Bottom of the Ocean


Maryann Clemmens was the kind of girl who was untouchable by social standards. Her family came from high wealth and every girl knew she couldn't even begin to compete with Maryann when it came to that.

Maryann, however, wasn't the kind of girl who let people make assumptions about her. She quickly put aside snide remarks and held her head high at the chides of other girls and the obscene jokes of many of the guys she came across.

Except me. When Maryann first laid eyes on me, I could tell she could tell that I was different. Our courtship was a blur: twelve long months of cuddling, snuggling, kissing, laughing; it was pure bliss, honestly.

And then it was over. Just like that. And that's the one thing I regret in my life:

I left her heart shattered at the bottom of the ocean.
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I'm really feeling this. The chapters won't be long, but they'll be longer than the prologue, haha! There will be fourteen in all - a prologue, twelve months, and an epilogue.