Status: 30 Day Letter Challenge

Dear You, Sincerely Me

Day One. Your Best Friend.

Dear Katie,

It really sucks that you had to move almost a year ago. I really, really miss you. I loved spending every second I possibly could with you. I especially loved it when I lived up the street from you. You helped me come out of my shell. No longer a quiet little girl, but a girl who is somewhat noticed. Of course, I'm not like a prep. Just an "emo" kid who isn't afraid to speak up for herself. I love how we played Sponge Bob Square Pant games that weren't really long because we have really short attention spans. And three a.m. If only people understood what happens then. I really wish I could see you again. Talking over the internet and phone just isn't the same. Writing this is making me like seriously depressed so maybe I should stop... I love you, Katie.
