“Because what we’re doing isn’t in Ocala, obviously.” he chuckled and I mocked him, a smile forming on his face. For the rest of the car ride I played games on my phone.

“We’re here.” I forgot that I didn’t know where we were going, when I looked up my eyes lit up.

“Disney World?!” he nodded and chuckled.

“Marissa told me you’ve never been here and I thought that was ridiculous, so I decided to take you.” We got out of the car and I ran around to his side, basically tackling him in a hug. He stumbled, laughing and hugging me back. After I let go he grabbed two towels out of the back seat and he handed one to me, then we walked to the gate. I pulled out my money and handed it to him so he could get us tickets. He shook his head and shoved the money back in my pocket.


“I’m paying for you, that’s final.”

He pulled out enough money and paid for two day tickets.
“Your boyfriend is such a gentleman.” The old woman at the ticket counter said to us then smiled. Jeremy and I flashed her a kind smile.

“He isn’t my boyfriend but yes, he is a gentleman.” She handed us our tickets followed by ‘have a great time’. When we walked inside the parks gates we rented a locker and put our towels inside. We spent a few hours riding all of the best rides in the park, taking a bunch of pictures throughout the day then we stopped to get food. Jeremy insisted on paying for that too but I beat him to it, paying for the both of us. After we ate we stopped at the locker we rented, we put our electronics away and I took my clothes off so I was in my bikini. I smiled to myself when I saw Jeremy trying not to look at me. He grabbed our towels and we walked to Typhoon Lagoon and went on waterslides, rafting, you name it, we did it. I can’t forget to mention that every time we walked by some type of fountain or waterfall Jeremy and I always tried pushing each other underneath it. I lost most of the time but there were some times where I actually won.

It got dark around 8:30, which was the same time we finished the last water ride we wanted to go on. I shivered, wrapping the towel around myself.

“Did you have a good time?” he asked as we walked back to the locker to get our stuff.

“I had so much fun, thank you so much!” I tackled him when we got to the locker, he chuckled and hugged me back.

“Your hugs are dangerous, I could actually fall one of these days.”

“Well you better be careful then.” I smiled and opened the locker, Jeremy grabbed our electronics while I got dressed. We walked to his car and he got spare towels out of the trunk to put on his seats so we didn’t totally soak them.

“I really can’t thank you for today, I had so much fun.” I broke the silence five minutes after he started driving home. We stopped at a red light and he looked over at me, smiling.

“It really is no problem, I had fun too.” He turned his attention back to the road and I leaned my head against the window, looking at the Florida scenery again. I guess I fell asleep because I opened my eyes and looked at Jeremy, his hand on my forearm.

“Finally you’re awake. I’ve been trying to wake you up for the past five minutes.” I felt a blush creep on my cheeks, I’m glad it was dark.

“Sorry. Are you coming up with me?”

“Do you want me to? You look tired.”

“Of course I want you to.” I smiled and we both got out of the car, making our way to the elevator.

“I wonder if the guys are still there.” I shrugged as we got out on our floor. We walked down the hall and I opened the door using my key, to our surprise everyone was gone and there was a note on the coffee table.

The guys are literally dragging me to a club tonight after I write this and get ready. I probably won’t be home until early in the morning so we’ll talk when I get home!


P.S. The guys say hi.

I smiled and picked up the note, sticking it in my pocket.

“Where are they?” Jeremy asked, coming out of the kitchen holding two cans of Arnold Palmer, handing me one. We sat on the couch and he turned on the tv.

“They went to a club and Marissa said they probably won’t be back until early in the morning. I swear if they all come here drunk and loud I’m going to throw them all off the balcony.”

He laughed while flipping channels, leaving it on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

“Someone’s feisty.”

I shrugged. “I don’t like when people wake me up. Ew Harry Potter.”

“I’m aware of that, and what’s wrong with Harry Potter?”

“I just don’t follow any of it, that’s all.”

“Oh, well I can find something else..”

“No no, it’s fine.” we both reached for the remote at the same time and our hands brushed.
We pulled back at the same time and my hand tingled from the contact.

“Are you sure?” I nodded, not knowing what to say. My phone lit up then vibrated, signaling a new text message. I picked up my phone, seeing that it was from Marissa.

You’re not gonna believe what just happened!

What happened?

Alex said he was inviting one of his friends he hasn’t seen in a while and guess who it is! Chris Kamrada!!

I shook my head, smiling as I replied.

Oh God, Alex has no idea what he got Chris into. Try not to rape him since I’m not there to stop you.

I can’t make any promises! Bye! ;D

“Who was that?”

“Marissa. Alex invited Chris Kamrada to the club they’re at right now and Marissa’s freaking out.” He looked at me confused like I was speaking another language.

“She’s a huge fan of his band, Alex has no idea what he got Chris into. One time when There For Tomorrow came to our city, we went to see them and Marissa shrieked when Chris walked across the stage. The worst part was that they weren’t even going on to perform and everyone looked at her like we were crazy.” I went into a laughing fit, remembering the memory. Jeremy looked at me like I was insane as I kept laughing.

“Are you done?” he asked once I started to calm down and I nodded. I picked up the remote, flipping the channels until I found a kids movie marathon.

“Finding Nemo!”

We watched it, quoting everything we possibly could from seeing it countless times. When it was over Jeremy stood up.

“It’s almost midnight, I should probably go.” I nodded, stood up and stretched while Jeremy put his Vans on. When he stood up he tackled me, making me scream and almost fall. I giggled and hugged him back

“Good night, I’ll text you tomorrow.” He pulled away and shoved his hands in his pockets.

“How? We never exchanged numbers.”

“Well before I woke you up today I took your phone and put everyone’s numbers in your contacts.”

I sighed. “I really need to start locking doors around here.” I smiled and he hugged me one last time.

“Good night, again.”

“Good night.” He flashed me a smile before walking out the door and going home. I went into my room and changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top before climbing into bed.


I jumped awake when I heard the sound of a glass breaking. I looked over at the clock and mentally cursed the reason of the noise for waking me up at four in the morning.

Wait a second, why is glass breaking?

I took a deep breath and got up, quietly walking out of my room and into the living room. I cautiously walked to the kitchen, still half asleep. Someone wrapped their arms around me from behind, making me shriek. A chorus of laughter erupted throughout the hotel, and Josh turned on the light. I looked around the kitchen to see a broken glass on the floor.

“We didn’t mean to scare you, but that was funny!” Kevin slurred and drunkenly tried to high five Josh, but they ended up missing and laughing about it. I turned around and saw that Neil’s arms were wrapped around me, I could smell the alcohol on his breath when he spoke.

“Nice outfit.” he winked at me and I rolled my eyes then unwrapped his arms from around my body. Marissa yawned then stumbled to her room, closing the door as she tripped into her room. I looked outside and saw that their cab was still outside, probably waiting for them to go back.

“I fucking hate you guys for scaring the shit out of me! Your taxi is outside. Good night!” They laughed and stumbled outside. I watched them from the window, making sure they all got in the cab. I cleaned up the broken glass then went back to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really like this chapter! It's longer than I intended it to be but that's okay. I don't really like the ending too much, but I'll find a way to make them more interesting.

Hopefully you guys like it!

The part where I said Marissa screams when we saw Chris Kamrada actually did happen to us a while ago hahaha, she's going to hate me after she reads this! :D