Yet another love story

Take It All

I watched the clock tick-tock slowly. The day was almost at its end, and I’m happy to say it was. I bit my lip, waiting for the bell to ring, signaling to leave this hell of a school.

Ring! Ring!

School is out, well for the day. Only ten more ‘fake a fuckin’ smile’ days to go through. Yip-Dee-fucking-do.

Just ten more days, Skylar.

Everyone rushed out the room, running like animals. I was shoved and told to ‘get out of the way fat ass!’ I sighed and picked up my stuff and began my walk to my house. I didn’t even wait for Amber. I just wanted to go home, and sleep. Dreaming was the only place I could truly go to, to escape from this hell hole.

I got to the corner of the school, and saw Amber. She was paying attention to Damien. They were heavily making out. I looked down, shook my head and continued my walk to my house. It was creepy to be watching people make out, let alone that person being my best friend.

I shivered from the thought.

I walked still toward my house. These walks were getting longer and longer, and more girls and guys screaming out there cars calling me a ‘fat ass.’

Ah, the joys of high school.

I didn’t even bother to turn anymore. They were idiots and I don’t pay attention to them. I just continued my walk, until I got to the front of my house.

I stared at the front door that was left ajar. I walked up the steps quietly and gently pushed the door open. The creak of the door was louder then ever. I tried to put the light on, it blinked a couple times but finally I saw everything.

And I mean everything.

Paper was scattered on the floor. Picture frames were broken, the glass scattered on the carpet. The sofa ripped to shreds, the stuff inside out it was torn out. The wall were scratched and ripped. The tables and chairs were thrown all over the place.

I walked down the hall, stepping over the paper and glass.

“Mom?” My heart sank, not knowing where she was or is in the house. I really hope she wasn't home.

Thump. Thump.

I looked in the bathroom that was the closest to me. Searching for that noise I just heard.

I walked down the hall a couple more steps. Trying to be ever so quiet, trying not to step on the glass.

Thump. Thump.

There it was again! What the fuck is that?

Thump. Thump.

It grew closer as I went more down the hall.


I stopped in the middle of the hall, looking around, and hearing for the next sound.


I ducked to the floor, hearing a gun fire was not what I expected. I kneeled on glass; a shard went into my skin. I bit my tongue trying not to scream. Unsure who pulled the trigger, and who was dead.

I quietly got up, and dumb to say, I went to go look where the gun shot came from.

I got to the back room of the hall, and gently opened the door. What I found made me fall to my knees.

My mother,

Pale skin,

Eyes blood shot and open,

A giant hole on the side of her head, blood oozing out.

The gun was still placed in her hand, along side with a note. I wasn’t sure if I should pick it, for police might think it was me with my finger prints on it and say I killed my mother.

I was in utter shock. Still didn’t move from my place.

I heard a police siren; I was dazed to even know they were there.

Someone touched my shoulder, and I just screamed and screamed until I collapsed to the floor.

I lost everything.

My home.

My mother who committed suicide for no god damn reason.

One friend in which I didn’t talk to, because she had Damien.

Who did I have?

No one.

Shit, I should do what my mom did. Pull the trigger to my head and be done with it.

But no.

Unlike her I’m not weak, even though I’m tormented and hurt everyday; I won’t give up so easily on life.

I have something to live for. I don’t know what it is, but I can feel it in my heart…
♠ ♠ ♠
Take it all by Adele<3.
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Will update soon! C: