Basically the Scariest Pokemon Out There, and He's My Sanity

Chapter 8

"Ugh! Where are we?" I asked as Gastly and I hit yet another dead end in the Viridian Forest. I heard Gastly sigh.

He took out the map again and tried to figure out where we were.

"Got any ideas?" I asked as I also looked at the map. It was no use though. I couldn't read a single thing on that stupid thing.

Gastly gave another sigh and shook his head, or rather body. Then he put the map back into my bag.

"We are both hopeless when it comes to finding the right path. I wonder if any of my other pokemon can tell which way to go?" I mumbled.

"Gast!" Gastly said. I looked at him to see him nodding.

"Okay, well. Come on out, everyone!" I shouted as I summoned all of my pokemon. In front of me appeared Pikachu, Pichu, and Weedle.

"Pika!" Pikachu said.

"Pi!" Pichu said.

"Weedle!" Weedle said.

"So, do any of you know which way is out?" I asked them. They looked around and then shook their heads. I sighed.

Then we suddenly heard a few people screaming.

"I wonder who that could have been? Let's go check it out!" I said as I began to run to the noise.

Up ahead I saw two guys, one looked like an old man and the other looked like a boy my age.

"What's wrong?" I asked. They turned around.

"Hannah?" Professor Oak said when he looked at me.

"Oh, hey Professor Oak!" I said.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Well, I was on my way to Pewter City but then we kind of got lost," I laughed nervously.

"Didn't you use that map I gave you?" he asked.

"Yeah, but I can't read a map yet so Gastly has been guiding us so far," I said.

"Gast," Gastly apologized.

"It is alright, Gastly. It's not your fault that we are lost," I said, giving him a pat on the head.

"Well, I'm glad that you two are already great friends," Professor Oak said.

"Thanks! Uh, by the way. Who is that guy?" I asked, pointing to the kid.

"Oh, this is my grandson! Hannah, Gary. Gary, Hannah," he introduced us.

"It's nice to meet you!" I said, giving him my hand.

"Nice to meet you too!" he said, shaking my hand.

"So, why did you guys scream earlier?" I asked.

"Oh, well. We were being chased by a pack of Beedrill. That's all," Prof. Oak explained.

"What's a Beedrill?" I asked.

"Check your pokedex," he said. I nodded and pulled out my pokedex.

"Beedrill, it can take down any opponent with its powerful poison stingers. It sometimes attacks in swarms," the pokedex said.

"Oh, so it is a bug pokemon? Cool!" I said.

"Yeah, but they are vicious if you disturb them," he said.

"Yeah, I guess so," I mumbled. Then suddenly we heard some people laughing. We looked at a nearby tree.

"Gast Gastly," Gastly said.

"What do you mean you have a bad feeling?" I asked him.

We looked up to see a pair of people. They were wearing a black outfit with a red M on their shirts.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Us?" the girl asked.

"We are from the team known as Team Magma. And we are here to steal your pokemon!" the man said.

"I don't think so!" I yelled.

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it, little girl?" the girl teased me. I narrowed my eyes.

"Hannah, use one of Gastly's moves. If you do, you can scare them away," Prof. Oak whispered to me.

"What move is that?" I asked.

"I believe it is called Mean Look," he whispered.

"Okay! Hey Gastly! How about we show these guys what we're made of?" I said. Gastly nodded and then he levitated in front of me.

"Ooo! Looks like the little girl wants to fight! How cute!" the guy said.

"I am not cute, ya ditz! Alright Gastly! Use Mean look!" I yelled.

"Gastly!" he yelled. Team Magma screamed and fell out of the tree they were standing in.

"Get out of here!" I yelled. They nodded and ran away from us.

"Thanks a lot, Hannah! I think you have a lot of potential to be a wonderful pokemon trainer! Here, why don't Gary and I show you the way to Pewter City?" Prof. Oak said.

"Really? Thanks!" I said.