A Little Brown Journal

Become a New Person

As soon as Sasuke left, Hinata stopped pretending to heal herself. She knew that neither she nor anyone at the hospital would be able to heal it enough to live normally. She would have to go to the Hyuuga Elders. No, she would not go to them for help.

Hinata lifted herself off of the couch and tried to keep her balance as she left the house. She tripped when her foot connected with a rock. She went face first into the dirt path.

She wished she had her journal. She wished she hadn't lost it. If she had it right now she would be perfectly fine. Without her journal she felt like she was utterly alone. She sat on the ground and wrapped her arms around her to try to protect herself from the loneliness that was sneaking upon her.

Pretty soon her sister would be clan head and she would become a branch member. She knew she would be looked down upon by both the main family and the branch family. The main family would look down on her for rejecting the title of clan head and the branch family would look down on her because she was supposed to be a main family member.

Hinata felt sorrow make her throat clench. No one; she would have no one. Hinabi would be busy being clan head and would go into her side like her father's. Neji, well Hinata really didn't now about Neji. He had never really liked her. Just recently he started being not hostile to her.

Perhaps Neji would look down on her like the rest of the branch house. Or perchance he would have pity on her. Maybe he would befriend her because she became a branch member. Pity? Why was pity the only thing that got Hinata any where in life? She sighed. She didn't want to be the way she was. She wished she was strong and smart. She wished she was brave. She wished her mother was still there for her. Maybe then….

"I don't need you!" Hinata screamed as tears ran down her face. She didn't want to have to rely on her mom. Her mom was gone. Forever. She wasn't going to magically come back. Move on, Hinata. "I don't need anyone…"

Hinata slowly rose as tears were still falling from her eyes. She didn't need her family. She didn't her "friends". She didn't need anyone's pity. She didn't want it! She rose complete and began again on her way home. That's when Hinata decided she was not going to rely on anyone anymore. She decided she was going to become a new person. A person she had always wanted to be and had only been in her dreams.

"Damn!" Sasuke said. He had forgotten that Naruto was on a mission. Why did Hinata's presence feel so weird? He didn't care. She was gone out of his house and wasn't going to come back anytime soon. That he was sure of.

He plopped down on his couch and pulled the journal out of his pocket. It had been a while since he opened it. He actually kind of forgot about it.


February 14th


I refuse to go about handing out valentines. Everyone is expecting me to give one to Naruto but truth is I don't like him. I never really did. It was all so no one would know or pester me about liking the Uchiha. I don't like him! I won't admit to it to anyone…he just looks so lonely. He looks like me all the times I have crawled into a corner and shut out the world. Except he looks like he is trying to shut it out with showing anyone he is trying to. Maybe that is why I got a crush on him? It can not be his looks that caught my attention. Someone's body is only the thing shielding the heart.

I mastered a move I have been working on for a long time. I learned how to pull someone's chakra out of their body by just touching their skin. The only problem I had was that I was unable to mix the other person's chakra and my own chakra together so I could use it. Every time I tried the move it would make my internal organs bleed again. Internal organs bleeding cause a lot of pain. It is no walk in the park. However, after lots of lost blood, some fainting, and a few heart failures I got the move down. I don't know when I'll use it, though. I would never do it against an opponent.

Hopefully the move I am trying to create now will be easier on my heart. I'm trying to pull energy from around me and using it to spread around me like a quick shield. I haven't mastered it yet. Honestly, I haven't even gotten close to it. Perhaps it is impossible.

Perchance if I do well enough father will not be so displeased with me. If he sees the moves I created…will he be overjoyed or displeased? My moves aren't special. I can't win a fight. I will probably never be able to win a fight. I should be going, it is getting late and father will be unhappy if I stay out late.

Good bye for now,

Your Daughter


A move that makes you gain chakra? Who ever this person is, she must have a lot of endurance. Hell, she must not need endurance! She could win a fight easily by just lasting longer! The second move idea is crazy. Sasuke had never heard of such a thing. Chakra in the area around you? It makes sense, Sasuke thought as he flipped through the pages absent mindedly

He stopped flipping the pages when bold letters caught his attention. The hand writing was sloppier than normal and the writing looked rushed. Sasuke eyed it oddly. What had happened?



I feel as if I have no purpose now. Do I have a purpose? What am I supposed to do? I'm tired of just sitting here! I'm tired of being useless! I don't want to be the weak, hurt, little Hyuuga anymore! I heard of a technique that removes our Hyuuga eyes. I can hand the position for clan head over to sister. She can become the clan head. I can have the technique done on me and no one would even care that I would be gone! They wouldn't notice. I heard that it has high risks, though. On some cases people never got their sight back.

I would rather that than being a caged bird my whole life! I will not be the perfect heiress they want. I can't be. Not physically, emotionally, or anything of the sort. It was cruel of fate to put me in such a position.

Right now I just want to run…to run and never come back. I want to forget who I am supposed to be and be whoever I want to be. I just want to be free.

But it's not possible,

Your Daughter


Sasuke felt a feeling of acceptance wash over him. This girl, she was just like him. Only he had left. He had left all of his "potential" behind in Kohona and went to Orochimaru. Granted, with Orochimaru it was not that much better. But at least they weren't raising expectations for him. He had run and was forced to come back. In the end he gave up and stayed.

Sasuke pulled on his jacket and rushed out the door. Hyuuga; whoever was heiress was the girl he was looking for, and her last name was Hyuuga. He shut the door behind him and went to where he knew every Hyuuga lived—the Hyuuga compound.