Status: Just Started. Active-ish.


Untouched - Chapter 4

::Cassadee’s POV::

“Hey, lookin’ real sexy, sweetheart.”

That was the first of many comments that flew out of that idiot’s mouth as I stood in front of him wearing probably the most skankiest dress he could find! It was red and short - really short.

“Just take the damn picture already!” I snapped at him.

This guy was taking forever! He kept giving me directions on how I should stand, walk, and even breathe! I was so sick of it already! If this dress weren’t so tight and my mom wasn’t so bitchy, I’d have his head ripped off in two seconds flat.

“Hey, it needs to be perfect and it can’t be perfect with your rude comments.”

“Oh, I’m the one with the rude comments?!”

”Yeah, thanks for admitting it.” his face filled up with that stupid little smirk.

I huffed and said, “You’re just lucky your head is still in its place.”

“Alright now, gimme a big smile.” Damien ignored me.

I sighed and then tried to lift the corners of my mouth into a smile, but I couldn’t smile unless I had a reason for it, so it came out a bit crooked.

“Alright good enough.”

I sighed in relief and frustration again and turned around. I jumped suddenly when I caught mom looking down at the dress and at my butt.

“Hmm, this is a nice dress, do you think it’d fit me?” she asked to who knows who.

Sure, if you were my sis. I thought to myself, smiling.

“Sure, Mrs. Seville, it’s Cassadee’s to keep.” Damien told her.

After Damien left, I couldn’t wait to get out of the dress and hand it over to my mother. I didn’t care what she did with it as long as it never appears back on my body ever again, I was happy.

But, there was still a feeling in the back of my mind that knew that this all was not gonna blow over so soon. There has to be a catch to why mom agreed with all this. Was she seriously allowing me to get married to this guy that I didn’t even know?

Nah, don’t be ridiculous, Cass, everyone knows that I’m a “brother murder”, who would wanna marry or get their son married to someone like that? I reminded myself.

But, there was also this sad feeling in me that wished it were true. Someone finally came to take me out of this place and to a better one. But, I reminded myself that that only happens in fairytales and even if I was treated like Cinderella, with an evil step-mother and evil step-sister all rolled into one, fairytales weren’t real and I wasn’t a princess.

Sometime around the evening, mom called me into the living room and I sat down on the couch facing dad on his special chair. No one was allowed in that chair, but I wanted to be a bit devious one day and tried to, and let’s just say that I’ll never go near that thing ever again and I learned my lesson on what happens when I don’t do what I’m told. That’s when I was eight, now I’m older and less stupid.

So basically, they were discussing about the thing with Damien and this mysterious dude.

“I think it’s a good idea.” Mom was saying to dad.

I was actually really shocked to hear that and my mind was going bonkers! But, I knew that dad probably wouldn’t agree with mom. I mean, he always listened to her, but marriage costs tons of money and our little “family” barely had less money as it was.

“Sorry honey, but for marriage we need money and that’s one of the many things we don’t have, so sorry, it’s out of the question!” he replied.

Exactly what I was thinking!

“But, just listen to this! Guess who the boy is!”

“Alright honey, who is it?”

“Jason Merchant! The only son of the Merchant family!” Mom told him.

My eyes widened and I snapped my head towards mom to see if she were joking or not.

Please be joking! Please be joking! Please be joking! I begged to myself.

I knew exactly where this was headed and I didn’t like it one bit.

“Well, then that changes everything then.” Dad said.

And that’s when I really started panicking. I couldn’t believe they were actually already planning everything. No, no way was I marrying this guy. Not in a million years. Not in a billion!

I stood up in a flash then and quickly ran up to my room, locking the door securely. I slid down it and brought my knees to my chest.

“This can’t be happening!” I muttered. “Please God, tell me this is horrible dream that I’ll be able to awake from!”

I pinched myself hard on my arm, but I only felt the pain and not the feeling of me waking up.

“This can’t be real!” I continued pinching myself, but it was to no avail. “Alright, Cass, get a hold of yourself.”

I knew how to get out of this. Sure, I was going to get severely punished for this in the end, but it was totally worth it.