Status: Chapter Six posted Sept. 7th! (:

Waiting for the Spark to Fade

Chapter Two.

My alarm went off at six the next morning. I yawned and stretched, standing up and heading for my bathroom to take a shower and get ready. I was rinsing my conditioner out when my phone rang, I sighed and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around myself as I walked out if the bathroom.

I picked it up, it was an unknown number, I shook my head, a little confused but answered it anyway.

"Um, Hello?" I said as I picked up the call.

"Is this Leanne Davis?" a guy's voice asked.

"Um yes, who is this?" I answered.

"Oh sorry, that was incredibly rude of me. This is Matt Flyzik. I'm All Time Low's tour manager but I'm going to be helping you keep track of the boys while they record and such." He informed me.

"Alright sounds good. You guys should stop by the studio today, so we can meet officially and I can show you guys around." I said to Matt.

"That's a good idea. I'll round them all up. They might be a little grouchy because most of us just flew in last night. But I'll try to get them to be on their best behavior." He said with a laugh.

"Ha okay, well I can't wait to meet you. I'll see you at the studio at around nine or so. Does that work?" I asked.

"Yeah that sounds good. See you then, Bye Bye." He answered.

"Okay, Bye." I said ending the call.

I sighed and threw my phone on my bed and headed back to the bathroom to finish my shower. Once I shaved and used my dove body wash, I got out and wrapped myself in the towel again. I brushed my teeth as I blow dried my hair. I put my makeup on and curled it so it hung in loose curls.

Walking in my closet, I placed my hands on my hips as I looked at the clothes that hung in front of me. I finally decided on a pair of grey skinnies, a black ruffle spaghetti strap blouse with light and dark purple and light and dark blue confetti all over. I picked out a long silver necklace with blue stones randomly placed along it's chain, My silver two finger ring, a silver cuff bracelet and my believe ring. I pulled on my light grey cardigan when, My phone beeped signaling that I had a new text.

From: Nicky Poo.
B-fast at Starbucks?

I smiled and sent him a quick yes in reply.

I slipped my dark purple maroonish colored peep-toe heels that had a small bow on the front. I threw everything I would need for the day into my over sized purple Guess purse and left my apartment.

I drove to my local Starbucks, getting out I saw Nick was already there.

"Fancy meeting you here stranger." He said walking towards me. I just laughed and linked my arm with his. Then I pulled us towards the door of the Starbucks.

"Thanks." I smiled at him for holding the door open. He just nodded and followed me in.

"Hey Lea, Nick. Do you want the usual?" The Batista asked us.

"Hi Sammy, Yeah that's perfect!" I smiled already knowing that Nick didn't want anything different either. We sat down at a table in the corner.

"So dad assigned me a new band and I don't know what to think of them." I sighed.

"Oh why not your style of music?" He asked.

"It's not that, they're good and their music is okay. I just don't really know if I can handle their crazy antics." I answered.

"Oh well I'm always near by if you need me." He smiled.

"I know, thanks." I smiled back as Sammy brought us our drinks and food.

I always get the Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino with a slice of Very Berry Coffee Cake and Nick got the Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino with a piece of Banana Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake. We said thank you and she headed back to the register to help the next customer.

"So what are you suppose to be doing with this band?" He asked me before he took a bite of his coffee cake.

"Oh you know the normal stuff, help them in the studio and all that jazz." I answered after I took a sip of my drink.

"It should be pretty easy then." He said trying to make me feel better.

"I sure hope so. They're stopping by the studio today, so I can show them around and stuff." I told him before chewing some of my berry flavored breakfast.

We finished eating I threw away the trash as Nick paid and tipped Sammy. I thanked him for breakfast and then we got into our respected cars and headed off to work.

I was going over vocal warm ups with Christine, the small blond girl that we worked with yesterday, When my phone rang.

"Hang on a sec, keep doing the ooohhs and ahhhs." I told her as I picked up my phone.

"Hello." I said into the receiver.

"Hey Leanne, This is Matt Flyzik, I spoke to you this morning." He replied.

"Oh hey Matt, What's up?" I asked him.

"I was just calling to find out if it was okay if I brought the guys in a little early." He told me.

"Um, Yeah that should be fine, I'm working with another artist but she's just doing vocals so I can just have her do a couple takes while I show them around." I informed him.

"Okay, We'll be there around eight-thirty." He said.

"Alright, sounds good. I'll talk to you then. Bye " I replied looking at the clock seeing that it was already eight-fifteen.

"Bye." I heard followed by a click signaling that he ended the call.

I got Christine set up to record another song and told Nick what was going on. A couple of takes in there was a knock on the door. I signaled for Nick to go on with the song that we were doing. As I stood and headed for the door.

I cracked it open and slid through then shut it behind me.

"Hi, You must be Matt." I smiled as I stuck my hand out to shake the mans. He had dark hair that was ruffled into messy spikes. He had small gauges and a ring on the left side of his bottom lip.

"And you must be Leanne." He smiled,shaking my hand.

"That I am." I laughed.

"The guys are outside, I wanted to check before I just brought them in." He told me, causing me to nod my head.

"Okay, well lets go get them and then we can show them Studio C because that's what they're assigned." I said making it his turn to nod, he turned and headed for the front door. I took a deep breath and followed him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Chapter two! lol
I might post another chapter today but I'm not sure! Comment to help me decide! (:
Work outfit!

My lovelies
& HisGirl

Thanks for commenting guys! (:

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