Status: In deciding. If I get enough comments, I'll throw up another chapter.

Blue Skies Bring Tears

To Them These Streets Belong

The skies were desolate, cold and unnerving. The cities....or what was left of them were the same, but still they moved on, hoping there was at least something, a sign of life.

There was nothing. There hadn't been for a few months. Just hordes of the infected, no living humans....the last human they'd seen threw herself off the Golden Gate Bridge, saying that there was no hope left for the human race.

But even through all they'd been through, they still believed that there was someone left out there in the nothingness.

Calypso looked out the window, her mismatched eyes searching the vast expanse of loneliness as she sat in the sun-room, huddled in a soft blanket. She knew Leon was somewhere in the house, but she didn't want to get up and go find him.

There really was nothing left...

A few minutes later, a tall man entered the room, holding two brown packages. He threw one at Calypso, instructing her to eat what was inside.

"Eat it girl, it's our last meal before we hit the road," the man said in a tired voice, seating himself next to the pretty young woman, who folded her legs beneath her to make room for him.

She'd been with him since the Apocalypse. He saved her from a horde of the infected, took her under his wing, looked after her, and slowly, he began to love her. She looked up to him, relied on him to feed her, protect her. The only reason they both survived was because of him. He was an Ex Recon Marine, served in both Iraq and Afghanistan before the infection wiped out most of the human race, he was taught to survive in extremities like this.

"Where are we going?" Calypso croaked, her voice dry and rough like she'd swallowed sandpaper.

"Away from here, this place is overrun with those....things," Leon practically spat the last word and Calypso could see him clench his fists. He wasn't usually like this....he was more often cool calm and collected, whilst she herself was like a firecracker.

"You okay?" Calypso questioned, her odd eyes glimmering with something near indescribable. It was evident she loved him in return....
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmms okay...I got bored and wrote this. This is just the beginning of something I've spent a while planning out, so if you could maybe leave some feedback? I'll upload part 2 just after this as I already have that written out too. I had to change the guys name to Leon...originally it was Rodolfo...but i didn't like it....I based Leon on Sgt. Rodolfo "Fruity Rudy" Reyes after seeing him in Apocalypse Man. Derp.