'Cause All I Know Is, You Are My Only One

Chapter One.

I've never been much of a social butterfly but I enjoy other's company; I've always had trouble meeting people and making new friends. With Zack it was different, it was mainly because we're both as quiet, Zack is my boyfriend whom I met back when I was fourteen.

Moving is never an easy especially for teenagers, this was no exception for me. I had grown to love California and now I was moving to Maryland. Every time I tried to talk to guys they wanted in my pants and girls hated me.It was all one big cycle, high school always is though.

I was sitting in the library studying for my Chemistry class when a tall boy walked over to me, and asked if I was new.

I nodded my head, "Yes, why do you ask?"

He smiled, "No reason, may I sit here?"

I nodded, "Sure,"

"I'm Zack by the way" he stuck his hand out.

I took it and shook it, "Alana but you can call me Laney"

He grinned, "Nice to meet you."

Ever since Zack and I've known each other we've never had secrets and we always did things together. Now that he was in his band he didn't have much time for me and I understood that he was busy but I could have used more time with him.

I was walking to Zack's new house when I ran into Alex, one of his band mates that I just couldn't stand and his girlfriend was just as bad.

"Hey Lane what brings you around here? Hm?" he chuckled.

"To see my boyfriend why else would I be here Gaskarth" I spat.

"Always being the bitch aren't you?"

I frowned, "You're always being the asshole aren't you?" shoving him away .

I felt him grab me by my wrist and pull me back, "Stop being such a little bitch Alana I can't stand that, Zack's my bro and everything but I can't stand you"

I slapped him across the face, "You stop being an ass, I don't care what you think, I can't stand you either or your fucking girlfriend" I stepped on his foot and stomped away.

When I walked inside Jack and Rian were sitting talking and when they saw me they grinned.

Alex walked in groaning in pain, "Fuck you Laney, you stupid bitch"

Two minutes later his girlfriend walked in, Annabelle flipped her bleach blond hair and walked in staring at Alex.

"What did you do to him?" she hissed.

"Your boyfriend always being a pain in my ass that's what" I mumbled, looking around for Zack.

"You are the biggest bitch I know" she mumbles, then I heard Alex laugh.

I glared, "Look who's talking ghost, with that pale skin of yours I could see almost through you"

Alex frowned and walked over to me, "Stop insulting my girlfriend you stu--"

"Then you stop insulting mine Alex, I've had enough of both of you always ganging up on Laney, she didn't do anything to any of you stop and let's get sound check started" Zack said, frustrated.

He took my hand and led me elsewhere, "Are you trying to make peace?"

I nodded, "It's that every time I try to be nice they always say something shitty to me and I can't help but snap back you know?"

Zack nodded, "They're both are annoying as fuck" he said quietly so no one would hear, "but they mean well"

I was sitting in my desk taking good notes for English class when I felt a paper woad hit the back of my head. I turned around and there he was, the slacker grinning like a fool, making faces at me.

"Real mature Gaskarth" I spat out.

Ever since I came here Alex and Jack made sure to make my high school career a misery. I was not just going to stand for that.

"You need to get your nose out of those books before you miss out on everything" he chuckled.

"Well, you need to put your nose into the books before you fail your classes" I snapped back.

I snapped back to reality and walked to watch my boyfriend and his band do sound check, Alex was singing, Rian was in the back checking his drums. Jack was acting like an idiot as usual and Zack was fixing his bass, looking all serious and sweet. I smiled, I had to be the luckiest girl in the world to have such a great boyfriend.
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Short but I hope you like it. (: