Status: Working on the next chapter. Just need to find time to write down all of my ideas. Thanks!

Love at First Fright


**Rayna's P.O.V**

It had been 2 weeks since Joey had come back home. I have to say that he was showing how much he truly did not want to lose us. He was being a better father, husband and well let's just say him in the bedroom before was amazing now it was utter madness.
One night when I was laying on the bed waiting for him to get out of the bathroom to join me he started bringing up a topic I never even considered for Eric.

"Hey babe..."


"You ever thought about sending Eric to pre-school now that he's 3?"

"Pre-school? You sure he's ready for that?"

I looked over as Joey walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck and his hair wet and in a ponytail.
"Why not? Corey sent Grif when he was 3 and he loved it. It'd be a chance for him to meet kids his own age. I mean the only kids he knows are older than him."

"And? I don't know...He's so small the other kids are going to make fun of him and he'll be the new kid and I just don't want his feelings hurt."

"Ray, he's a Jordison he's tough."

"Like you?"

I poked him in his hard arm muscles as he sat on the edge of the bed facing me.

"Exactly. Come on. He needs to get out instead of being stuck in this damn house all the time. Plus it means you can do that demo Chris told you about when you were pregnant."

"The demo? I totally forgot about that. I guess it would be nice to have some actual adult time in the house without worrying about where Eric was. Singing on a demo would be fun also."

"See. He should go. Jonas went to the same pre-school and look how he turned out."
"Jonas is a little freak like his uncle."

He laughed and kissed me on the forehead before laying close to me and staring at me with his crystal blue eyes. The eyes I could never say no to.

"I'll think about it."
"Fine. I guess that's all I can ask for."

He kissed me softly and turned over facing the bathroom door acting like he was pouting. I swear sometimes he acted more like he was 7 rather than 37.

I guess pre-school wouldn't hurt. He'd have friends his own age. He might even like it being the spazzoid he is.


"When do we register him?"
He rolled over quickly and laid his head on my stomach.


"Yeah. I guess it might be good for him."

"We can register him tomorrow. The new year starts next week."

"And if he doesn't like it?"

"We can take him out no problem and wait a year. Or we just wait until he has to go to kindergarten."

He kissed me stomach and laid his head back on his pillow before wrapping his hands around my waist and kissing my neck as he pulled me close.

I guess truthfully I wasn't afraid that Eric wouldn't make friends. Hell he could make friends with anyone. I was more afraid that my little boy was growing up faster than I ever thought he would.

***Fast Forward To Eric's Frist Day!!!**

"Clean Underwear?"

I looked down at Eric as he lifted his shirt and looked down his pants. I was shocked when he looked back up at me and shook his head no.

"Eric Nathaniel! Go put on clean underwear!"

He laughed as he ran up the stairs passing a half-asleep Joey still wearing his KISS pajama pants and Slayer t-shirt.

"No underwear again?"

"Yup. Coffee?"
"Of course."

I handed him a cup of coffee as he let out a loud yawn and sat at the kitchen table. I walked up behind him and placed my hands on his shoulders giving them a slight squeeze. He lifted one of my hands and kissed the back of it in a reassuring way.

"He's gonna be fine."

I shook my head afraid that if I tried to say anything I might start tearing up. I turned around hearing a loud thud as Eric threw his backpack down the stairs and jumped down the last three.

"Snare. Stop making so much noise."
Eric slowly picked up his backpack and walked over to Joey.

"I sowwy Daddee."

"It's fine. It's just early for Daddy."

Eric nodded then grabbed my skirt yanking at it saying he was ready to go. I looked over at the wall clock and saw that he still had an hour before he needed to be there.

"How about you eat first?"

His eyes lit up as I pulled out the box of frozen waffles from the freezer. He let out a small cheer and sat in the chair next to Joey placing his hands on the table like Joey had his.
I put a waffle in the toaster and poured him a glass of juice as he watched Joey and copied everything he did. Already at 3 he knew exactly how to bug his dad.

When I placed the cup in front of him he grabbed it like Joey had his coffee.



"I mean it."
"I mean it."

"Rayna stop your son."
"Wayna...stop you son."

"Eric Nathaniel Jordison. Stop."

Eric turned quickly to his juice trying his hardest not to laugh. He always knew he was in trouble when his dad said his full name but for some reason he found it funny. Like I said I have a spazzoid for a son.

I cut up his waffle and placed it in front of him watching as he quickly devoured it. I shook my head and picked up his plate as Joey, like the awesome dad he is, cleaned off his face and hands.


"Why not?"
"Daddee you not dwessed. Can't go like dat."

"Oh I'm so sorry. I will get dressed."

As Joey went to the stairs Eric looked back at me and started laughing.
"Silly Daddee."

I picked Eric up and went into the foyer to see how damaged his backpack and lunch was from him throwing it around. Thankfully nothing was broken but I did find some weird stuff he thought needed to go with him.

Things like....
A pair of drum sticks, Roadie's ball, Skunky D (His stuffed skunk he named after Piggy D's), a handful of guitar picks, and Wednesday's beanie.

"Eric. You can't take these things."
"Why not?"

"Because you don't take this stuff to school. They stay here for when you get back."

He looked down at the stuff I had taken out with an intense face before finally speaking up as Joey came back downstairs dressed in jeans and a Black Victory shirt.

"Can I take Skunky?"
I looked over at Joey and shrugged.

"Yes you can take Skunky."

Eric threw the toy back in his bag and lifted it on his tiny shoulders before running to the door waiting for Joey and me.

Joey grabbed his keys with one hand and my hand with his other before walked out the door after Eric. After we made sure Eric was in the car, trust me he's sneaky, Joey pulled out of the driveway into town.

With Eric singing 'Duality' to now music Joey pulled up a small building where a few other kids were waiting outside with their parents.
We all got out and walked into the building. Of course we got the usual glances people give any family where the parents have visible piercings, are wearing black, and both have eyeliner on. I guess the fact Eric had long shaggy hair styled into a mohawk like style didn't help either.

We quickly found his classroom and walked in noticing it was painted a deep purple with music notes painted in black all around the room.

"Yeah. I guess that test we had to take said Eric liked music."

"That'll help."
We looked around a little bit until the teacher found us.

"Mr. Jordison? Joey Jordison?"
"Yeah that's me."

We turned to see a younger looking man with shaggy brown hair tucked behind his ears showing off the fact his ears were stretched a little bit.

"Hi I'm Logan Young. I help out Miss Burch."
"Oh so your not the teacher?"

"No I'm only 19. I actually would love to be a music instructor that's why I help this class. These children were all tested and chosen for the music class. Once I saw the last name Jordison I had to double check and see if it was you."

"You know who he is?"
"Of course. I listen to SlipKnoT and Murderdolls pretty much everyday."

"Eric. You hear that your teacher is a fan of daddy's."
We all laughed when Eric threw him the horns and asked if we could leave now.

"I guess so Snare."

"We'll be back at 3."

"Ok! Go!"

We hugged him and left the room as Logan took Eric to a small set up of drums. The ride was silent without Eric singing along to whatever song popped in his head. I stared out the window watching the empty fields pass by as Joey drove home. I didn’t realize we were in the driveway until I felt Joey's hand on my knee.

"I think he's going to love it."

I merely nodded before getting out of the car and walking over to Joey's side of the car where he was getting out.

He stood in front of me and grabbed me in a tight hug as I laid my head on his shoulder burying my head in his hair. I took a deep breath recognizing the minty smell of the body wash he always uses.

"Before we know it he's gonna be taking some pretty girl to their senior prom."

"That's a while away."

"It'll be here before you know it."

He kissed the side of my head and led me in the house keeping his arms wrapped around my waist securely.

Thus started out first day as parents with a child in school.....