My Heart Yearns


"You like chocolates? I like the caramel kind."

"My favorite are the ones with the nuts in them." I'd been on the phone with Kakashi for the past two hours. I'd been cleaning the house and it was really nice to have someone to talk to.

"What about drinks? What's your favorite drink?" I asked as I swept the kitchen.

"I like Shirley temples," he responded.

"Me too! Those are my favorite drink ever." I grabbed the dust pan out of the closet.

"What's your favorite color?" he asked. I paused for a moment.

"Blue," I replied before dumping what was in the dust pan into the trash.

"I like the color green."

"Green's a good color."

"Yeah." I put the broom away and looked around the house. There was nothing left to clean.

"So any idea where Naruto and Sasuke are?" I asked him.

"Naruto and Sasuke?" he asked.

"Yeah, Sasuke's been hanging out here a lot."

"Oh, I don't know. They both were at training today," he responded.

"Yeah," I replied in thought.

"Are you worried about them?" he asked.

"No, I was just wondering."

"If you are I can go look for them for you," he said.

"Really, you would do that for me?" I asked in surprise.

"Of course I would," he said.

"Thank you, but really it's fine," I responded.

"Would you like me to come over?"

"Huh?" I questioned.

"Would you like some company?" he asked.

"No no, I'm fine," I said quickly.

"Really, it will be no problem at all," he said.

"Really, you don't have to," I said. Crap, talking over the phone and hanging out with him were two different things.

"It will be no problem. I will be there in a few moments." He hung up the phone and I sighed. I looked down at the clothes I was in. They were covered in dust, dirt from the floor, and other junk from cleaning. I quickly hit the shower and put my hair up after slightly drying it with the towel. Then I went to my room and changed into an orange shirt and a simple short white skirt. My black hair was still in the messy excuse of a bun that I put it in. I looked at my reflection and sighed.

"One day, Hana, you'll get a back bone," I said to my reflection. I jumped when the door bell rang and I quickly went to it. Kakashi was there as I expected.

"Come on in," I said stepping out of the way for him to come in.

"You look pretty today, Uindo," he said coming in.

"Thank you, Kakashi."

"I used to grow a garden with my Aunt and it would have many different plants," I said walking with Kakashi. We were walking down the street hand in hand.

"My father used to take me to the training grounds and train me till I was exhausted. Then we'd lay down on the grass and look up at the sky and share a good laugh," Kakashi said in deep thought.

"That must have been nice," I said and he raised an eye brow. "to be able to spend time with your dad."

"We couldn't do it very often, though. He always had a swamp load of missions to complete," Kakashi responded. I looked up in front of us, it was an ice cream stand.

"Would you like any ice cream?" he asked and I giggled.

"Sure," I replied and we went up to the ice cream stand.

"One strawberry and one..." Kakashi looked over at me. I inwardly giggled, Kakashi liked strawberry ice cream. Who knew?

"Chocolate," I said coming out of my thought. Kakashi was so different than what I thought he was like when he was a kid. I always thought of him not to have a soft side, but he sure had one alright.

"Here you go," he said handing me mine.

"Thank you," I said to him.


Maybe if he'd changed sooner. Maybe if all those things didn't happen, I thought as Kakashi was walking me home. I glanced over at him and blushed and turned away when I noticed that he was staring at me.

"Sorry," he apologized. I turned to him after he said that.

"May" I started but stopped. "never mind, it's stupid." I started walking again.

"Wait no," he said catching up and taking my hands in his. I stared down at our hands. "just say it...anything on your mind at all." I looked up at his face. I wish I could see his face. If he had a pleading expression or not I didn't know.

"Will you...I mean you don't have to..." I paused still looking at him. "Say your sorry again?" I saw the little wrinkles in his mask, indicating that he was smiling.

"I'm sorry." My heart tugged.

"Again?" I asked.

"I'm sorry." My heart got yanked from where it stood and I hugged him. He put his arms around me and I slowly rocked back and forth, my head resting on his shoulder.

"Please, just this once, say you're sorry for everything that you ever did to hurt me?" I questioned feeling odd about it afterward. I could feel the warm tickle sensation when he spoke.

"I'm sorry, for everything I ever did to hurt you," he whispered into my ear.

"I think I'm falling in love with you..." I whispered, not noticing I said it out loud.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing, thank you." He was still smiling.

"You're welcome." I had an arm around my stomach. I smiled and waved as he left away from the apartment. I slowly opened the door and closed my eyes as I leaned against the back of the door.

"Kakashi, what am I going to do with you?" I asked myself.

"He really likes you, you know." I jumped and my eyes flew open.

"Sasuke, what are you doing here! Where's Naruto?" I questioned quickly. He rolled his eyes, still leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room.

"He's out with Sakura some where, I managed to get away," he responded coolly. I breathed again at the sound of good news.

"That's good," I replied happy to breath again.

"He really does like you, though." I stared at him awkwardly before walking up to him.

"Sasuke, life is always more difficult than it seems..." I said pausing. "Life finds a way to take a single frayed hem and make it into a tare...then even when you try to patch the tare it's just never is the same as the original fabric." His eyes hardened.

"You have no idea," he said harshly before turning and leaving the room. I watched him as he left.

"Sasuke, I might not know exactly what you feel, but I do know it hurts," I responded to him quietly, fully aware that he could hear me. "If ever you just need a shoulder, I'm here. No questions asked." It was completely silent for a few moments.

"I don't and will never need a shoulder to cry on. That is for the weak, the strong do not need such stupid things." It was bitter and every word was dripping with venom at the tip. It dug into my fluttery heart.

"Sometimes it's because the weak had a shoulder that they became strong," I replied before he slammed the front door. I leaned up against the wall with my chest to the wall. I let my hair down and cried there. My heart's a mess, I thought to myself.

"A tare that will never be the same."


I turned the light on. Boy, it's been a while. The whole house was covered in a layer of thick dust. I couldn't help but cough as I opened the closet. I've got some cleaning to do, I thought to myself. I started by opening all the windows. I was blinded by the light that came into the house. Then started the dusting. By noon the house was completely clean. I grabbed my wallet and headed into the village.

"A large turkey please," I said handing her the cash. She handed me the change and I went to the next shop. I grabbed a sack of potatoes, bread, and wine. Then when my shopping was finished I headed back to the house. Then I began the cooking. While the turkey was cooking in the oven I changed the table cloth and put a nice orange and brown one on. I set the table for three people and put the candles on the table.

I could almost see my aunt cooking the turkey while my uncle was trying to find the right place to put the silverware. I saw my younger self pulling up a chair to reach the counter.

"Can I help?"

"Sure you can, deary."

"What can I do?"

"Can you set down the napkins on the table? You know Sabuto has trouble with it." I smiled at my auntie.

"Of course I will!"

"I can do it," he mumbled.

"The forks are on the wrong side."

"It works fine either way."

I picked myself up off the ground and went back into the village. I went to the very same flower shop I had worked at just recently.

"Hey Ino, I came to get some flowers."

"For anyone special?" she asked smirking.

"No, well...yeah." She giggled.

"I hope you have a great dinner together," she said handing me the flowers.

"Thanks," I replied before turning. I walked to the front of the flower shop, but stopped right before running into a familiar jounin with his head down in his book. He lifted his head to look at me, his one visible eye looking at me.

"Oh hey, Uindo."

"Hi Kakashi." We just stood there for a moment before I could see the wrinkles in his mask.

"Are you doing anything special for thanksgiving?" he questioned.

"Oh, yeah, I'm having a meal with my aunt and uncle."

"Oh," he nodded trying to hide the disappointment.


"Can you wait right there a minute? Don't move," he said before passing me. I did as I was told. "Close your eyes."

"They're closed." After a minute I felt someone grip my hand. He started walking and I followed suit. I had no idea where we were going, suddenly forgetting all my ninja senses. He stopped after a while

"Ready?" he asked.

"Ready," I confirmed.

"Open your eyes." I did as I was told and opened them. We were in the middle of a open field. The long golden colored grass was blowing with the breeze. My attention was taken away from me when I saw the flowers in front of Kakashi's face. His mask in my hand along with his leaf head band. His sharingan eye was watching me as I tried not to stare.

"Can I...?" I said lifting my hands to the flowers. Kakashi didn't move, so I closed my eyes and spread the flowers apart. Then slowly brought my face closer to his.

"Can I...?" he replied and I slowly nodded my head. He brought his lips to mine and gently kissed me once. Then I stepped back and let the flowers go back in front of his face. When I opened my eyes again I realized what kind of flowers they were- daisies.

"What's your favorite flower?" He asked. I thought for a moment. Smiling when I found my answer.

"A daisy," I said.

"Wasn't expecting that," He said. I looked over at him.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Most girl's say roses," He said. I sighed.

"I'm not like most girls..." I said. He chuckled.

"Yeah, I figured that out," He responded.

"No roses?" I kidded and he chuckled.

"You're not like most girls." I smiled.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Kakashi."

"Happy Thanksgiving, Uindo."