My Heart Yearns


It wasn't until three very moody women started slipping me into a white dress that reality set in. I was marrying Kakashi Hatake. THE Kakashi Hatake. The copy ninja. The white fang's son. But more than anything, I was marrying my Kaka. I giggled.

Kaka sounds like that word for poop!

Oh yeesh, I'm high off of excitement!

"Stop giggling, you're going to make me burn you!" Ino yelled at me as she attempted to curl my long black locks. Funny how she was like half my age and commanded me around like a mother sometimes. Ugh, I'm old.

Sh, don't keep reminding yourself, Hana.

"Ow!" I screached very unlady-like as I was stabbed in the eye. My right eye started to tear and my lip quivered. Well, it hurt! I only have two of those!

"Stop moving!" This time it was Shizune who had yelled at me. She had a stick of eye liner scarily close to my eye. Which makes sense when you think that it's supposed to go around the eye, but that's so dangerous!

"Why do we need all of this?" I whined. The three women in the room—once again Tsunade, Ino and Shizune—all rolled their eyes.

"It's your wedding, bimbo!" Tsunade said. I looked up at her, a pout forming on my face.

"Oh no you don't. That may work on Kakashi, but that sure as hell is not going to work on me," she said as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Kakashi would let me free," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" She asked, daring me to speak louder.

"He wouldn't hold me prisoner against me will!" I whined. Yes, I was in quite the whiney mood today. But it was the day of my wedding and I had the right to be nervous. I just dealt with it in different ways than some people. My hands went to my eyes, instantly looking for worry wrinkles. In the process I managed to hit Shizunes hand and she screached. When I looked in the mirror I saw an angled, black line across my eye to my upper right forehead.

Oh my kami, a worry wrinkle!

Agh! On the day of my wedding no less!

"You made me get eye liner on your forehead," Shizune whined. Eye liner? I looked in the mirror again and noticed how crayon-like the line was. Definitely not real. Nothing like a worry wrinkle…but how would I know? I've never seen a worry wrinkle!

I was happy when Tsunade shifted my attention from the horrid worry warts Kakashi said I was destined to get.

"So you're saying Kakashi willingly holds you prisoner?" She said and the three women snickered. My face turned beat red. At that point I was positive I could have beaten a tomato at the "redest thing contest." Wait never mind, that doesn't exist.

"Th-th…that's not what I meant!" I gasped out and was instantly not so happy about Tsunade shifting my attention. Which was worse? Talking about my love life with Kakashi or worrying over worry wrinkles?

Poodle poopies!

Worrying over worry wrinkles? That's like a paradox. You worry over worrying to get worry wrinkles. Ugh. How come nothing can't be complex? See that double negative? Uh-huh. So that means how come nothing can be simple?

Why am I talking to myself like I'm a five year old?

"Hana, you have too much hair!" Ino whined, pulling me from my thoughts.

"I'm sorry," I replied automatically.

"Don't do that."

"Do what?" I asked, confused.

"Apologize for it."

"Oh…I'm sorry." Again, automatically.


"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to say sorry!" I said and paused to think about what I had said for a minute. "…poodle poopies."

"An hour left," Tsunade said, being the only clear headed, sane person in the room. Kami, who am I kidding? She was just as crazy as the rest of them.

"Done," Shizune said and I lurched my neck to see my reflection. "Oh no, no, no. You don't get to see till you're all done." With that she covered the mirror in front of me and I sighed. I yawned several times and Shizune began working on my nails. So…so…well, bored. Yes, I was about to get married in an hour but until then I had nothing to do. Bored. Completely and utterly b—

I started laughing like a maniac. That finally got a response out of the three crazed women in the room. I kept laughing and Shizune stopped what she was doing. Ah. I stopped laughing and sighed contently.

"What the—"

"I'm ticklish," I said as if it were obvious. Well, it was. Just because someone is all grown up and everything doesn't mean they can't be ticklish. The same is true with hiccups! I get them all the time!

…on second thought, maybe I didn't grow up? That's what I guessed by the looks I got.

"Ticklish?" Ino breathed out.

"Yes, many people are ticklish," I said starting a rant. "Like Kakashi. Oh he's exceptionally ticklish on this one spot. You would never know it but it's right—" I decided to cut myself off before I could embarrass myself any further. I did not need to be telling them about these things. These…these quite secret, intimate things.

I'm pretty sure I matched a tomato again. Maybe something redder than a tamato.

Is there anything redder than a tamato? I began laughing erratically again.

"Hana!" Three women yelled.

"I-I…haha…can't…haha…help!" I said through laughs. Shizune apparently was attempting to paint my toe nails. Tsunade sighed.

"Skip the pedicure. Go to the manicure," she said grudginly. I finally calmed down a good fifteen minutes later. Sixty minues fifteen…fourty-five. I moved my head to look at the door of the room. It was a big wooden door and very intimidating.

And that's when the butterflies started.

"I can't do it!" I yelled out spuradically. Ino and Shizune didn't even pause in their actions. I guess they were hanging around me enough to get used to my odd behavior. Wait, did I have odd behavior? Focus! Ugh, when did I start getting distracted so easily?

"Do what?" The butterflies were there again and my heart nearly started trying leap out of my chest. Good thing my ribs were in the way.

"I can't marry him! Knowing me, I'll trip on my dress and fall down, taking down the whole procession with me!" Ino snickered.

"Probably would."

"Don't jinx it!" Tsunade nearly screamed.

"Knock on wood!" Shizune called and the three women proceeded to knock on the nearest wooden object. Then three pairs of eyes landed on me.

"No," I said calmly. "No way. I'm not into all that supersticious mumbo jumbo."

"No use in decreasing your chances, eh?" I looked over at the door and saw a blinding blond head of hair peaking through.

"Naruto!" I said happily. He came in, shutting the door behind him and then giving me an odd glance.

"Did you get here drunk, granny?" he asked. Drunk?

"Don't call me granny!" she bit at him but then calmed. "No, she's not drunk, drunk."

"Not unless you call drunk off of adrenaline as drunk, drunk!" Ino said cheerfully. Her mood completely shifted when Naruto came in. It wasn't being two faced—no, her entire mood brightened when he had entered.

Aww! So cute! They're getting so big!

"And you're getting so old," I thought outloud. Four pairs of eyes were on me this time. "What?"

"I am NOT old!" Tsunade roared. Aw, poodle poopies.

Even in the room of utter madness with Tsunade now trying to kill me and Ino protecting me with a hair curler, I couldn't help my thoughts race of toward Kakashi.

I love you. All of this—everything—is for you, Kakashi. I smiled.

If only I knew that it made me look sadistic. I was, in fact, the target for murder at the time. Oh life, always so complicated but simple. I wanted desperately for Sasuke to be here. But I had Kakashi with me till death do us part. Well, that's an oxymoron.



My usually silent heart pounded ferociously in my chest. I looked around at my best man and close friends who were all cooped up in a very humid, small room. I was already in my suit and after Gai had tried to settle down my hair and given up, I had taken to sitting on a couch and silently freaking out—just a tad bit.

I had never felt so utterly happy in my entire life time.

Gai—contrary to what most people expected—was not my best man. No, over the years we had gone through a lot together. But that did not mean I wanted that lunatic as my best man. No, he was bonkers. Totally and utterly…well, insane! Crazy!

No, I had asked my old and dear friend Iruka to be my best man. Through the years, he had always been there for me—even during some of my stupider decisions. He was, well, pretty much my polar opposite. The only thing we had in common when we were younger was that we both liked Kurenai—and that…well it didn't exactly make us the best of friends.

It was the stupid "fight for the girl's affections" kind of situation. The irony of it is that neither of us got the girl in the end; Asuma did. It was the kind of bitter irony that had left a pang in my chest.

"Kakashi!" I looked up to see Gai's suit. I nearly choked on air, but instead it came out as a stifled laugh. It was the same flamboyant green as his usual jumpsuit. Underneath was a blindingly yellow dress shirt. A green and black polka dotted bow was tied tightly to his neck.

See? I told you he was a loony.

"I would like to make a speech at the wedding ceremony," Gai stated.

Oh, no. No, no, no. That's what I was going to say, blatantly refuse. However, the look on his face got to me. Kami, Hana was rubbing off on me. He was, in fact, "my oldest rival" as he stated. I had never really considered him one. Ever. But he did, and it meant the world to him to make his silly little speech.

"Sure," I said shrugging and Iruka's and Asuma's mouths dropped open. At least they had brushed their teeth. It would have been disgusting if they hadn't. Ugh.

"Oh, thank you! Kakashi, my man, you will not regret it. You are a very fine, youthful man, I tell you," Gai rambled on and on in gratitude and I tuned him out. I was getting married.

I wondered what Hana was thinking about over in the room a few doors down. No doubt Ino, Tsunade, and Shizune were attacking her, as she would say. She may kill them all before the wedding. The thought made me chuckle.

We hadn't scheduled a honey moon, per say. We really didn't plan one at all. We decided to stay home with the family and skip the honeymoon thing all together. I had kind of wanted to go on a honeymoon and get some time away from the family. I loved them—don't get me wrong—but it's hard to do…you know, intimate things with innocent ears in the same house. But Hana had wanted it, so I had agreed. How could I not? She put her rump down on the floor, pushed her lips out, and looked up at me through those long lashes of hers. It was her very own puppy dog look.

I love you. I want anything—everything—to be yours, Hana. I smiled.

If only I knew that Gai had started a fight with Iruka. And that I was, in fact, the reason for the fight. Oh life, bitter and sweet, cruel and kind. I missed Sasuke. But I had Hana. Was that, in a way, an oxymoron?



I made my way to my spot behind the door. My nerves had numbed and the fluttery butterflies had…well, I don't know what they did but they had disappeared. I had my beautiful batch of flowers in my hand. Millions of large and small white daisies with patches of some kind of green leaved plant. Around the bottom was an orange bow to keep it all together—and for show, I suppose.

When the music started, my maid of honor—Ino—and my bridesmaids—Shizune and Tenten—began their walk to the platform. I got a peak out the door. There were millions, and I mean millions, of people out there. It was outside in one of the many Konoha gardens. A path of white cloth led to the platform. White chairs with some kind of orange flower and daisies attached to them, were in orderly lines all facing it.

Funny enough, Naruto was the ring bearer, despite his older age. One of the little girls on Kakashi's new team was the flower girl. She wore a bright orange colored spring dress that had flowers all around it. On her brown haired head was a crown of intricately woven daisies. Oh how I loved daisies.

Kakashi's best man was Iruka. I hardly knew the man, but just looking at him and Kakashi interact once gave me the feeling they went way, way, way back. Gai sat in the front row with an obnoxiously green suit. I laughed. Trust him to wear the weirdest clothes anywhere.

My music started playing and I took a deep breath, being careful to breathe it back out slowly. Okay Hana, this is it. This is the big day. This is your wedding—your wedding with Kakashi Hatake.

With another deep breath and a burst of courage, I pushed open the large wooden doors.



I made my way to my spot on the altar-like platform. Tsunade stood in the direct middle. As the Hokage, she was to perform the ceremony. I had to stop myself from laughing when I saw Naruto in the procession. He wore a white suit with a bright orange dress shirt and a black tie.

My breathing nearly stopped when the wooden doors were forced open. A petite form stood there awkwardly for a second before she began walking.

Hana…my Uindo…my wind.

It was ironic that she knocked the wind out of me. Hah.

She had—obviously—a white dress on. It was sleeveless, but lace connected to where the sleeves would be and went almost to her elbows. It had a heart shaped top and intricate white crystals sewn into the white fabric. It made her look like she sparkled, oddly enough. At her hips, the dress went out—almost like a bell. It had ruffles upon ruffles and lace mixed in.

Her long and silky black hair was half up and half down. A sparkling silver butterfly clip held half of her hair up in the back. Her hair was curly but not too curly. It was long and went almost to her waist. A white veil was over her face and back, it also consisted of lace. The lace was shaped in a pattern of butterflies. Oh, Hana. I had to stifle another laugh.

She walked down the aisle slowly and well paced, matching the rhythm of the music being played by violins at her side. Many gasps, "oohs", and "ahs" were heard as she approached the altar-thing. But in that second, it was only me and her. Her dark blue eyes met my grey one and we were the only ones that existed.

It sounds corny, I know. But that's what happened. Everything went to a blur, even the violins and harps were muted against her. Her face lit up in a small smile and I returned hers with a smile of my own. It was all so magical.

I had never believed in any god or gods. I had never believed in some omnipotent being. But now as I stood there, I could have believed anything. I could have believed that Hana was an angel sent down from heaven. So I stood there and did something I had never done. I prayed.

Dear whoever you are, thank you. Thank you for her.

I didn't know if it would be heard but I didn't care. If someone was up there, then they heard it. If someone wasn't, well, why did it matter? No one would ever know. I let my smile grow and for a moment, I even forgot about the hole in my chest from Sasuke.



There I was. Everything was perfect. Breath! Breath! I yelled at myself over and over. Right, left, right left. Right left, right left! Breath! In! Out! In! Out! Okay Hana, calm down. Calm down. You've gone on dangerous mission not knowing if you would ever return, and you're afraid of a wedding? Heck, you've already married the man! It's just for formalities!

So I continued my chant in my head: left, breath in, right, breath out, left, breath in, right, breath out. I heard gasps around me and trailed the room with my eyes. Many people I knew were there and many people I didn't know were there. But it didn't matter, because my eyes found him.

My heart fluttered under my ribs.

So that's where the butterflies went…

He wore a dark colored suit, a white dress shirt, and a black tie. His gravity-defying hair was as gravity-defying as ever. His black mask protruded out from under his shirt and I had to stifle a giggle. It was all so perfect. My prince charming. It was like my very own fairy-tale happy ending. In that moment I forgot about missing Sasuke. I forgot about the ache in my chest from him. My heart fluttered and I felt it could fly far off into the skies.

I love you, I love you, I love you…I love you. I love you. Dear Kami—if you exist that is—thank you for everything you have done for me and the man I love. If you had mentioned this fifteen years ago I would have laughed bitterly. But this, this is beautiful. You must be pretty incredible to have thought this out so well. I love him with all my heart.

I felt a smile tug at my lips and let it slide unto my face. Kakashi mimicked me and I just stared into his intoxicated gaze. His present eye was grey as a stormy sky. It made me smile and tingle all over. Kami, he's gorgeous with a smile on his face—even if it's hard to see it with that mask. But I could imagine him without it, smiling that smile that made people swoon over him. I giggled like a school girl. Smile, Mr. Hatake. Smile because everything is beautiful. Smile because you only have one chance. Smile because…because even if that one chance hurts so badly sometimes, it feels so perfect in the end. Smile. Just smile.

And that's when I tripped over my own two feet.