Status: Active. :D

Your Way With Words Is Through Silence

Chapter Eight

“You should have packed the other day!” I yelled at Marissa as I sat on her bed, watching her frantically run around her room throwing her clothes in her suitcases.

“I was busy!”

“Well that’s your fault!”


She stood in front of her suitcase, desperately trying to fit all of her clothes into it without having to fold them.

“I’m gonna go see if Jeremy is awake yet. Have fun with your suitcase!” I got up and saw Chris in the doorway, watching Marissa with a smirk on his face.

“Chris zipper this!” I looked over to see Marissa sitting on her suitcase, when Chris walked over to zipper it I walked out of her room laughing. I went into my room, Jeremy was laying in my bed. He stretched and rubbed his eyes.

“Good morning.” I walked over to my bed and sat next to him. He sat up and smiled at me.

“Morning.” He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, causing me to blush.

“So today’s the day..” he nodded.

“When does your flight leave?”

“Ten thirty.” I looked at the time, it was 9 o’clock. “We should probably get going.” He nodded and got up then stretched and put his Vans on. We walked into the living room, Chris was carrying Marissa’s bags.

“Ready to go?” I nodded at Marissa, but truthfully I don’t think I would ever be ready to leave now. Chris walked out of the room and Marissa followed him. I went to pick up my bags but Jeremy got to them first. I closed the door after we walked out.

“I could have carried my suitcases.”

“It’s okay I can do it.” I looped my arm around his and we got into the elevator.

“I’ll drive you guys to the airport.” Chris stated as we made our way down to the lobby. We got out and I checked us out. We walked to Chris’ car and put our suitcases in the trunk before getting in, Chris in the drivers seat, Marissa in the passenger’s seat and Jeremy and I in the back.

“How far away is the airport from here?” Marissa asked as she looked out the window.

“About an hour.” Chris responded while pulling out of the parking lot. I looked out the window, watching my home for the past 2 months go right by me. I felt Jeremy’s head on my shoulder and I looked down at him.

“I’m still tired.” I heard him mumble, burying his face into my neck. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as he wrapped his arms around me.

“Me too.” I leaned my head against his, watching the cars go by. It was silent in the car except for the sound of the radio faintly in the background.

“Is he asleep?” I looked away from the road to see Marissa’s head turned in my direction. I looked down at him, his breathing was slow and even. I looked back at Marissa and nodded, she smiled at me before facing front again. We got to the airport a little over an hour later.

“Jeremy.” He was still sound asleep on me. I gently shook him and he sat up yawning.

“I guess I fell asleep.” He had a smile on his tired looking face, making me smile. A knock on the window made me jump before Marissa opened the door.

“Let’s go! We only have a half an hour until we leave.” We got out of the car and Jeremy grabbed both of my suitcases out of the trunk. I grabbed the one in his left hand and put it in my left hand before holding his free hand as we walked into the airport, a smile on his face the whole time. Marissa and I picked up our tickets that we reserved after we checked our luggage in. I looked at my phone, we had five minutes until we had to board the plane. Marissa and Chris were sitting on a bench in a waiting area, making out shamelessly. I looked at Jeremy and sighed.

“Thank you for giving me the best summer I could ever ask for.”

“I could say the same thing.” He pulled me into a hug and held me tightly. “I’m going to miss you.” He whispered in my ear, making me want to cry.

“I’m going to miss you too.” I could tell my voice was starting to shake.

“We’ll talk every day, I promise.” I nodded, agreeing with him. I could feel tears forming in my eyes, I blinked them away. An announcement came on the loudspeaker signaling that we had to start boarding the plane. Jeremy pulled away enough for us to make eye contact. He leaned down and kissed me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kept his arms around my waist. About a minute later Marissa and Chris were standing next to us coughing obnoxiously so we pulled away.

“We gotta go now.” I looked up at Jeremy who had a sad expression on his face.

“I’ll see you soon, hopefully.” He kissed me one last time before Marissa grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the line to board the plane. We turned and waved to Jeremy and Chris before walking outside to board the plane. Once we got into our seats I sighed.

“This summer was amazing.” I nodded at Marissa’s statement.

“I just realized I have work tomorrow.” I leaned my head against the seat and looked at the ceiling.

“I do too. Fuck I miss Florida already.” She said as I looked out the window, seeing that the plane was taking off. I worked at a small photography shop while Marissa worked in a bakery.

The plane ride home was pretty quiet, I fell asleep for the first hour and I spent the rest of the flight listening to music and looking at the pictures on my phone. As we got off the plane I arranged for a taxi to pick us up, by the time we got our luggage it was waiting outside. We put our suitcases in the trunk and a half an hour later we were taking them out again because we were at my apartment. Marissa and I said goodbye, she tackled me into a hug before she got into her car and drove home. I went up to my apartment and when I walked in it felt weird, for some reason it didn’t feel like home like it automatically should. I walked into my room and basically threw my suitcases next to my closet before flopping down onto my bed. I checked my phone and I saw that I had a text from Tyler, asking if I had Skype. We Skyped, he asked how everything was and I told him about Jeremy and I.

“Aw! Invite me to the wedding girlfriend!” he put on his best girl voice which made me laugh.

“Nothing’s even official yet!”

“Whatever!” We Skyped for two hours after that, singing along to music and making random conversation before he had to go. I spent the rest of the night watching tv before I went to bed at 11:30, I had to be at work at 10 tomorrow morning.


At nine o’clock my radio started playing. The radio host was talking about the weather for the day as I threw on a pair of light wash skinny jeans and a gray Glamour Kills hoodie. While I was straightening my hair the radio station was finally going to start playing music for the morning. I almost burned myself when I heard All Signs Point to Lauderdale came on. I sighed and twenty minutes later I was ready for the day. I grabbed my keys and money before going out to my car, driving to Dunkin Donuts. I ordered a bagel and iced coffee and sat there, eating my breakfast and checking my e-mail on my phone for twenty minutes before driving to work at the photo shop.

The place I work at is a little photo shop, I sell cameras and everything related to photography. Sometimes I get hired to do photo shoots for local bands, which is my favorite part of the job. My least favorite part is my coworker Emily, she doesn’t like me very much and she lets me know it. I hate having to deal with her for almost eight hours every day.

“You’re back.” She stated as I walked through the door. All I did was nod as I started my shift. My days are usually somewhat busy. Young teens usually come in asking what type of cameras are the best to use at shows. I remember when I was 12 or 13, I went to my first show. The day seemed to drag on forever, but I got out of work at 6 o’clock. I went home, ate dinner and sat in front of the tv for the rest of the night. I realized that I haven’t talked to Jeremy all day, he’s probably busy today. I’ll probably talk to him tomorrow.

I’m not ready for my life to go back into the same boring routine every day.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter seems shorter than the others and I don't even like this one too much. I would have updated the other day but I went to the Allstars Tour the other day and that was amazing and I actually did stuff yesterday haha.


Thoughts? Also, would anyone care to read a chapter in Jeremy's P.O.V in one of the future chapters? It might even be the next one, I'm not sure what I'm doing with this story yet.

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