Status: In Progress

Happily Ever After.(Maybe)

Skylines and Turnstiles

It all started that horrible day; the day burned into the memory of every American. The morning of September 11 2001, or 9/11. There he was just standing, staring like everyone else, tears running down his eyes. I didn't know it but the moment he took my hand, a complete stranger, he would be the one I spent my whole rest of my life with.
"It's horrible all those innocent people dying for no reason." The first words he had said to me."What are you doing in New York?" I asked sincerly trying to get off this horrible subject.
"That dosen't matter all you need to know is that what I was doing in New York was a waste of my time and life. I've realized any second I could die and If I died right now I wouldn't of made a differance in this world. I need to get out and do somthing. I don't want my life to become just a name scratched into someones memory when it can fade away. I want to burn my memory in to there brain so they'll remember me for me for forever." He said tighting the grip on my hand. Every word he spoke I COULD TELL HE MENT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. THIS GERARD WAY IS DETERMINED."Oh god, run! The tower is falling,Christine Young and I agree" as I said that a single tear betrayed me and slid slowly down my cheek. but Gerard caught the second on.
"No need to cry babe. your not in this alone you got me now" he spoke softly to me.He said grabbing my hand and taking off running. We dove into the nearest shop just in time.
"By the way my name Gerard Way."
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Shorrrrrrrrrrrt Oh Well.