Basically the Scariest Pokemon Out There, and He's My Sanity

Chapter 3

"Ah! I'm so bored!" I quietly complained to myself as I plopped down onto my bed with a frown

"I wonder if Gastly's okay? Or maybe he's already tired of playing with me?" I whispered. I could feel the frown on my face deepen.

Gastly had not come to my room for a few days now.

"Hannah!" my nurse said.

"What do you want this time? I already took my medicine today!" I yelled at him.

"Are you sure? You still seem awfully irritable," he trailed off as he entered my room.

"Irrita-wha?" I simply asked.

"Irritable. It means that you're grumpy," he said.

"You'd be grumpy too if you were in a loony bin where you didn't belong!" I yelled.

"Oh Hannah! Why don't I take you out to meet the other patients, huh? Maybe then you'll feel like you fit in!" He said.

You completely missed what I meant! I screamed in my head. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"No thanks! And that's not what I meant anyways!" I yelled at him. I rolled over onto my side, facing away from him.

"Do you want to go meet the other patients, Hannah?" he asked yet again. I stood up.

"NO. I. DON'T! Why can't you understand that that's not what I meant!" I screamed as I stomped over to him.

"Now get the hell out of my room and leave me alone!" I yelled as I slammed the door in his face.

Honestly, these guys are the ones that are insane!

I sighed.

I heard yet another knock on my door.

I sighed angrily this time.

"What do you want this time!" I screamed as I opened the door.

No one was there.

Well, that's what I would've thought if I hadn't heard sniffling. I looked down to see an almost small version of the yellow creature that was in one of my dreams.

"Oh, hi little fella," I tried to make it stop crying. It started to run off in a direction.

"Hey! Wait! Come on! Don't run!" I yelled. I started to chase after it but it was too fast and I couldn't tell which direction it went anymore.

"Dang!" I whispered as I stopped running.

"First Gastly, now that thing. What's wrong with me?" I whispered to myself.

"Gastly?" I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around to see my floating purple head.

"Gastly!" I almost yelled. I tried to hug it but wound up on the floor.

"Gastly! Gas-gastly!" Gastly said worriedly.

"Heh. It's okay Gastly! I'm fine," I said while laughing a little. I flipped over so that I sat on my butt.

"So, where have you been, buddy?" I asked, looking up at Gastly.

"I thought I heard someone scream something over here!" I heard one of the scientists shout. I stood up.

"Crap! I can't get away fast enough!" I whispered as I started to run in the opposite direction.

"Gastly!" Gastly said as he stopped in front of me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Gast," it seemed like he wanted me to stay put for a sec. He went through a wall and reappeared shortly after.

"Gastly," he said as he started to float up.

"Up there?" I looked up to see the yellow creature from my dream in one of the airvent things.

"How am I supposed to get up there?" I asked.

"Pika!" the yellow creature said as it turned around and swung its tail down.

"I think I can reach it," I said as I tried to reach for it. I grabbed its tail and it pulled me up. I climbed into the vent. They closed the vent hole thing just in time too. Not long after did I see a lot of guys run past searching for the person who screamed.

"Pikachu!" the yellow creature whispered as it started to crawl away.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I whispered as I quickly followed.

After a few minutes, the creature opened another vent and I looked down and saw my room.

"Wow, smart little critter aren't ya?" I asked, smiling at it.

"Pika!" it smiled.

"Before I go, what's your name?"


"Pikachu, huh? Girl or boy?" I asked.

Pikachu pointed at Gastly.

"Boy, huh?"

Pikachu shook its head.

"Girl?" she nodded.

"Okay! Pleasure to meet you Pikachu! My name's Hannah!" I said as I tried to shake her hand. I slightly laughed.

"Well, guess I better go," I said as I tried to get out.

"See you around, Pikachu!" I said as I dropped from the vent and landed on my butt.

"Owwie!" I whispered.

Gastly appeared in front of me with a smile.

"So, you wanna play Gastly?" I asked him. Then Pikachu dropped from the vent.

"You can play too if you want, Pikachu!" she nodded her head.

"Okay!" and we started playing.

---------------That night----------------------

"I don't think I've ever had that much fun!" I said as I lied down in my bed.

"Good night Gastly. Good night Pikachu!" I said.

"Gastly!" he said as he slipped through the wall.

"Pikachu!" she said as she closed the vent.

What could be better than spending time with these kind of friends?