My Heart Yearns


"Morning Hana," Ino said as I walked through the door.

"Morning Ino," I replied. I went up to the counter and put my coat down.

"A man called for you earlier," she responded.

"Huh? Who?" I questioned.

"Kakashi-sensei," she responded.

"Oh," I said looking at the paper she gave me.

"The hokage also called you," she said.

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah, she wants to speak with you," Ino replied.

"Okay, well, all after work," I said pulling my hair up into a lazy bun. I stood there putting flower banquets together as my mind traveled. Crap, he called again. I feel so uncomfortable when I'm around him. And the hokage wants to see me? Why me? I didn't do anything. I'm a average person that works at an average flowershop. My shift only went to four today and I walked to the hokage tower.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked as I went into the hokage's office.

"Yes, I did. I was just looking at old ninja's forms," she said and I bit my lip, "It seams that you were a ninja at one point."

"I was," I responded.

"At age fifteen you were a part of an anbu team," she replied.

"It was just because of my teammates. I wasn't fit to be in the team," I said. She was quiet for a bit looking through some more forms.

"You were on Minato Uzumaki's team," she finally said.

"Yes," I replied.

"I have a request for you," she said.

"And what is that?" I asked.

"I want you to take care of a friend of mine. He needs a ... motherly figure," she responded.

"I'd be glad to help," I replied.

"Good! He has room in his apartment for you," she said as she handed my a paper with information on it and the address.

"Hokage-sama," I said bowing before I left. Then I looked at the paper. Well, guess my life's about to get more intresting. Well, I am twenty-nine, old enough to be a mother. I still have my job at the flowershop. I wonder how old he is and what his apartement looks like. I walked over to the flowershop and Ino was behind the counter.

"Hey Ino," I said walking up to her.

"Hi Hana," she replied.

"I was wondering if you could help me move some stuff," I asked.

"Move some stuff? You're moving?" she asked.

"Only temporarily," I responded.

"Oh, sure. Mom! I'm going to help Hana with some stuff!" she called before taking her hair out of the bun. Then we headed to my house.

"You sure have alot of clothes," Ino said as she looked through my closet.

"If you like anything feel free to keep it," I responded as I put things into bags.

"So I can have this purple shirt?" she asked.

"Sure," I replied.

"Are you sure?" she asked. I turned toward her.

"Yes. It'd look great on you! Try it on," I said going back to folding clothes.

"So are you and Kakashi-sensei dating?" she asked.

"What?" I questioned.

"Well you did go on a date, and you gave him your number," Ino said.

"I guess," I responded shruging.

"Yay! I have to warn you though he's a big pervert!" Ino yelled. I dropped the dress in my hand.

"What!" I asked and she nodded.

"He's always reading the Icha Icha series," Ino said. I didn't respond.

"How do I look?" she asked and I turned around.

"It looks good on you," I replied.

"Thanks! Wait till Sasuke-kun sees me in this!" she said happily and I chuckled.

"So he hasn't asked you out yet?" I asked.

"No, but I'm never going to give up on him, he and I are meant to be!" she said holding her hands on her heart with a dreamy look on her face.

"That's good to know," I responded.

"Can you grab my shampoo and conditioner from the bathroom?" I asked and she nodded.


"I guess this is the place," I said looking at the address. I sighed before unlocking the apartment and looking inside. It looked like a tornado blew through it.

"It smells like rotten ramen," I mumbled holding my nose. I put my bags down and searched through the place. The kitchen and living room were attached and there was a bathroom to the left. On the right there was two doors that both led to small bedrooms. I put my stuff into the one that had a thick layer of dust on everything.

"Ew," I said after triping on a empty bowl. I hate places that are dirty. So for the rest of the day I put on a simple kimono and started cleaning the house. When I was scrubbing the floor the front door opened.

"I'll see you tomorrow Sakura-chan!" a blond boy called still looking out the door. I was still sitting with my legs underneath me, on the floor, with my black hair up and a scruby in my hand. The blond turned and I thought I'd cry. He looked exactly like Minato-sensei.

"Oi, why are you in my" he asked.

"I uh, the place was a disaster," I replied.

"Are you like a maid?" he asked his eye brows knotted in confusion.

"No! The hokage asked me to stay here," I responded.

"Oh, that's weird," he said scratching the back of his kneck. I stood up and put my hand out.

"My name's Hana," I said. He shook my hand.

"Naruto Uzumaki," he replied.

"It's nice to meet you. Do you like ramen?" I asked. While cleaning I noticed tons and tons of piled dishes that used to have ramen in them. Also the rotten smell of ramen. Not anymore, all you could smell was the cleaner I had on the floors.

"I love ramen!" he said. I laughed.

"Okay Naruto, want to get some ramen with me? I haven't eaten yet," I responded.

"Yes!" he said happily and I chuckled.

"Just give me a minute to change," I said and went to myroom. I changed into light blue dress. It went to my knees and had tank top straps.

"Ready!" I said and we headed to the ramen stand. When we went there it seemed Naruto recognized someone.

"Hi Sasuke!" he said sitting next to a raven haired boy. I took a seat next to Naruto.

"Chicken ramen please," I requested.

"Why are you?" Naruto asked his friend.

"Food, baka," Sasuke replied.

"Hey old man, miso ramen please!" he said.

"I'm not a baka Sasuke-teme!" he added.

"Pth, idiot," Sasuke replied. I sighed.

"You two sound like great friends," I budded in suddenly. Sasuke looked at me for a minute, he didn't even blink. Creepy.

"I'm Hana," I said with a smile.

"Uchiha, Sasuke," he replied pulling out of his daze like look.

"Here's your ramen," the man said handing us our bowls.

"Thank you!" I said pulling out my chopsticks. Naruto was already half way done.

"I finally found you Sasuke-kun!" a pink haired girl screamed. I chuckled as I saw Sasuke cringe.

"I've been looking all over for you," she said sitting next to him.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto said finally putting down his bowl of ramen.

"Oh, Naruto," she replied before going back to pestering Sasuke. I decided to step in.

"Sakura, I'd hate to break you two apart, but Sasuke promised to help me unpack my stuff," I said sitting up.

"Wha-" I put a hand over Naruto's mouth.

"Sorry," I told her.

"I guess I'll see you at training Sasuke-kun," she said still sitting as I pulled Naruto out of the ramen bar and Sasuke followed.

"But I didn't have enough ramen yet!" Naruto complained dragging his feet.

"You shouldn't eat too much it'll mess up your digestion," I responded.

"You're welcome," I said to Sasuke.

"Che, I didn't ask for your help," he replied.

"Either way you're going to need to help me finish cleaning," I said grabbing his arm, Naruto's still in my other hand, and raced toward the apartment.


"This is Naruto-teme's place," Sasuke said as I fumbled with the lock.

"I'm staying with him for a while," I said when it finally worked. I walked in and the two boys followed.

"Home sweet home!" Naruto said plopping onto the couch.

"Sorry to cut your guy's dinner. I can't cook here either because almost everything in the fridge is expired. I can do some shopping tomorrow," I said going into the living room.

"I need to be heading home," Sasuke said standing up and heading for the door.

"Don't forget I owe you a dinner tomorrow night!" I said before he shut the door.

"He seams... nice," I said to Naruto, who had a old bag of chips in one hand while
watching the television.

"He acts cold but that's just because he doesn't have a family," Naruto replied.

"What about you? You don't," I responded.

"He just is that way," he said.

"Oh," I replied.

"Ow, that hurts!" Naruto wined as I put ointment on his wounds. I heard from him
that he fought Sasuke and it was a really good fight. Although it ended up with
two blood covered boys standing at my door.

"Stop yelling dobe," Sasuke replied.

"Guys, stop fighting..." I said trying to think of something to add. "You fight like a
married couple!"

"What!" they yelled in unison. I giggled.

"Ow!" Naruto yelled as I put the bandages on. At the moment Sasuke was sitting on a chair as I bandaged Naruto up on a kitchen chair. Sasuke had his chin rested
on his hands as they were folded together. Naruto was wiggling all over as I tried
to bandage him.

"Done," I responded. Naruto rubbed the arm I bandaged.

"It hurts more than before...I need ramen," he said and I laughed.

"Alright Sasuke show me your shoulder." I said.

"I'm fine." he responded coldly.

"You'll die from loss of blood if I don't." I replied.

"I told you, I'm fine." he said. I went over to him and grabbed his arm. He pulled away and I grabbed his arm again, pulled his shirt down, and put the ointment on
it within ten seconds. He stared at me along with Naruto.

"How did you do that?" Naruto finally spoke up.

"It was nothing," I replied putting bandages on Sasuke's shoulder.

"That wasn't nothing, you moved so fast I couldn't see you move!" Naruto said.

"Really it was nothing," I said again. Both boys stared at me, obviously ignoring my protest.

"There you're all bandaged up," I said finishing the wrap on Sasuke's shoulder and putting it away.

"Oi, are you going to make dinner?" Naruto asked from the kitchen.

"Of course! I promised didn't I?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Naruto said. I went back to the kitchen and started cooking the meal.

"There you go," I said plopping plates in front of Naruto and Sasuke.

"Yum!" Naruto said before eating the food like there was tomorrow. Sasuke just ate normally. I grabbed my chopsticks and dug in myself.


"So are you going to train tomorrow even with your shoulder?" I asked Sasuke.

"Hn," he replied.

"Don't hn me, I'm your elder you're supposed to respect me!" I said pretending to pout.

"Sasuke! You hurt Hana's feelings!" Naruto accused.

"I don't care," Sasuke responded.

"You should care," I said back.

"I cooked this meal and wrapped your wound," I added.


"Da** it!"

"Sasuke, stop hurting Hana's feelings!"

"I didn't hurt her feelings."

"Yes you did!"

"Sasuke apologize!"



"I feel so hurt."

"Shut up."


"You can't make me."

"Want a bet?"

"Guys, settle down, we don't need the house destroyed."

"I'll fight you right here right now Sasuke idiot!"

"Bring it idiot!"

"Uhm guys?" They didn't here me. There was a knock on the door. I sighed going over to the door.

"Hi!" Ino said as she let herself in. "I heard you moved in with Naruto."

"Yeah, him and Sasuke ar-"

"Sasuke!" she squealed and ran over to him. I sighed then looked over to them. Sasuke and Naruto were already standing up and glaring at each other. Ino ran in and tried to hug Sasuke, but Sasuke kept pushing her off.

"Sasuke! I love you so much! I missed you!" Ino screamed. I sighed, she definitely had a fan girl crush.

"Would you like something to eat Ino? We were just having dinner," I said.

"Sure, I'd love some," she answered. I pulled down a plate and put some of the food on it. Then I gave it to her and she sat down next to Sasuke.

"Let's eat," I said glaring at Sasuke and Naruto who slowly sat back down in their chairs.

"Hana, how do you know Ino?" Naruto questioned.

"I work at the flower shop with her," I answered.

"Sasuke, what is your favorite kind of flower?" Ino asked...Sasuke ignored her.

"Getting flowers is something a guy usually gets for a girl," I said to Ino.

"So?" she questioned.

"I remember Kaka... well an old crush, he liked fire lily's," I said almost spilling about Kakashi.

"Kaka? That's a weird name," Naruto said. Sasuke was eying me suspiciously.

"Do you like fire lily's Sasuke?" Ino asked still latched to his arm.

"No," he replied putting another bite into his mouth.

"Some guys like black roses too," I said.

"Black roses? Do you like black roses Sasuke?" Ino asked. I sighed shaking my head. Then there was another knock on the door.