Status: Like Jack and Alex's love life... Very much active.

Untangle Me.

Chapter Three.


“We’re going to be late, Zee.” Shouted Alex, he’d been stood waiting in the hallway fiddling impatiently with his keys for around fifteen minutes before Zack finally emerged from his bedroom wearing a smart –and unusually crease-free- white button down shirt paired with his usual black skinny jeans.
Alex quirked an eyebrow at his best friends strangely neat appearance.
“What?” Zack asked, “I want to look smart for Jake’s teachers.”
Alex gave him a questioning look before he sighed and confessed “Okay, so maybe Matt might have mentioned something about having to go today with Caleb.” He shrugged.
“How romantic.” Alex said, voice laced with sarcasm. “You better not start making out half way through, it’s an elementary school play, not a movie okay?” He joked, Zack sticking his tongue out in return.
“C’mon let’s go, before we miss the whole thing just because you wanted to look pretty for lover boy.” This time Zack responded with a punch in the arm which hurt a lot more than Alex would care to admit.


“Why can’t Kyle go again?” Jack asked, accepting the mug of coffee Caleb was passing him and taking a sip, wincing as the boiling liquid burnt his throat.
“Because, he’s working at the store and he’s being a hormonal little bitch.” Caleb replied, ignoring the queue of customers waiting for service, and choosing to slide into the seat opposite Jack.
“But, I don’t understand. I thought Matt was going with you?”
“He can’t come now, he’s got a meeting with the bank at 12 o'clock”
“Rian?” Jack tried, running out of options.
“He’s got to run this place. Please Jack, I wouldn’t ask you if I wasn’t totally desperate.” Caleb practically begged.
“Fine,” He gave in, receiving a hug from the ginger haired man in front of him. “I’ll come. But I don’t understand why you can’t go to your own sons school play by yourself.”
“You’ve clearly never attended one… they are the single most boring thing ever.” Caleb replied, rolling his eyes in a ’the things us parents have to do’ kind of way. Jack couldn’t relate, but maybe if he could then he’d understand.

“What time do we have to leave?” Jack asked, taking another sip of his coffee now it had cooled down considerably.

Just as he asked, Rian came walking in. He was holding hands with a girl with short brown hair with a blonde streak in it. When he spotted where Jack and Caleb were sitting he walked over, smiling.

“Hey guys. Jack, this is Cassadee.” He said, and the girl waved and smiled.
“Hey! You’re Jack? Rian talked a lot about you while you were away. It’s nice to finally meet you.” She said, smile never leaving her face.
“This is really cute. No, really it’s beautiful,” Caleb interrupted, standing up and taking off his apron. “But me and Barakat have to go see Oscar’s play… now. ”
Jack stood up and started to follow Caleb towards the door. As he passed Rian, he received a whispered “good luck with that” and a wink.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello! It's been far too long since I've last posted on here. I've spent most of that time writing oneshots over on livejournal. I know, I know, I suck. Anyway I've had some technical issues too which you can read about on a lj post by clicking here.

I'm sorry this is way too short, it's mainly due to me having 10% battery which gave me about 5 minutes to write the second part and post it.
I'll probably update later with a better chapter.
For those who didn't work it out... Yep Jack and Alex are going the same place!

A small note: this story has quite a large following which has increased considerably since my A/N about lack of comments on the last chapter, yet still it has 0 comments.
I'm just sayin' :3