Status: Chapter Six posted Sept. 7th! (:

Waiting for the Spark to Fade

Chapter One.

"Okay that was good but next time sing the chorus a little faster." I said to the little blond singer that was recording vocals. She just gave me a thumbs up in reply. I sighed as I leaned back in my chair and looked at Nick who worked in the studio with me. Before I knew it we ran through the different parts of the songs five more times.

"Okay, that's great, we will mix these together tomorrow. That's a wrap for today." I told everyone. The vocalist took off the headphones and put them on the hook they belonged on. Everyone gathered their stuff and walked out the door. I locked the door to the studio. Then I unlocked and got into my car. Right when I started the engine,my phone rang. I looked at the screen and sighed seeing it was my father.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Honey, What are you doing?" He asked in his deep gruff voice.

"Just leaving the studio and about to head home." I said into the phone that I held with my cheek and shoulder.

"Oh well your mother wants to know if you want to come over for dinner.And I want to talk to you about something." He informed me.

"Okay, I just have to stop at home and change out of my work clothes." I said as I pulled out of my parking spot.

"Alright, I'll see you soon. Love you." He said through the phone.

"Kay Kay, Love you too. Bye." I said as I left the parking lot.

I ran up the stairs to my apartment building so I wouldn't drop all of the things I was carrying. I balanced everything in one arm and on one knee as I struggled to unlock my door.When I finally got it open,I kicked off my heels and I set the stack of things I had to go over for work on my coffee table.

Once my arms were empty, I made my way to my bedroom. I slid my black blazer off and hung it on the back of my desk chair. I opened my closed and walked into it, turning the light on. I took off my dark pink shirt and tossed it into the hamper in the corner. I grabbed a simple black stretchy tank top and pulled it on over my head. I slipped my tan dress pants down and off my legs throwing them to join my shirt. I replaced them with a comfy pair of jeans.

Walking out of my closet, I sighed and taking my bracelets off then putting them away in my jewelry box. I picked up a random hoodie from the hooks they hung on behind my door. Running my fingers through my hair I decided I was ready. I slipped my feet into my plain black flip flops, I got from Old Navy. Digging through my purse I pulled out my wallet, phone and car keys. After locking my the door, I was off and headed to my parent's house.

It took me fifteen minutes to get there.But when I did I parked along side the curb of my childhood home. I remember my father telling me that it was a castle. It was always seemed a lot bigger when I was a kid. I had to use my imagination a lot seeing as I was an only child. I remember exploring the backyard when it turned into an extravagant rain forest, or a wild safari. I think it was Mars a few times too. I smiled as I walked up the steps to the front door. I knocked lightly then pushed the door open.

"Mom? Dad? I'm here." I called as shut the door behind me.

"In here honey." My mother called from the kitchen.

I walked in greeted by the sight and smell of my mother pulling dinner out of the oven. I walked around the center island and waited for her to set it down. She pulled off the oven mitts and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I missed you." I smiled into my mothers hair. I breathed in, smelling her signature perfume and the delicious dinner she made.

"I missed you too sweat heart now go and get your father, dinners done." She smiled as she kissed my forehead.

I made my way down the downstairs hall way until I reached the door to my father's home office, The door was cracked and he was talking to someone on the phone. I paused before pushing the door open, to listen to see if it was important, in which case I wouldn't interrupt.

"Yes, I know." He said.

"Well I don't know, I haven't talked to her yet." He told the person on the other end of the call.

"I know they would be a good fit. I just don't think she will want to do it. Well since no one else is open, I guess I'll try and convince her. But what if she says no?"He asked with a huff.

"She's a grown women, I can't make her do anything. And I wouldn't anyway." He responded in a harsh tone.

"We'll see. I'll call you in the morning and tell you what her answer is." He stated.

"Alright, well have a good night. Mhm, bye bye." He said as he hung the phone up.

I peaked inside to see my father with his elbows resting on his dark mahogany desk top, his face in his hands. I waited a few minutes and then knocked quietly.

"Come in." He said.

"Hey daddy, Dinners ready." I said with a smile as I walked towards him.

"Alright, well lets eat then." He chuckled, standing, walking toward me and tucking me under his arm as he led us back towards the kitchen.

After dinner was over I cleared the table as my mother dished out some brownies and ice cream for desert. We decided to eat on the back patio, since it was a warm night. I crossed my legs under myself as I sat in the patio chair across from my parents who sat in the love seat.

"Lea, there's something I want to ask you." My father said in between bites of his brownies and ice cream.

"Okay, shoot." I replied as I took another bite of heaven. I sighed as I savored the taste of the warm brownie and cold ice cream. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, waiting for my father to speak.

"Um, there's this band that we just signed from smaller label and they are set to write and record their first major label album pretty soon, and I was wondering if you would mind working with them. I know you are really busy right now but no one else is available and I think you wouldn't work well with each other." He informed me.

"Um, okay, What's their name, genre and what do you want me to do exactly?" I asked as I sat up straight again.

"Well you know just the usual things like help in the studio and just take them under your wing to help get things done smoothly. And they are classified as pop-punk but they have a few different sounds." He answered avoiding my first question.

"That sounds fine, but what's there name?" I questioned getting a little suspicious.

"Umm, All Time High or something." He told me taking another bite.

"You mean All Time Low?" I asked with an eye roll.

"Yeah that sounds right." He said with a small smile.

"Dad,that's the band that I had to take Steff to see last year. They're good but they're one of those immature bands that don't take things seriously. I don't think that, we would fit together right." I sighed as I recalled the concert I had taken my twelve year old cousin to see a year or so ago. They sounded all right but their on stage antics were crude and inappropriate for the young people in the audience.

"I know Lea but they have had a year to grow and I really need you on this project." He told me.

"Fine, I'll see what I can do." I said as I ate the last bite from my bowl.

"Thank you honey. I really appreciate you doing this. I couldn't think of a better person to help them make the transition." He smiled at me and stood taking everyone's empty bowls into the house.

"Ugh, why does he always give me the young and wild artists to work with?" I sighed as I sat down next to my mother, where my father had been.

"Because he knows that you handle them the best." She said with a smile as she kissed the top of my head.

"Alright, well it's getting pretty late, I better head home. Thanks for dinner mom. It was really good." I told her standing and hugging her.

"Anytime Sweet Heart, it's good to see you once in awhile." She told me standing too.

"I only live fifteen minutes away mom." I laughed as I rolled my eyes, heading into the house.

"Could of fooled me." She whispered.

"I'm sorry mom, works been really busy and..." I started to say.

"Oh it's alright honey, I understand. I love you very much you know." She cut me off.

"I love you too." I smiled as I opened the front door, pulling her into another hug.

"Bye Daddy! Love you." I screamed so he could hear me.

"Love you too, I'll email you all of the info in the morning." He called from his office yet again.

"Sounds good! Good Night." I called again.

"Okay well good night mom, I'll see you later." I said as I walked down the path way.

"Drive safe dear." She called after me. I just waved and unlocked my car. I got in and buckled up. I leaned my head back against my head rest.

"What have I gotten myself into?" I asked myself out loud. As memories of the band I was soon to be working with ran through my head. I sighed and turned my car on, then pulled out into the street and made my way home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay guys! So this is a new story! As you can see. lol
Umm her nickname is Lea which sounds like "Leah"! (:
But what do you guys think so far? Should I continue? Do you like the first chapter? What do you think is going to happen? Do you like the layout? Tell me in the Comments! (:

And make sure you Subscribe! (:

Work outfit!

Dinner clothes!

Her Parents House

Lea's Appartment.