My Heart Yearns

The Rain

"Owee!" I whined as yet another paper felt it had the right to cut my skin in half. I know! What gall these stupid two-timing envelopes had! Kakashi sighed.

"Let me see it," he said as he put his hand out.

"No! It hurts!" I complained. He sighed as he took my hand and inspected it. He pulled out a tub of band-aids and placed one over the cut.

"All better?"

"No," I said as I glared at the envelopes. I hate wedding invitations! "Do we really need to invite all these people?"

"They'll invite themselves no matter what we do, Hana."

"Exactly why we shouldn't invite them."

"Then they'll whine about us not inviting them," Kakashi explained. "It's a very sentimental process."

"Why don't you just make a million clones and do all of them yourself?" I said, still pouting and holding my boo-boo.

"Because every time one of them would get a paper cut, it'd disappear," he licked an envelope. "I'd have to keep making them."

"It sounds like a good idea to me," I said as I picked up an envelope and carefully placed a darling letter inside. "There—my work here is done."

"Hey, you can't leave me here. It's your wedding too." I grinned as I stood up and looked down at him.

"Uh-huh, but you're the one who wanted the wedding." With that I left the disaster of a living room and entered the kitchen. For once Naruto wasn't in the kitchen stuffing his face with ramen. What is he doing? I decided to open the fridge and stare at its contents. Ah, he's on a date with someone, I remembered. A double date, if I remembered correctly.

"We have nothing to eat!" I complained to Kakashi. I heard him sigh. Man, that man can sigh loud. Haha.

"Stop complaining, woman!"

"It's not my fault I'm pms-ing!"

Another sigh.

Fine then, I'm going out to get something to eat. And whose money am I going to spend? Kakashi's obviously. I'll use up the entire wallet. Hah. I want to see what his face looks like when he finds out.

Sweet victory is mine!


This. Is. So. Boring. I may just stab myself. I was sitting at a table with Sakura, Ino, and Sai. For what? A double date. Worst. Double. Date. EVER.

"So…" Ino said trying to start some discussion. "The food's nice."

"Yeah, I can tell by the way you devoured it, Ino-pig," Sakura responded. I sighed. I liked Sakura, I really did. But she's a horrible date. She keeps trying to pick fights with Ino. Sai isn't even bothering talking. He's looking at something over there. What's over there?

"Shut up, bill-board-brow," Ino spat back.

"You shut up, Oinkers."

"Ugh!" I said. I've had enough. "Both of you shut up! You're so annoying!" That got Sai's attention. He stood up, an umbrella in his hand.

"Fine then!" Sakura whined and looked over at Sai. "It's raining. My hair is not getting wet. I don't care if you're Ino's date. You're walking me home." With that she darted out with an emotionless Sai following her. Seriously, he gives me the creeps.

"Am I really annoying?" Ino asked. I looked over at her. We were the only two left.

"Only when you're with Sakura." It was the honest truth.

"Oh," she said as she stood up. I followed. "She just grates on my nerves."

"Heh," I said as we were standing just outside of the dumpling shop. Raining was an understatement. More like pouring or hailing raid drops. I looked over at Ino, her mood grew dim at the sight of the rain. Sakura complained about it hurting her hair or something.

"Here," I said handing out my jacket to her. "You can put it over your head. It's waterproof so it won't mess up your precious hair." Her eyes grew big and her jaw dropped.

"Really?" She said as she took it.

"Yeah, just give it back later sometime."

"Okay…" She hesitated and I turned back to her. "Or you could walk me home. I can give it back to you when we get there." I shrugged.

"Sure," I replied and she put the jacket over her head. The rain was refreshing as it pelted on my skin. So relaxing.

"I don't see why you like the rain so much. It just makes my hair frizzy," Ino said as she saw my happy face.


"Because it feels good," I said and her face remained confused. "Haven't you ever just enjoyed the rain?"

"Uh, no," she stated obviously. "That's why I asked you, idiot."

"Here," I said offering her my hand. "Dance with me."



Dance with him?

Did he seriously just ask me to dance with him?

He's crazy! I looked around us. No one was outside because of the pouring rain. We were in the middle of a practically deserted street. But my hair! It will be gross later. Like super gross. I won't be able to go out in public. And will have to do it all over again.

"Come on," Naruto urged. "It's not like your hair'll fall out or somethin'."

Ah, what the hell! I dropped the jack off of my head and wore it properly. Burr.

"It's cold," I complained as he put my hand in his. His hands are so big. So warm. So callused, I noticed. You really can't tell that he's gone through so much…unless you feel his hands.

"Heh," Naruto snorted. Was that the right word for it? It wasn't unattractive. It was almost…almost…almost really attractive. He began spinning me around in circles.

It's nice. I like this, I thought as he spun me and a smile fluttered to my face. I giggled when my feet spun off of the ground and he continued to spin me. Then he caught me in his arms like a baby.

My breath got caught in my throat.

Endless blue.

An endless sea of emotions. Of kindness, of hurt. A whole story, right there in his eyes.

He's so wounded. He's beating himself up for not being able to bring Sasuke back…for letting Hana down, for letting Sakura down. He's mad at himself for not being strong enough. He thinks it's his fault Sasuke left.

Oh, Naruto.

I brought my hands to tanned face, pushing his damp hair away from the endless ocean of his eyes. Naruto stopped breathing, his full attention on me. Our eyes are connected, we're just staring into each other's eyes.

I wonder what he sees, I thought. What does he think of me? Could he ever like me as much as his beloved Sakura? I bit my lower lip. So much pain. How can he act so happy when he's so sad on the inside?


I lifted myself up and touched my lips to his. They didn't collide. They brushed. The sweetness of his dessert meeting my lips. His lips are so soft. I pulled away and looked at him, afraid of his response. He likes Sakura. I shouldn't have done that. Ugh, I'm such a big jerk!

"Heh," I looked up at Naruto, he had a smirk on his face. "That was my first kiss."

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!

"Well, if you don't count when I kissed Sasuke when in the academy." Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that. I chuckled at his statement.

"It wasn't my first kiss," I responded honestly to him. I've had tons of boyfriends, tons of kisses. But none were as sweet as that one.

"I know," he laughed. "I'm sorry it wasn't Sasuke." Oh my gosh. He actually thinks I'd rather kiss Sasuke? The bastard? Uh, no. It was a huge crush, I won't lie. But I'm so over it.

"No, I wanted to kiss you." A grin formed on Naruto's face.

"See? The rain s'not so bad."

"No…" I agreed. "It's not so bad."

...not with you.



Pain surged through my body, my legs collapsing from underneath me. I bit my lip to keep back tears.

Damn, it hurts so badly.

I placed my hands behind me and attempted to push myself up. No such luck. I huffed out a puff of air and sighed, giving up.

"You trained too hard," Neji's voice spoke above me. I looked up to be met with clear, emotionless eyes.

"Not enough," I mumbled. "I need to train my body to hold up better." I pushed myself up quickly, before my sore muscles could resist. Neji sighed, his hands on his hips. A few months ago I would have laughed at him—at him standing like that.

But that was then and this is now.

"You're working yourself too hard…" he said, inspecting my self-inflicted injuries. "Your chakra stem is damaged." I knew he was watching me closely. He has always been like a protective mother hen.


"Back off Neji," I said as I pushed him out of my way, "stop trying to be my mother." Another sigh escaped his lips and I bit back the desire to turn and face him, to see the look on his face.

"I miss you, Tenten…" I paused, surprised that he lowered to this. Sure, he had been warning me about this…but he doesn't usually go as far as becoming personal with me. I have known Neji since I was out of dipers. We could read each other so easily, sometimes it was to the point of scary. "Not this you—you, you." I turned to him, him suddenly being much closer than he was before.

I gasped.

"You're more vulnerable now. Before you would have never let anyone sneak up behind you," he said with a returning arrogance in his voice. Yeah, I've known him forever. I've been his teammate forever. In a fight, I had his back he had mine. I've put my life on the line for him, and he's done the same for me. We knew each other better than perhaps anyone else in konoha, but he pisses me off sometimes.

"Fuck off," I said and forced chakra into my step, running from the training ground. I didn't turn to see Neji's face.

Probably emotionless anyway, I seethed.

I didn't run home like I had anticipated. Instead, I did a lap around Konoha. It's like…a cool down, I tried to convince myself. I wouldn't admit it to anyone, but I was really lonely. Having Naruto around helped a lot. He was a giant ball of happiness and energy.

Seriously, where did he get all of that energy?

I rounded a corner, thankful for it being dark and not having to bother with people's stares. People have been…hesitant around me since…you know, that night. I would rather them not, because doing so makes it harder for me to forget about it. I loathe the stupid pittying glances they shoot me. Who is they you may ask? Everyone. Every where I turned I either got somber glances or ones that wouldn't make eye contact. I wasn't sure which was worse.

All because of him. I don't even who he is. Tears started fog my vision and I pushed myself harder, ignoring the pain that was still throbing through me. I honestly didn't get a good look at him. All I remember is that voice. That horrible voice that plagues my dreams over and over again. Why did he do it? What good was it to him what became of my family? There were only a few of us…my family, my cousins family, and a few more distant ones. It's not like we have some threatening kekki genki that could be a valuable asset to someone.

We were just plain weapon users.

I slowed to a jog as I neared the house. I'm grateful to Hana and Kakashi—so grateful. Words can't even describe. I'm not going to let their efforts go to waste. I'm not going to let that happen to me. I am going to become strong. Stronger than any konoichi—than any male.

I walked the rest of the way to the house. I hoped Hana was still awake despite the late hour. I was skidish around men, like hell that I would admit it, though.

It's because of him…that fucktard asshole.

"Tenten!" I looked up to Hana's voice, a smile adorning her face. I let a small smile form on my face.

Thank Kami for you, Hana.



I grinned as I entered the kitchen. Naruto and Tenten were—for once—peacefully enjoying breakfast. It was odd, but I took it as a chance to spring the news on them. News? Yep.

"So..." I said and two heads raised from their food dishes to look up at me. "I am something to tell both of you." Both faces lit up, Naruto's more so than Tenten's, but that was a given.

"What, what?" Naruto practically screamed. Jeez, it's too early.

"You guys get to go dress shopping with me today!" Both jounin went back to eating their food. My mood dropped slightly.

"Um, no," Tenten said as she slurped up the rest of her cereal and threw the dish into the sink—fortunately, not literally. Though, I had no doubt she would have made it with her eyes closed.

"Ah, why?"

"Yeah mom, I'm spending time with Ino today," Naruto budded in. "We've been planning it awhile and I just can't miss it." I looked over at Tenten for her excuse.

"I just don't want to," she said and paused from leaving the room. "I mean I love you and all, but seriously get someone like Ino." Then she finished with leaving the room. I looked over at Naruto.

"Uh-uh—no," Naruto said and set his bowl in the sink. "I'm leaving before you can try to convince me." I sighed when the room was empty.

"Does no one care about my wedding dress?"