A Little Brown Journal

Young Woman

Just like Sasuke had decided the night prior, he headed to the academy first thing in the morning. Granted, he didn't know much about this girl, but he would just look for a quiet girl that looked like she could have an abusive father. On the way there Sasuke decided it couldn't hurt to learn more about her and began to read some more.

April 25th


I am really ugly, aren't I? How come you never told me? Daddy called me ugly the other day and hit me. It made me cry and then he got really mad at me because I cried. He told me I didn't deserve to be heiress and that I would be better off dead. I cut my hair because I was upset about it. I wanted dad to think of me as strong and smart but he just made fun of me and now he calls me a boy. Neji is mad at me. I don't know why. I asked if he would train with me but he just told me to get some fancy jounin to teach me. But fancy sounds expensive and I don't have money. I made a new friend at the accademy, though! His name is Kiba something. He's very nice. I think you will like him. He has brown spikey hair and brown eyes. He's got these red fang-like marks on his face. I think it is a family thing. You know, like our eyes. Isn't that cool? I finally met someone I have something in common with!

Love you,

Your daughter

Friends with Kiba at the academy? Kiba hadn't gone to the academy in years. That's when a thought crossed his mind: This wasn't the journal written by a young girl. The girl used to be young. But who ever this girl was she was now his age. He was in Kiba's class which means that this girl must have been in his class. He rubbed his temples as he tried to think of the different girls in his class.

"Sasuke?" Iruka said trying to get his attention. "Sasuke?"

"What?" Sasuke said threateningly; annoyance shown on his face.

"I brought the files of the kids that are in the academy at the moment. You said you wanted them," Iruka explained.

"Never mind," was all Sasuke said before turning on his foot and leaving the building. Iruka just stood there looking at the files. Now he would have to put them all back away. In alphabetical order. Oh how Iruka hated alphabetical order. Why couldn't they be in numerical order? Oh, because they don't have numbers in their names. Iruka meandered off to put them away.

It isn't here! Hinata was frantically searching the park for her journal. It was no where to be found. She had searched the park three times with no luck. Hinata felt tears prickle at her eyes as she sat herself down on a bench. The only thing she had that reminded her of her mother…and she lost it. Nice job, Hinata. She scolded herself.

She let a few tears drop as she thought about what she would write in the journal if she had it. She would write about her father and not wanting to be heiress. She would write about her sister. Her sister should be heiress. She's so much better than me, Hinata thought as she played with the bottom of her jacket.

The only reason she was still heiress was because her family was so bent on tradition. If Hinabi did become the clan head, than Hinata would become part of the branch family—and…she'd get a curse seal on her head. She wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"You really are ridiculous." A tall figure plopped itself down beside her. She stared at him.

"What?" Sasuke asked defensively. "It's a f***ing public park." Hinata wanted to get him to stop cursing so much. Being brought up as heiress made fowl language annoy her. Not to mention that she had never liked cursing.

"N-n-nice to see you, U-uchiha-san," she said to him politely.

"Don't waste your words if it's going to take you an hour to say them," Sasuke spat as he leaned back and closed his eyes. Hinata felt her own anger flicker at him but she ignored it.

"I-I'm sorry." Sasuke opened one eye and looked at her, an annoyed expression on his face.

"Why the he—?" Hinata cut Sasuke off before he could finish his curse word and question.

"P-please do not s-swear in my p-presence!" she said barely raising her voice. She blushed at her sudden courage. Sasuke put his hands in his pockets.

"Why the—heck—"he exaggerated on the heck. "Do you apologize for something like that? It's idiotic." Hinata wanted desperately to gash out the man's eyes, but found that very un-lady like, very un-heiress like, and very un-Hinata like. She frowned at herself. Why did he annoy her so much?

"E-excuse me," she said as she stood as furious looking as she could and stomped off. She knew she probably didn't look threatening and was probably acting horribly, but she hoped she got the point across. Leave me alone! He was wounding her already hurt self-confidence.

She stomped all the way home. Hinabi didn't ask her what was wrong as she slammed the sliding door of the room shut. Odd, Hinabi thought. That's very uncharacteristic of her. She must be on her monthly cycle, Hinabi assumed. Her sensei had told her a little about it a while ago. Hinabi feared the day she would get it and start acting so impulsively.

"Father!" she yelled as she ran to find him. She needed to know more about this! She could not be unprepared! Could not be seen as weak! She knew it would be a very awkward situation, though. Perhaps she should ask another girl? But who? She wondered as she looked at the just previously shut door. Certainly not! She said as she herself stomped away.