My Heart Yearns

The Broken Door

"Hello?" I asked as I opened it. A pink haired girl stood there, her green eyes looking at me in curiosity.

"Is Naruto there?" she asked. I chuckled.

"Naruto! Your girlfriend is here!" I heard a chair move and running.

"Sakura?" Naruto asked as he was right beside me.

"I'll let you to reminisce while I eat my dinner," I said before heading back to the table.

"Get off," Sasuke said harshly to the blond still clinging on to him.

"Sasuke-KUN!" she squealed. I sat down finishing my food.

"Sasuke-KUN!" I heard and saw a blur of pink grab Sasuke's other arm. I raised an eye brow in amusement and annoyance.

"Get off," Sasuke said darker. He had a girl on each arm. It was quite hilarious.

"Aw, Sasuke, stop hogging the girls!" Naruto pouted.

"Shut up, Naruto idiot," Sasuke responded.

"No name calling," I said and both boys looked at me.

"Why not?" Naruto asked.

"You can't tell me what to do," Sasuke replied. I smirked at the both of them.

"You put down the other or curse around me and I will put soap and water in your mouth until it's sparkly clean. You got that?" I asked. They both just stared at me, though Sasuke's turned into a glare.

"Yes ma'am," Naruto quickly responded after recovering.

"Sasuke?" I said darkly.

"Yes 'ma'am' " he said sarcastically.

"I can get the soap now," I said before sitting down again and eating.

"Hana, you're really scary when you're like that," Ino said. I laughed.

"Call it different personalities if you please," I said shrugging. Yes, I guess I do have different personalities. The mother, the girly side, the depressed side, the adult side, and the silly side. Then there was the drunk side but I won't even go there. No, that was really bad. Remind me never ever to get drunk. Especially when men are around...even more especially if they are good looking. Then I'm done for.

"Hana?" someone asked and I brought my head out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"It's late, I have to go home," Ino said.

"Me too," Sakura added.

"Okay, see you later!" I said as they left through the door.

"Movies anyone?" I asked turning around. Sasuke and Naruto were still sitting at the table glaring at each other. At the sound of my words they turned toward me.

"I like movies," Naruto said.

"No duh..." Sasuke cut himself off. I smirked in victory, someone has to teach these boys some manners.

"Alright, which movie?" That was going to be the hard part. The movie was uneventful besides the fact that Sasuke and Naruto couldn't agree on a movie. I just sat on the couch while they fought. By the time they picked out a movie it was an hour later. So we all fell asleep during the movie, kind of awkwardly too. I fell asleep in the middle curled up into a ball. Naruto fell asleep with his feet on me and Sasuke fell asleep with the foot rest up.

"Morning," I mumbled as I sat up, noticing our odd positions I chuckled. Naruto was in a deep sleep and Sasuke was already awake although he was feigning sleep.

"Morning Sasuke," I said louder this time. He opened his eyes and they were a blazing red, the black dot looking things inside span once. That's right he did say 'Uchiha, Sasuke'.

"Just like Kakash..." I cut myself off. He sat up and looked straight at me.

"You keep hiding something. You've gone from Kaka to Kakash, so I'm assuming you know Kakashi Hatake," He said and my eyes widened. Darn.

"Well, yeah," I replied sitting up further also. Naruto didn't even notice his feet hitting the couch. Sasuke still stared at me unconvinced.

"Well, he and I we were teammates..." I said and his eyes widened.

"He never talked about a Hana on his team," he replied.

"Yeah, I left when I was fifteen," I answered. He still stared at me curiously.

"You can't tell Kakashi it's me!" I blurted out and he raised an eye brow.

"Please, Sasuke, don't tell him who I am. If he finds out...he'll never forgive me," I said and he sighed.

"I won't tell him, it's your problem not mine," he replied simply getting up and heading for the bathroom.

"Thanks Sasuke, you know you're not that bad of a guy," I said and he turned around to glare at me.

"Don't push it," he said before going into the bathroom.

"Hey mister, just remember I'm the older one!" I yelled as he shut the bathroom door. Then I brought my attention down to the sleeping Naruto. Man that kid can sleep through everything.

"I know you heard me!" I yelled louder. Naruto didn't even stir. Darn him. I looked back at the door then at Naruto, and an evil smirk found it's way onto my face. I looked down at Naruto again.

"Sasuke ate all of the ramen!" I yelled louder than both previous times.

"What?" he yelled jerking upward. I tried to stop the chuckling but Naruto was too darn cute. His eyes were only half open and his hair was a disaster.

"He at it all?" he said as he started to tear up. Man this kid likes his ramen.

"All of it!" I said and he stood up with a determined look on his face. He marched to the bathroom and pounded on the door.

"Sasuke! I know you're in there! You owe me ramen!" he yelled. Sasuke didn't respond so Naruto, being ramen deprived, smashed down the door. Darn, I'll have to fix that later. Nah, I'll just make them do it.

"Sasuke!" Naruto yelled. Then there was mixed yelling.

"I'm showering idiot!"

"Ew! Didn't need to see that!"

"Hahah, you guys are so gay!" I added in through laughing fits.

"Ah! Get away!

"Get out Naruto idiot!"

"You get out!"

"I'm butt naked!"

"Like I give a sh**! There's no girls..." Naruto paused looking back at me who had collapsed onto the couch. With that Sasuke pushed him out of the bathroom and put the broken door up where it would have been if it had not been broken.

"Idiot!" Naruto said picking himself up and walking over to me. I slowly stopped laughing. He stared at me, probably trying to put the pieces together, and I stared back. Then as if a light bulb went off he raised an accusing finger.


"You both called each other tell me...where's the soap?" I said a smirk on my face and he glared back.

"That's not fair!" he yelled in defeat.

"Either you fix the door or I'll get the soap," I said and he sighed.

"I'll fix the door..." he mumbled.
I guess you can call me very mischievous, but I never fully grew up. Ice cream and candy are still my main food group, they dominate with the sugary goodness. Come to the think of it...Kakashi used to like strawberry ice cream...I wonder if he still does. What am I talking about? I don't care.

"We're going to be late for training!" Naruto complained as him and Sasuke were trying to fix the smashed door.

"It's not like he'll be on time..." Sasuke mumbled.

"Oh, shut up," Naruto said back.

"Idiot," Sasuke mumbled.

"Did I hear someone call another a name?" I asked and they both kept quiet.

"And who is this sensei of yours?" I asked.

"He's a real pervert! And he reads perverted books all the time! He is always late too," Naruto said. There was a knock on the door. Wow, that's been happening a lot lately.

"Ow!" he yelled. Sasuke had let go of the door causing it to pinch Naruto's fingers.

"Idio..." he cut himself off. I slowly opened the door but not enough to see the person nor let the person see me. I turned toward the boys.

"I didn't say anything!" Naruto pleaded.

"Well, you tell your sensei to get his damn head out of those perverted books! And to actually arrive on time! If my sensei did that I'd I'd..." I stopped talking as I noticed the person in the door way. His arms were crossed around his jounin vest and his gravity defying hair was as gray as ever.

"You'd what?" he asked.

"Why are you here?" I asked at a loss of words.

"My two students didn't show up to practice on time," he replied.

"Ne? They're your students?" I asked.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto said. Sasuke was standing next to him with boredom written on his face.


"Well, you can have your students back after they finish fixing the door," I said.

"They won't be able to practice their techniques," Kakashi countered.

"They won't be able to go to the bathroom in private without a door," I countered.

"They have a mission tomorrow and they need to practice,"

"I'm sure fixing a door will help them with that. Now if you'd please leave," I said before trying to shut the door, which failed because Kakashi stopped it with his foot.

"Why do you want me to leave so badly?" he asked.

"Because I do," I replied. Sasuke and Naruto just stood behind me, probably enjoying this.

"May I come in?" he asked.


"Yes," Naruto said opening the door more. I glared at Naruto who knew he was going to pay for it later. Kakashi came in and looked at the broken door.

"And don't you dare-"

"Wooden forest technique," Kakashi said doing hand signs. Darn him! The door started repairing itself.

"Now we can go train," he said.

"We? All you'll be doing is reading your perverted books," I said back. He turned around and faced me.

"Would you rather teach them in my place?" Kakashi asked.

"No," I responded. If I did he would notice my fighting pattern.

"You should come with us!" Naruto said enthusiastically.

"No, I have a lot of stuff I need to take care of," I responded.

"Well then, I'll talk to you later than, Uindo." Both boys faces showed confusion.

"You too Kashi!" I said quickly making up a nickname. Kakashi waved and the boys said bye. Well, Naruto did, Sasuke just stood there with his hands in his pockets. When they were gone I sighed in relief.

"Stop it, stop it, stop it!" A young dark haired girl yelled, tears falling down her face as she yelled. The two girls next to her stared at her like she was a misplaced thing.

"Stop what?" The tall black haired girl asked.

"Stop picking on me! I bet boys are nicer than you!" The two girls chuckled.

"Really? Who?" The brown haired girl asked her, her hands on her hips. The dark haired girl's eye's flickered around her until they landed on a certain silver haired boy.

"K-kakashi!" she said with a stutter.

"Kakashi?" The two girls asked while following her gaze toward him.

"Want a bet?" The black haired asked looking over at the crying girl.

"Y-y...yes," the dark haired girl said determined.

"Kakashi-kun!" The black haired called while waving her hands. As the girl expected the boy came right over.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi Kakashi," the black haired responded. "Don't you think she is so ugly?" she said pointing toward the dark haired girl. She grinned when she got her responce.

"Who? Her?" the silver haired asked pointing to the crying girl. The black haired girl nodded. "Of course she is."

"K-k...k-k...kaka...shi..." The dark haired girl, after trying to speak to him, ran away in tears. She should have known better. Of course Kakashi would side with the other girl. Kakashi always liked her.

"Bit*h," I said under my breath. I stood up from where I had been sitting - on the floor - and got myself a glass of water.

"And so, like always, the cute guys always like the cute girls," I mumbled under my breath. "No exceptions. Damn you, Kakashi."


"Watch it, retard."

"Stop calling me that!"

"Stop yelling in my ear." The door opened and my jaw dropped. Sasuke and Naruto were leaning onto each other for support. I shut my mouth and opened it to say something but was cut off.

"Not a word. I used up to much chakra," Sasuke said glaring at me. He and Naruto made their way to Naruto's room. When the door slammed I chuckled.

"Sorry I dumped them on you like that." I heard behind me and jumped. Gravity defying gray hair...damn.

"Oh, Kakashi, no problem," I said quickly.

"I called the number you gave me and left a message with Ino but you didn't call back." I raised an eye brow before I understood. I had forgotten to call him back.

"I'm so sorry! I completely forgot!"

"Don't worry about it, I was just wondering that since you're staying here, if I can call here for you?"

"Uh, sure."

"Great, so I'll call you soon?"

"Yep yep."

"Alright, then I'll talk to you then." he said as he was about to leave through the door. I was having a war in my head. He looked so cute! There was just one little thing that I wanted so do.

"Kakashi!" I yelled before he could shut the door. I ran up to him and simply kissed him. Sure it was on his mask but my stomach knotted. A small smile found it way onto my face.

"I'll talk to you then," he repeated before shutting the door. I grabbed the wall for support.

"Am I a cute girl? Or an exception?" I asked to myself.