Status: Off on holiday for 2 weekes wont be uploading any for awhile sorry :( xxx

We Don't Need Another Story About California

Keep your hopes up high and your head down low

Gerard's POV...

Damn, Frank was hot when he blushed. What am I saying? He's hot all the time! With those cute brown eyes with extremely long lashes and those rippling muscles highlighted by his tight t shirt. He is just so sexy! I wish I could just lean down and kiss his moist pink lips, but I can't, I know nothing about him. And plus, I shouldn't be thinking like this. I should be grieving over Alex. But as soon as I first laid my eyes on his beautiful smile, I couldn't help but forget about everything that's happened recently. Plus grieving over an asshole is pathetic.

"What pizzas do you guys want?" Mikey said before picking up the phone and dialling the number to our new favourite pizza place.

"Uh anything without meat," Frank replied, "I'm a vegetarian,” That is so cute! He must love animals.

"Do you wanna share a vegetable one with me?" I asked him. We'd have to sit together if we were sharing. I smiled at that thought.

"Yeah Okay," Frank nodded sitting down next to me on the couch. I had stopped teaching his sister how to play CoD a while ago and we were all now discussing what movie to watch tonight.

"I'll have anything," Bex called to Mikey, not looking up from scanning our DVD shelf for a good movie. "Hey guys, I think we should watch this," She said holding up the DVD case for Predator.

"Are you sure that's not gonna be too scary for you?" I teased and walked over to her. Frank made a weird high pitched giggle. "Bex? Scared of a horror movie? She loves 'em," he said.

"Really?" I said looking unconvinced, she nodded. Wow, you wouldn't expect a blonde, cheerleader to like movies like this. She stood up and started to stroke my arm gently. "Listen Gerard," she started, "Mikey told us about your ex-girlfriend. Alex? I'm sorry for what she did to you,” she continued to stroke my arm seductively. Girlfriend? I haven't had a girlfriend since I was like 14, before I came out. Just then, I heard another high pitched giggle, this time coming from Mikey. I raised an eyebrow at him but he kept a straight face and didn't say anything. I turned back to Bex. "You know the best way to get over someone?" she asked, I shrugged, "To get under someone else,” she winked.

Mikey obviously couldn't contain himself anymore. He just burst into fits of laughter. Oh I see, she thinks I’m straight. Sorry love, I don't wanna bang you, but I’d defiantly do your sexy brother over there. NO GERARD! He's your brother's friend, It would be so wrong! Also, he is like 5 years younger than you! He's a minor, it would be illegal to do such dirty things with him. Bex's confused face looked from Mikey to me and back to Mikey again. I shot him a look to get him to stop laughing but he couldn't. "I'm...sorry...Gee...” He gasped between fits of giggles.

"I guess young Michael here, mislead you to think I'm straight," I frowned at him, “I’m gay, Alex is a guy,”

I noticed Bex sigh in disappointment. I turned to look at Frank’s reaction. It was normal, he wasn’t showing any sign of emotion at all! I started to feel a bit disappointed myself but then he caught me looking at him and he winked and smirked. WINKED AND SMIRKED!! Oh my god he totally likes me!!Maybe he’s gay too. I’ll bet he wants to sex me up right here on the couch! My thoughts were interrupted by Bex.

“Bummer!” She said, “Why are all the good ones either taken or gay? Ya know, sometimes I think our Frankie here is gay. Apart from him having a girlfriend, Ray, you too would totally have been a perfect match!” She giggled as Frank went a violent shade of red and look away.

I felt my face fall. Fortunately no-one noticed my disappointment rise up again. “Ray? Sounds like a guy’s name to me,” I muttered quietly to myself. Wait, if he was straight then why did he wink and smirk at me? Maybe it was just an innocent wink and smirk. But then why is my gay-der screaming “GAY ALERT! GAY ALERT!”? Maybe he hasn’t realised it yet. Or maybe he has realised it but has just been too afraid to come out. I bet I can make he come out. I giggled at the pun. A devilish smirk crept over my face resulting from the many ideas of teasing Frank appearing in my head.

A few minutes later, the pizza guy arrived. We had only order from this place a few times but it was already my favourite pizza place in California. Not because of the amazing pizza, that’s just a bonus, it’s all because of the extremely hot delivery guy. He is gorgeous! I keep fanaticising about him. Like I’d order a pizza and then he’d deliver it and we’d just start going at it right on the floor. You know, like a bad 70s porno but hotter! We always flirted when he delivered to us.

“Gee, don’t you wanna get that?” Mikey asked seeing as I hadn’t moved when the bell rang. Usually I would have ran to the door to flirt with the guy but today I was too busy talking (and trying to flirt) with Frank. “Nah, you can get it,” I said before turning back to the sexy beast in front of me, “You like Iron Maiden too? They’re like, my favourite band!”

“Yeah! They’re totally awesome,” He grinned, “ I love British Rock,”

“Me too!” He is so great. He loves all the same things as me. I am staring to like this guy. Mikey walked back in with our pizzas. He raised an eyebrow at me and Frank talking intently. Maybe he thinks there something going on between us. I wish!

“Uh, Gee, the pizza guy wanted me to give this to you,” Mikey rudely interrupted us. He handed me a small bit of paper with a number on and the words ‘Call me xxx’. I rolled my eyes an trew it in the trash.

“Why’s you do that?” Frank asked with a confused look on his face.

“He’s an asshole,” I lied, “Also, I kinda already like someone else,” I grinned.

“Oooh, who?” Mikey and Bex said in unison.

“ None of your business, now eat your pizza,” I ordered them, grabbing a piece for myself. “Oh Frankie, you have a bit of sauce on your lip,” I reached over and wiped he face. He went a bit pink as Mikey and Bex giggled at him. After we had eaten, Bex put on the movie.

“Awww, do we have to watch this?” Mikey whined as the movie started, “Arnold Schwarzenegger is a huge dick!”

“Yeah, I bet he has a big dick too,” I joked making Frank giggle, it was so adorable! Frank probably has a big dick as well. Stop thinking about it! He has a girlfriend. He Is only 16, stop being a pedophile!

Mikey and Bex were sat on one sofa and me and Frank sat together on the other one. He was sat quite far away from me at first but I decided to move close to him. Cuddling never hurt anyone. He tensed up when my leg touched his for a bit but then he relaxed. In the middle of the movie, I felt him shiver so I went and got us a blanket. I snuggled up closer to him and he soon got warm again.

“Thanks,” he smiled. His smile was so warm and kind. I couldn’t help it. I put my hand on his leg and stroked it. He didn’t seem to mind. I moved my hand closer to his crotch and quickly brushed my hand over it. OH MY GOD! He was hard, really hard. I forgot he was a teenager and they get happy over anything. I looked up at his him, he cheeks were red, I smirked at him. Oh he wants it. I slowly and lightly stroked him threw his pants. He face tensed again, it was so sexy. I kept on stroking him harder and harder when he whispered in my ear “Oh my god, that feels so good!”.

I quickly looked over to see if Mikey or Bex were looking, so I could undo his pants and jerk him off properly. They were making out! Oh Michael!]/i] I stopped touching Frank. He looked at me with a sad face, wondering why I had stopped. I nodded towards them. He jaw dropped open. “I thought he liked Leila!” Frank said to himself.

Leila? Who’s Leila? Oh my god! Love triangle, much? My brother, the weird, disturbed emo kid was a ladies man! He was making out with a cheerleader! Just then Bex changed her position and started straddling my baby brother! Ewww…

“NO WAY! Uh not happening,” Frank said standing up, obviously not caring about the giant boner in his pants.

“Yeah your not having sex on the couch!” I stood up too.

“Uh, not anywhere!” Frank exclaimed, “I think we should leave now, “he grabbed his sister by the arm and started dragging her to the door. He looked so angry, I wanted to give him a cuddle to calm him down but I couldn’t.
♠ ♠ ♠
All i Want - A Day To Remember <3

Sorry it took so long to put up, i kept changing my mind about the chapter. I hopefully will get another one done by the end of the week, but if i dont im really sorry! I'm going on holiday for two weeks next week so i wont be writing for a while sorry :(

PLEASE COMMENT!! thanks <3 <3