Status: Complete. Taking requests

That One Cute Thing You Do

I Was Never Tongue Tied


Brendon looked over at Spencer who had spoken, “She can really rock a show can’t she?”

Brendon and Spencer were off to the side of the stage near merch watching a band perform. They had completed their own set but promised fans they would be at the merch stand for most of the night. They weren’t allowed to take photos with fans but Brendon, Dallon, Ian and Spencer wasn’t going to let them stop the sharpies that had at hand. They couldn’t let those fans down too much.

Brendon took a good look at the singer, “Yeah she can.”

The music label that Brendon and Spencer were so familiar with had now signed a new band to the family. They were more of an alternative rock but slipped into phases of darker metal on occasion. Though, what really spiced it up was the fact that the band had a female singer.

Sure, the label had other bands with female singers but this one was different.

Anna Monson was different.

She was independent, smart, sarcastic, and a trouble maker that made life on the road wroth it. She had always been one to gag at all the romantic crap around her. If you tried to watch a romantic comedy around her and she’d be ready to kill you.

Brendon loved that about her.

She had this messy red brown hair and piercing green eyes that added to her tom boy attitude. He didn’t mind girly girls but he loved a girl that was comfortable in jeans and an old tee shirt.

She smiled as she brushed her hair out of her face and leaned towards the crowd a little, “How are you Atlanta?!”

They were doing a show in Atlanta in the middle of the summer during a nasty heat wave. There had been warnings all day to keep hydrated and don’t go overboard. Some of these warnings from Anna herself.

Before Anna had decided to go into music she was attending college going for pre-med as was already an emergency technician due to her high school course. She had past the state test and was now licensed. She started working at the hospital tied to her college and got reduced tuition. It was really working out for her.

Though, the other half of her loved music and when her band started going places they dropped everything they knew just to go after this music career. None of the members were expecting them to grow so fast. They were a blooming sensation and none of them wanted to stop.

All the bands on the tour admitted it was nice to have her on tour. If they had some injury they just went to her and asked for help. She couldn’t help with everything but she knew enough to keep them all safe and healthy. Like how today she warned them about that damn heat stroke.

Tom, one of her guitarists, spoke up, “You guys are so beautiful. Coming out here on a hot day to listen to people rock out. I love it. Just be healthy guys! We don’t want you to faint on us. If you need some water the emergency tent is right there and will be provided water for you. Drink up.”

Anna nodded as she leaned to her microphone fixing her ear piece as well, “He’s right you guys. If you feel way too hot get a drink. The water is nice and cold. If you have to, dump it on yourself.”

Brendon continued to watch the set and answer some fan questions not trying to spend too much time looking at the singer. People had already joked about him liking her and his light flirts her way. He insisted his flirts were more of his friendly charm. He never admitted he liked her but he never said he didn’t.

He knew he liked her even if he hadn’t told anyone. Spencer was pretty smart and caught on to it early. Spencer was the first one to call him on it and interrogate him. He was kind of happy Spencer called him on the fact he liked Anna. It actually helped him sit down to actually think about the whole situation and if it was worthy of going after her.

The nice thing was he got to spend a lot of time with her. They’d go out to shop at local malls or eat together. The bands alone were acting like they had known each other for years and Brendon loved it. They’d even bounce song lyrics off of each other just to get feedback.

Brendon was pretty sure he had Anna wrapped around his finger with his charm. He’d gotten her to blush on a few occasions about the idea of becoming closer. Tom had even said she was probably interested if Brendon actually went for it.

Brendon looked up back at her and caught her moving her body to the music as she worked on pulling her hair back up into a bun. He was surprised she was just doing that now. This was one reason why he liked having shorter hair. It wasn’t nearly as hot.

He furred his eyebrows as he looked at her. She took a deep breath and reached for her water bottle. He was beginning to wonder if she took it too far today. The sun coming down on her wasn’t helping anything. He felt his stomach sink as she slowed down for the rest of her set.

“Hey, I’m going to go check on Anna. She doesn’t look good.”

Spencer looked up from the shirt he was signing, “But we’re not done.”

Brendon already had jumped over the table, “I’ll be right back. Just tell them I had to go pee or something.”

Brendon pulled his sunglasses down from the top of his head and let them slip down to cover his eyes from the rays. He watched the crew guys already starting to take down equipment for the next band. He knew he was going to have to catch her around back.

He brushed past people and made his way behind the stage showing his pass still attached to his belt loop saying he was an ‘artist’. He was still in the sun but it did seem a little cooler then it had been.

He saw Anna and run up to her as he watched her start to collapse. He caught her under the arms and she slumped down. He guided her to the ground letting the water bottle she was holding roll slightly away from her.

He was chuckling lightly, “You alright?”

She nodded, “Yeah. Just tired.”

He release her and looked her over, “Are you sure? You’re skin is burning hot and your face is all red. Aw, it’s not because of me is it?”

She rolled her eyes on his little joke and leaned back on the fence he had led her down against, “Shut up. I just wore myself out. That’s all. I’ll be fine.”

Brendon shook his head, “Have you been drinking enough water? You bitch to us and you’re not even taking care of yourself.”

“I don’t know. I just don’t…”

He voice carried off and he reached for the bottle of water and handed it to her. She started to move ever so sluggish to unscrew the lid and take a sip. Brendon knew the signs of heat stroke and she had made them branded into his brain. Now that she was showing signs he was getting nervous.

She had closed her eyes and let her head rest against the fence. He moved to sit next to her letting his own back lean against the fence. He was concerned. They couldn’t have her become so ill that she’d need to be hospitalized. It would be bad for her sake as well as the band’s and for the tour.

He reached over and patted her thigh, “What do you need?”

The sweat on her was present and it probably was making her even more dehydrated, “I need to just sit and drink.”

Brendon rested his head on her shoulder, “Do you want something cold?”

She tried to shake her head, “No. Anything at room temperature gets into my system easier. Cold just tends to shock the system before helping it.”

“I have a gatorade sitting at the merch booth. Do you want some?”

She nodded, “In a minute. Thank you.”

“I’ll go get it.” Brendon stood up, “Don’t move and I’ll be right back.”

Brendon didn’t waste his time and jogged back to where he had abandoned Spencer. He asked how she was and Brendon quickly responded she wasn’t doing to well. Brendon grabbed the gatorade and made his way back.

When he gave it to Anna he told her to drink up and not worry about how much she took, “I don’t want you to get too sick.”

She looked up at him, “I’m fine Brendon. Just hot.”

“In more ways then one.” She opened her eyes to glare at him and he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, “You love me and you know it.”

She scoffed and smiled, “No I don’t.”

Brendon clutched his chest over his heart and faked being in pain, “Oh I’m crushed. You broke my heart. How will I go ever on? I give you my gatorade whole heartily and this is what I get?”

He loved her laugh and always smiled when she did let it out, “Thank you Brendon.”

He shook his head, “That doesn’t help anything. I’m still heartbroken.”

He watched her smile grow almost acting fully recovered, “Yeah? Well, now you’re soaked.”

Brendon furred his eyebrows before he felt a blast of cold against his back. He nearly jumped out of his skin as the cold water ran over him. He whipped around to see his fellow band mate Ian with hose at hand getting him soaked.

Brendon tried to get away from the cold stream, “Fucker!”

Anna couldn’t contain her laughter as she wrapped her arms around herself. This was too funny. Brendon had fallen for it. She had been wanting to play this joke on him for weeks but was waiting for the right moment.

“Oh Brendon you should have seen your face!”

He started to wring himself out even though Ian was still trying to get him wet, “Oh you think this is funny?”

Even Ian had a good chuckle out of it until Brendon decided to fight the water and steal the hose from Ian. He took his time getting his revenge on Ian and eventually drove the band mate away and Brendon turned to Anna still laughing on the ground.

He aimed it at her and let it douse her full force and she let out a squeal, “Brendon stop it!”

He was laughing and continued once he realized Anna was still laughing, “Not so funny is it now?”

She got up and held her hands in front of her trying to protect her self from the freezing water, “Don’t drag me into this!”

“I know it was you. You planned this. You always do!”

When he had his revenge he let it fall and looked behind him as someone working at the park turned off the water. Brendon turned back to Anna and watched her trying to wring out her shirt.


He smirked and took a few steps forward, “You started this.”

She sighed and let her shirt fall cold against her, “This is war.”

“Is it?”

She nodded and this time she didn’t have to hide her blush on her cheeks. She had her crush on him for a while now but she always could hide it. With him being this close and the way he was smiling seemed to just rush all those feelings for him to the surface. It was like he was taunting her. Almost asking why she would burry those thoughts and emotions.

Besides, it’s not like he could possibly feel the same?

She mentally groaned at her self for sounding like some love sick teenager. One thing she hated more then anything was romance or maybe it was romance that didn’t include her. The idea of being single and crushing didn’t really appeal either.

If she had just known how Brendon felt….

Brendon answered that pretty quickly as if he had heard her. His callused fingers brushed her chin and she was soon met with his lips. She wasn’t sure how to react at first. She didn’t know if this was a dream or she was seriously being kissed.

Brendon had pulled away slowly but didn’t get far. Anna leaned up and captured his lips in another kiss. This time she could feel Brendon smile against her lips and pulled her body closer to him.

When he finally pulled away, “I think that counts as a truce.”

She raised an eyebrow, “Oh really?”

He nodded and could see a pink tinge to his own cheeks, “Yeah. I just need to do a few more cute things and I’ll be good.”

He may be on to something.

♠ ♠ ♠
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