Sequel: Untouchable.

Forgotten Kisses.


“What’re you doing here?” I asked, completely confused as to why she was sitting on my bed. “The wedding isn’t for another week and a half?”

“I’m here to save your ass from making a terrible mistake.” She took a look at herself in her mirror, running a hand through her blonde strands.


“Do you remember when we were kids?” Allison asked, the smile returning to her features. “No matter what we were doing, what the conversation was about, you always found a way to bring him in.” she faced me, her green eyes meeting mine. “I used to get so jealous, my best friend was taken away from me by some kid hallway across the world.” She shook her head. “Then I realized that you weren’t just platonic best friends, you had feelings for him.”

I brought my hand up and pulled my hair to the left side, tugging on the ends. Allison turned around and sat back down on the bed. “I never imagined things would get this far.” She shook her head softly, a look of deep concentration on her face. “I thought I had you all figured out. I mean, I’m your best friend, you’d think I’d I know a thing or two about you.”

“Allison,” I cut in. “I don’t really see where you’re going with this.” I took a seat beside her on the bed and she dropped her head onto my shoulder and took my left hand into her two.

“When you met Alex, I was a little thrown off. I mean,” she laughed a little, “you seemed so excited about him. I didn’t think it was possible, seeing as you were so torn up about Josh. I waited and waited, to see when you’d realize that Alex was always a rebound and you were just waiting for the hurt to lessen before returning to Josh,” she sighed. “But you never did.” She gripped my hand tighter. “I’d finally grown to like and accept him by the time you guys got engaged.”

I was still just as lost as before. I gripped her hand back tightly and listened to her words, but I had no clue why she was saying this to me or why she was here a week and a half early.

She lifted her head off my shoulder and turned to face me. “After I heard what that piece of shit did to you, I’m here to take revenge.”

I opened my mouth to protest, to ask what she was talking about, but her hand rested on my cheek gently, right above my makeup covered bruise. “How’d you know about that? I didn’t tell you.”

A smile spread on her face. “Well, Maxwell told me of course.”

“Max?” she nodded. “How do you know eachother?”

Allison smirked and fell back against the pillows of my bed. “Well…”

”I’ll be right back, I left the nail polish downstairs.” Seventeen year old Lia smiled and quickly headed downstairs, leaving Allison alone.

Lia’s phone began buzzing and after seeing it go off a few times, Allison reached over and answered the phone. “Helloo?”


“No, this is Allison. Who is this?”

“Max… I think I have the wrong number…” Allison smiled at the mention of the boy’s name.

“No, this is the right number.”

A few minutes later, Lia returned with the nail polish in hand.

“Hey,” Allison pulled her hair up into a messy bun. “Some dude called you.”

“…So yeah. We kept in touch, just to make sure you were in good hands no matter where you were.” Allison smiled, seemingly feeling accomplished with herself.

“Ugh, you sneaky bitch!” I threw my finger out, pointing in her direction.

“…what?” she looked up at me with her big doe eyes.

“That’s why you were so for me and Max getting together!”

She grinned, nodding her head. “Well, who better to date you, then the boy sworn to protect you when you’re in England.” She rolled her eyes. “Duh.”

I watched as she stood up from the bed once again and peered into my closet. “So, just clarifying, what’re you doing here?”

Allison whipped around, her perfect blonde strands gliding through the air gracefully. “Don’t worry, I’ll be taking care of everything.” She pulled out a tight black dress. “But tonight, we’re going out.”

I shook my head and stood up, reaching for the dress, which she quickly pulled away from my reach. “I can’t go out. Alex doesn’t really want me doing that anymore.”

Allison merely laughed and picked out a pair of shoes for the outfit. “Sweetheart, Alex is what I like to call, a little bitch.” She placed her hand on her hip. “You wanna know what happened when I got here?”

Allison pushed open the door to the bedroom to find Alex sprawled out across it, an ice pack laying on his cheek. He shot up the moment he saw her. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Allison set down her bags in the corner and tore her sunglasses off, shooting him a dirty look. “Do me a favor, ass munch. Don’t talk to me.” Allison came forward, her face mere inches from his. “Another thing, I’m taking Lia out tonight for some drinks, and dancing, and whatever else we feel like fucking doing,” she pushed a finger into his chest. “You don’t have a problem with that, do you, buddy?”

He opened his mouth to respond, but she quickly silenced him, placing a finger over his lips. “Now, before you decide to get all smart ass on me, remember two things. One,” she held up a perfectly manicured nail, “I’ve had a long flight and I’m extremely irritable, and two,” her other nail came up, showcasing a flower design. “Not only can I kick the shit out of you without much effort, but you remember my boyfriend, Frankie, don’t you? He wouldn’t like it very much to hear if you laid a hand on me.”

Allison straightened up, her smile returning. “So, we’re in agreement? The two of us are going out tonight for as long as we feel like, without a problem?” he nodded his head, his eyes slightly widened as he watched her.

“You look rough,” she took note of the ice bag placed on his face. “Someone give you a taste of your own medicine?” He opened his mouth and she held up her hand. “Wait, I don’t really care.” She threw him one last disgusted look before she began unpacking. “Maybe you should go to a bar for a bit, I don’t want to be bothered.”

“Allison!” I hissed and she merely shrugged her shoulders.

“What? He’s a fucking douchebag.” She handed over the outfit to me. “Now get dressed, we’re going out.”


“So I finally get to meet the famous Allison,” Max called out as the group of guys walked up to us the moment we stepped into the club. I glanced over at Allison. I should’ve known she’d be inviting them.

“The one and only,” she ran her hand along her sides. “In the flesh.” She came forward and wrapped Max into a hug. “My partner in crime.” She smirked. “I got a look at Alex’s face. Nice work.” She nodded.

“I wish it was me.” Max sighed, shaking his head. “But that left hook was all Dan.” Allison turned to the four other guys and pointed to Dan. “You’re Dan, aren’t you?” once he nodded and smiled, she grinned, throwing up her hand for a high five. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”

I brought my hand up to my face, slapping myself. What had I gotten myself into?

“Lia!” Matt called out, grinning as he looked at Allison. “How could you keep this amazing creature hidden from us for all these years?” Allison smirked, loving the attention.

“If you can’t already tell, “I rolled my eyes at her. “She’s trouble.”

She merely shrugged my comment off and once she had introduced herself to everyone else, she finally turned to Josh. “Josh, my dear, sweet Josh. We meet at last.” She smirked. “I’ve had to share my best friend with you for twelve years now.” She reached up, patting his shoulder. “We’ve got quite a bit to talk about,” she glanced over to me. “But before we do that,” she turned to the group. “DRINKS ON ME!”

I watched in horror as Allison danced grinded on Matt’s behind and pulled Dan closer to her front, all the while, smirking and singing along to the song blasting through the speakers.

“She’s a wild one, isn’t she?” Max asked with a smirk as he watched her moving along to the music. “I’ll be back.” I watched in even more terror as Max waltz up to the three, said something to Matt and Dan, and soon enough, the two were off on their way, heading towards Chris and his girlfriend Georgina.

“I think he likes her,” Josh’s voice seemed to be right in my ear and when I turned to my left, I saw that he had scooted from his previous position at the end of the booth, to right beside me.

“That’s a bad thing,” I shook my head as I watched the two interact. They kept smiling at eachother and when Allison would whisper into his ear, her lips were mere centimeters away from his lips.

“Why’s that a bad thing?” Josh asked and I noticed he was watching the two interact as well, but Josh seemed to be pleased with what he saw.

I let out a small sigh, bringing my jack and coke up to my lips. “She’ll keep him on a chase, it’s just the way she is.”

Josh merely shrugged. “Some guys like the chase.” His eyes turned to focus on me.

I couldn’t tell if his words had double meaning directed towards me, or I was simply reading into it too much. Instead of responding, I simply brought the drink back up to my lips.

“When are we gonna talk about it?” His eyes seemed to be burning holes into the side of my face and I felt so hot under his intense stare that I couldn’t help but meet his eyes.

“We have talked about it, we talked about it today.” I wiped off the drops that sat on the outside of my glass.

He set down his beer bottle harshly and my eyes met his when the sound hit my ears. “I’m trying here, Lia. I really am.” He ran a hand through his hair. ”Do you want me or not?”

It was my turn to harshly set down my glass and turn to him. “How many times have we gone over this? Of course I want you!” I bit my lip. “Why do you ask such a stupid question?”

“Well, what am I supposed to do, Lia? Your wedding is a fucking week and a half away and all you’re doing is stringing me along. ‘Oh, I just need some time,’ ‘Oh, I just don’t know what to do,’ ‘Oh, it’s so hard.’ Well Goddamn it, it’s hard to see the woman I’m in love with go home to an asshole who hits her. It hurts to see her with some other guy in the first place.” He threw his fist down on the table. “You can’t keep doing this to me, Lia. You’re messing me up.”

Allison pulled her eyes away from Max for a moment and locked eyes with me. She gave me an encouraging smile and head nod and I tried to bite back the harsh words I had sitting on my tongue. “Josh, don’t you see that I’m trying too?” I brought my hands up, rubbing my temples. “This is a wedding, this is something that’s been in the works for months now. For years you didn’t seem to show an ounce of interest, and now, right as I’m about to walk down the aisle, you come out with your confession.” His eyes were full of emotion as he watched me, “You’ll have to excuse me for not jumping into your arms and riding off into the sunset.”

“Why do you have to make everything so difficult, Dahlia?” Josh sighed deeply and brought his hand up to rest on his forehead.

“Because it’s the way that I am! I’m only trying to protect myself. It’s just hard to believe that the man I’ve been in love with for so long actually returns my feelings.” I felt tears stinging my eyes. “All I think about is the moment when you realize you’re not in love with me, and you leave. Then I’ll have no one.”

Josh reached forward and set his hand gently on my cheek and directly my face towards him,. “Lia, do you really think I’m like that? Do you think it’s possible for me to fall out of love with you when I’ve tried for 12 years with no luck? No chance.” He pressed his forehead to mine. “Just leave him, Lia. It’s that simple. Don’t listen to the bullshit he feeds you.” He pushed my hair back behind my ear. “If you need support, I’ll be right there behind you, I’ll do anything. I just want you to be mine, finally.”

He pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Please, Lia. You can’t marry him. “He sighed. “I know I said I was done with you before, but I came right back to you, but the moment you walk down the aisle with him, I won’t stop you and I won’t interfere with you ever again. You need to make your choice now.”

The tears began sliding down my cheeks and Josh was quick to wipe them away with the pads of his thumbs. I was so carelessly hurting him, yet still, he was sitting here, wiping away my tears and awaiting my answer. I realized then that his love for me was real. He wasn’t going to leave me. He cared, and all this time, I had been aimlessly wandering around, too blind to see it.

I came forward and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, to which he wrapped his arms around my waist. I pushed my face far into his chest and nodded my head. “I choose you.” I murmured.
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Poor Josh, he's tired of his heart being tugged around like a toy. Aaand, I'm hurt! A few of you guys weren't too happy with Allison making an appearance! You guys thought she was a bad guy! Come on, it's Lia's bestfriend! She's on whatever side Lia's on! (;

Leave me your thoughts and check out my new story? I'd love you forever! <3