A Little Brown Journal

Different Personality

Clear eyes opened and searched around them. Hinata's eye browns knotted in confusion. Where was she? She attempted to sit up she felt pain pulse through her body. She clutched her stomach with one of her hands. What had—? The events from earlier rushed through her mind. Sasuke Uchiha.

She hated that name. Ugh. She tried to stand but ended up in a coughing spree. She couldn't stop. She gasped as she saw blood her hands. The hands she was covering her mouth with. She needed a bathroom! She rushed out of the room and down the halls. Where could a bathroom be?

Sasuke gritted his teeth as he walked down the main hall with a glass of water in his hand. He could not believe he was lowering to such levels. A sudden crash against him caught him off guard. He spun on his left foot and did a 180 before grabbing the person who had run into him and the glass that had slipped from his hands.

He looked down annoyed at the girl who looked up at him with wide eyes. "U-um, I-I u-uh y-you…I b-bathroom…um…" The Hyuuga bit her lip and took a deep breath. "H-Hello?" She was still in his hold and he let go and handed her the glass.

"Just don't spill it," he said before turning away and walked down the stairs. He wanted that girl gone. NOW. It was weird having other people in his house. He hadn't had other people in his house for years. He wasn't about to go around changing that.

He walked straight out of the house. He knew he needed to train. He couldn't stay in that house without something or someone getting hurt. He stopped mid-step as a thought occurred to him. Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi were away on a mission now. Who could he train with? He could annoy an unfortunate shinobi? Or, he thought as his gaze went to the house behind him, he could train wither.

Who was he kidding? He wasn't even being serious yesterday when they were 'fighting'. She would definitely annoy him more. But…he thought as he began to walk in the direction of the house...annoying her is so entertaining.

"Eek!" Hinata had dropped the glass and knocked down all of his containers on the sink. She bent down to pick up the glass first. Where to put it? She was hyperventilating. Think! There was glass shattered all over the floor. Right after he told her not to spill it!

Hinata bent down and grabbed a few shampoo containers. Why did he have so many? He did have very silky looking hair, though. Hinata looked at her own hair. Her hair looked dead in comparison. Like grass that was cut a week before. The mess! She reminded herself. She put the shampoo containers above the shower where they were before. Then she bent down for the conditioners.

"Ouch!" she said as a piece of glass came in contact with her finger. She ignored the blood and put it on the shower. She picked up the base of the glass, which was the only part of the glass still in one piece, and began to put other pieces of glass in it. She ignored each time a piece of glass pricked her hand.

She dropped the cup of glass as she rushed to the toilet to throw up more blood. Darn it! Hinata took quick breaths as she was hunched over the white porcelain toilet. I need a medic nin, she thought before throwing up even more blood. I'm going to die from blood lose. "What a stupid way to die, Hinata." She scolded herself.

"Do you always talk to yourself?" she turned quickly to see Sasuke leaning on the door frame. Her cheeks changed color in embarrassment.

"I-I-I didn't m-mean to drop or s-spill or…I-I am sorry. I-I'll clean it up!" Hinata kneeled and began to pick up pieces of glass all over again.

"Hnn," Sasuke said as he watched her. "You don't stutter when you talk to yourself." Her eyes widened but she kept picking up the glass. "Do you always stutter, Hinata? Or am I that scary?"

"I-I'm not s-scared of you…" she told him. He chuckled darkly at her.

"Don't flatter yourself. I can feel your fear coming off of you in large waves," Sasuke said and she stood with the glass in her hand. Hinata took three steps toward him so that he was directly in front of her. She ignored the small pieces of glass that were now in her feet. He was looking down at her and she looked straight up in his eyes.

"You. Do. Not. Scare. Me. You. Bastard," Hinata said to him. She didn't move after that. This time Sasuke's eyes widened. That was the last thing he expected. She had sworn and not stuttered in one sentence. What happened to shy little Hinata Hyuuga? What is this different personality? He smirked bending down to her level.

"Is that true?" he said taunting her.

"I just said it." His smirk stayed on his face as his hands went to the bottom of her shirt. Her eyes widened in fear. He began to pull it up and she started struggling against him; trying to push him and pull his hands off of her. He had it lifted half way when he saw dark purple bruises littering her skin. He dropped it automatically.

Hinata whimpered before bringing her hand to her mouth and coughing. Sasuke was frozen in his spot. She grabbed a near by towel and covered her mouth with is as she hunched over and coughed.

Sasuke couldn't move or speak…or do anything. Where had those bruises come from? Had they come from him? He put a hang through his dark hair and sighed. "Hinata, I'm taking you to the hospital."

"No!" came her rushed response.

"Yes, I am and you're not going to fight."

"Y-yes I w-will." Her shy self was back, he thought as he lifted her up into his arms. "I'll hit your c-chakra p-points so you'll d-d-die." Sasuke ignored her as he carried her out of his house.

"Please?" she said and he stopped. "P-please don't t-take me there. T-they can't help m-me. I c-can heal m-myself." What was her thing against hospitals?

"Fine," he sighed. He turned around and set her down on the porch of his house. She stumbled a few times before standing up straight and walking cautiously into his house. She sat down onto his couch and put her hand over her stomach. Her hand began to glow green and she closed her eyes and took deep breaths as she healed herself. Sasuke watched from the doorway.

"What happened to you?" Sasuke was not dumb. He knew that one kick couldn't hurt internal organs. She bit her lip.

"N-neji-san, during c-chunin ex-xams…h-he hurt me…b-badly. I haven't h-healed since t-then." Sasuke remembered that battle. Neji had practically beaten her to death. Sasuke went to the kitchen and pulled out a packet of ice from his freezer. It felt weird having someone walking the halls. It felt weird having another presence in his house.

Sasuke didn't know what to do so he just stood in the doorway again. He felt that he should leave while he could so he gave her the packet of ice before slipping out the door. "T-thank you." He turned around to look at her. What was he supposed to do? Say you're welcome? Che, hell no.

"Hnn." He began to walk away with his hands in his pockets. He wanted to get out of his house; out of her presence. He needed to find Naruto to train. He would get no where trying to train with a permanently hurt Hyuuga girl.