Lunar's Curse


“Did you see that? She like—just burst into flames in front of me! It was probably the coolest thing I've ever seen—not to mention the grossest but still! You don't see that everyday outside of movies!”

Again the ever attention amorous Justine Anderson declared this to the whole world—or at least to anyone who would listen. Claire Peters, on the other hand, couldn't find it in her to care much about how the Vampires died or how cool it was.

“Myra ditched us,” was all that came out of Claire's throat.

Justine rolled her eyes, still bent on straightening her blonde hair. “Yeah, I know, what a bitch. Okay, that was a joke. Don't tell Myra I said that.”

The truth was, behind all the extravagant one-woman shows she put on, Justine was secretly angry at Myra for leaving her here—not to mention a little afraid.

“The Vampires are dying,” Claire said, kicking the cobblestone rubble at her feet. One second the moon had turned brighter and then next—the walls of the King's castle had crumbled and the Vampires and wolfen creatures all screamed while they burst into flames and died. Claire and Justine had miraculously survived the falling of the castle.

“Been planning to see what Myra's bracelet does—” Justine was abruptly cut off my Claire jerking her arm. “Hey! Watch it!”

“What do we do?” Claire asked her, her eyes wide.

“Why don't you let me try this out first?” Justine said, rolling her eyes. She concentrated on the image of a super cool weapon being held in her hand and her being able to masterfully swing it properly—a thin sword. The harder she concentrated, the more it came into view.

And there—it appeared in thin arm, manifesting itself in Justine's hand and she smiled. Claire just stared at her.

“Vampire hunting, anyone?” Seeing Claire's confused expression, Justine let out an exasperated sigh. “You know, there's a TV show about it called—”

Claire held up her hand to stop Justine and she smiled. “Count me in.”

~ E N D
♠ ♠ ♠
So while this may not have been my favourite project, I'll still miss the characters. Especially Justine. :) If you're one of the amazing people who comments/review, which character did you like best? Not asking for criticism because I can already spot many, many issues with this story. :P