Status: One Shot ^_^

Silly Old Bear

The Adventure

“Oh, bother. Where is Christopher Robin?” Winnie the Pooh bear asked, to no one in particular. Little Piglet looked up from his feet and tilted his head.

“He’ll be here soon, Pooh!” Though Piglet was usually the cowardly of the two friends, he was a kind soul.

“Pooh!” Pooh bear barely had time to turn around before Tigger had jumped upon him. Pooh let out an, ‘Oomph!’ as he fell to the ground.

“Hello would have been nice, Tigger.” Pooh said as Tigger jumped on his tummy, round from honey. After Tigger came Eyore, walking slowly in that sad demeanor. The reason was, of course, that he had lost his tail, yet again.

“Oh Eyore, wherever is your tail this time?” Pooh asked, inspecting Eyore’s behind. Eyore just sighed and put his head down further, his eyes closing in defeat.

“I don’t know, Pooh…” He said in a sad tone. Rabbit hopped along the trail leading up to the group of friends waiting for their dear friend Christopher Robin to come and play.

“Eyore, I found your tail.” Rabbit said in his usual calm and slightly bossy tone. Eyore’s face lit up the slightest bit at the sight of his tail; that poor thing was always falling off. Rabbit attached it firmly to Eyore’s behind and he actually gave a smile.

“Thank you, Rabbit.” Eyore walked over to Tigger who was bouncing around on his tail, getting antsy.

“Oh Rabbit, you wouldn’t happen to have a smidgen of honey, would you? My tummy is getting quite rumbley.” Pooh rubbed his rumbling stomach, hungry for something sweet.

“Pooh, I don’t believe you need any more honey. I do, however, have some carrots, if you’d care for some?” Pooh’s face fell in the thought of the orange vegetable; it wasn’t anything compared to honey.

“Oh, bother.” Pooh muttered. Piglet patted his back and gave him a smile. They’d go honey hunting later, he was sure of it.

“Hello, everyone!” Everyone turned in surprise at the sound of a young boy’s voice. Pooh waddled over to the boy and hugged him.

“Oh, Christopher Robin, you’re here!” Everyone else crowded around the boy and the bear to say their hellos.

“So, what shall we do today, boys?” Christopher Robin asked, getting excited.

“Let’s take an adventure! Another adventure in the hundred acre woods sounds like fun.” Tigger suggested. Everyone made sounds of agreement and Christopher Robin led the way.

They traveled through the woods and battled off fierce beings, although they were just insects and squirrels. They played follow the leader as they crossed the bridge, with poor Eyore trailing behind with a duck line as a temporary tail, seeing as his real tail was missing, yet again, and Christopher Robin had acquired a bright, red balloon.

Kanga, Roo, and Owl had tagged along a while back, and were now also enjoying their adventure.

Soon, the sky started to turn a brilliant orange as the sun began to set. Kanga had to get a sleepy Roo to bed, Owl, Rabbit, Tigger, Eyore, and Piglet had to eat their supper, and Christopher Robin had to go home.

Pooh and Christopher Robin walked back to the entry way to Pooh’s world, hand in hand. Pooh’s tummy started rumbling yet again, and he looked up at the young boy with sad eyes.

“Perhaps you might have some honey to give me? Just a smidgen, maybe a lick? My tummy is rumbling.” Christopher Robin smiled down at his best friend and laughed, enjoying the day he had with all of his friends.

“You silly old bear.” Pooh continued to gripe about his rumbling tummy and Christopher Robin continued laughed at his silly bear. Finally, the day was through and the two were at the entry way. Pooh gave his friend one last hug before he had to return home with a sad smile and a goodbye.

He would be back tomorrow, though. In Pooh’s world, childhood lasts forever, friendships never die, and adventures will continue to carry on.

In Pooh’s world, everything was perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, not so sure about the ending, but oh well. =]

Comments would be lovely!
