Status: In Progress

Happily Ever After.(Maybe)

Honey, We have only started.

I was so surprised Gerard could sing like that.Not that I didn't think he could or anything.His voice was diffrent he didn't even seem to try. He was gonna do good in many peples lives and I knew it. Couldn't help but stare at him he was so graceful and I hadn't noticed that he had finshed and was staring back into eyes. He was so soft even though he tries to be hardcore.
" Well what do you think?" His voice startled me I was so caught up in his eyes.
"It was amazing babe" I couldn't help but smile as I spoke to him.
Even though we hadn't been together long I knew I loved him.
I just did't know if he loved me the same way or as a friend. " When it does happen are you gonna leave me?" I couldn't help but ask him. It was playing mind games with me. " When what happens?" I knew he understood what I said.
" You know what I am talking about Gerard. Don't pretend like you don't"
"Why would I leave you?"
Why wouldn't he leave me. "The pretty California girls will be all around you and one of them will be the one you love. Am I just here to fill that place until then?"
I could see the shocked look in his eyes he looked so hurt. I need to know. " I don't know we in the hell you thought that" His tone sounded angry as he went on. " You know how I feel about you. You mean everything to me and you know it." By now he was crying. I hadn't ment to make him cry at all. "And if any of those other girls even try to touch I would tell them to fuck off I have a girl waiting for me. You are not holding a place for anyone else for that matter. God why did you think that love?" I didn't know the answer to that question. "I am so sorry Gee I just thought and I shouldn't have." I felt horriable. By now he has standing by my side. I felt his lips on mine. "It is okay I love you so fucking much and wouldn't want to hurt you. Come lets go see my mom." I loved it when he showed his sensitive side.
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I tried to make it longer than the last chapter and if you are not reading it because of the proper spelling than you suck.

I love the people who read it because you lke the band.
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